Cheese and jelly cake - the best dessert without baking! Recipes of vanilla, fruit, chocolate cottage cheese and jelly cakes

Cheese and jelly cake - the best dessert without baking! Recipes of vanilla, fruit, chocolate cottage cheese and jelly cakes

Jelly cakes are special. They are beautiful, bright, rich and very useful, because they consist exclusively of natural products. Often the basis is cottage cheese. What else can I add?

Cheesecake jelly cake - general cooking principles

Gelatin for cakes, you can use ordinary or instant. Some recipes require ready-made jelly bags. If you do not specifically specify the taste or color, you can choose at your discretion. Gelatin is filled with cool water, then infused until complete swelling. After that, it is melted and mixed with other ingredients.

What makes cakes:

• curd or curd mass;

• fruits, berries;

• sour cream, yogurt;

• sugar;

• chocolate, cocoa, vanilla;

• biscuit, cookies.

Form the dessert in bowls, which are usually covered with cling film or foil. You can use the split form. Cheesecake cakes on gelatin take time to cure, usually it takes from 3 to 6 hours.

Simple curd jelly cake with strawberries

Variant of the amazing curd jelly cake without baking. Strawberries are best used fresh and dense. From these products you get a large enough dessert for 10 servings.


• 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;

• 0.5 kg sour cream;

• 20 g of gelatin;

• 160 g of powder;

• 700 g strawberries.


1. Cottage cheese and sour cream is better to take out on the table in advance, let stand, we need food at room temperature.

2. Mix 0.5 standard glasses of water and gelatin. Set aside so that the pellets swell. Oriented by the time specified in the instructions.

3. Wash strawberries, leave to drain the liquid.

4. Mix sour cream with powdered sugar and add cottage cheese to them, beat with a blender until homogeneous.

5. Put the swollen gelatin in the microwave. Heat first 15 seconds, then stir and heat again 15 seconds. If suddenly the mixture does not melt, you can repeat the third time. 6. Pour the gelatin into the curd cream, stir intensively, fill the base with vanilla.

7. Free dried strawberries from the tips, spread them in an even layer on the bottom of a stained bowl.

8. Pour curd cream. If the berries are left, scatter and slightly deepen, so that they do not stick out.

9. Leave the jelly treat for 4 hours in the refrigerator, then cover the bowl with a flat dish, turn the cake over.

Cheesecake jelly cake with cherries (based on)

For a cherry curd jelly cake, a base is required. Of course, you can bake a full-fledged cake, but here cookies are used, we take simple shortcake pores such as “Baked milk”, “Jubilee”.


• 600 g of cottage cheese;

• 15 g of gelatin;

• 250 g of biscuits;

• 70 g of oil;

• 1 can of condensed milk;

• 400 g cherries;

• 1 packet of cherry jelly.


1. We knead cookies in a crumb, it is possible to use the combine. Add the softened butter, start kneading. In the process we introduce several spoons of condensed milk. It should make a mass resembling dough. We spread on the bottom of a detachable form, level the cake, send it to the fridge.

2. Gelatin mix with 50 ml of plain water or cherry juice. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

3. Beat cottage cheese with the remaining condensed milk. If sweets are not enough, you can add sugar. Put the melted gelatin, stir.

4. We take out the cake from the refrigerator, pour the curd cream and send it to freeze for 2 hours. The mass should be dense so that the cherry does not fall into the cream.

5. We part jelly from a bag according to the instruction. You can take any other, if there is no cherry taste.

6. We take out the stones from the berries.

7. Spread the cherries on top of the curd mass, pour over diluted but not hot jelly. We send dessert to the fridge, we withstand it until it solidifies.

Cottage cheese and jelly cake “Chocolate” on sponge cake

To do this, you need a cake base biscuit, if you do not want to engage in baking, you can buy cake in the store.


• 2 eggs;

• 7 tablespoons of sugar;

• 5 tablespoons of flour.

For the curd layer: • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese;

• 0.4 kg sour cream;

• 3 tsp. gelatin;

• 1 chocolate bar;

• 1 spoon of cocoa;

• 1 tbsp. Sahara;

• 60 ml of water.


1. Cooking cake. Before the foam, beat the eggs, gradually pour sugar. As soon as it is completely dissolved, the mass will become lush and white, fall asleep flour. Pour into a detachable form, bake. Since the cake is thin, usually ten minutes is enough. Cooling down.

2. Pour gelatin into a bowl, add water, leave.

3. Whip cottage cheese, sour cream and cocoa with sugar, season with vanilla, set aside.

4. Remove the cooled cake from the mold, remove the paper and return it back.

5. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt half in the water bath, chop the rest into smaller pieces and pour it into the curd. Next pour out the melted mass, mix.

6. Now we melt the gelatin and pour it into the cottage cheese too.

7. It remains only to stir everything well, pour it into a detachable form on top of the cake, leave for 5-6 hours.

Cottage cheese and jelly cake “Broken glass” with biscuit

There are a lot of variants of “Broken glass” cake made from cottage cheese base This dessert is notable for its satiety, as there is biscuit in it. You can take one ready cake, cookies or bake according to any of the recipes.


• 200 g sponge cake;

• 3 bags of jelly of different colors;

• 300 g of cottage cheese;

• 600 g sour cream;

• 20 g of gelatin;

• 1 tbsp. Sahara.


1. Dilute the jelly by color separately, but pour water a little less than in the instructions. Pour on plates, layer by centimeter. Leave to freeze in the fridge.

2. Cut the biscuit into 2 cm cubes or break them into random pieces with your hands.

3. Dilute gelatin, pour no more than 100 ml of water to it.

4. We beat cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. Add melted gelatin.

5. We take out the frozen jelly, cut into pieces of arbitrary shape.

6. We cover a large bowl with a film, pour a layer of sour cream, lay out the jelly and biscuit pieces, pour the cream over again. And so on. Pour the rest of the curd mass from above.

7. We send dessert for 5 hours in the fridge, then “Broken glass” should be turned over onto a flat plate, remove the film.

Cheese-jelly cake “Broken glass” with fruit

A variant of a very bright and light curd-jelly cake, which is made without a sponge cake. To taste you can use other fruits.


• 2 bags of jelly;

• 400 g of cottage cheese;

• 20 g of gelatin;

• 1.5 Art. yogurt;

• 200 g strawberries;

• 200 grams of kiwi;

• 150 g Sakh. powder


1. According to the instructions, make jelly, leave it to full cure. It is better if it is of different colors, the dessert will turn out more beautiful.

2. Gelatin pour a small amount of water, about 70 ml, also leave to swell.

3. Whip curd with powder and yogurt. You can take yogurt, fruit or natural, a matter of personal taste.

4. Kiwi peel, cut into pieces up to two centimeters.

5. If the strawberry is small, then use it entirely. If the berries are large, then cut in half or quarters.

6. Cut the jelly. You can make pieces of arbitrary shape and size, but not very large.

7. Add melted gelatin to cottage cheese, carefully shake, then pour jelly and fruit. Stir.

8. We shift all this into a bowl covered with film. You can take a split form of small size. We are waiting for the dessert to set.

Cheese-jelly orange cake

This cake has a beautiful display. The dessert is very bright, sunny and fragrant.


• 1 bag of orange jelly;

• 3 oranges;

• 500 g of cottage cheese;

• 15 g of gelatin;

• 1 tbsp. sour cream;

• sugar to taste.


1. Dissolve orange or lemon jelly according to the instructions, cool and pour into a split form. You can use a bowl, but with a flat bottom. Put in the fridge to set.

2. Dilute until ordinary gelatin with 50 ml of water, let it swell.

3. Clear the oranges, cut into even circles up to 0.5 cm. You should get beautiful slices with sectors.

4. Put the mugs of oranges on the frozen jelly. Choose the most beautiful pieces.

5. Combine cottage cheese with sour cream, beat, add sugar to taste, add melted gelatin.

6. Carefully pour the oranges on top. We try not to move the pieces. 7. The remaining oranges can be cut smaller and scattered on top, slightly deeper into the curd. Send the cake to freeze.

Cheesecake jelly cake with gelatin cookies

Another simple cake recipe that does not require baking. Cookies can be used any, but better soft, it is possible with chocolate taste.


• 300 g biscuits;

• 400 g sour cream;

• 150 g of sugar;

• 1.5 Art. l gelatin;

• 100 g chocolate;

• 400 g of cottage cheese.


1. Combine gelatin and 50 g of cold water, stir, leave for 30 minutes.

2. Combine cottage cheese and sour cream, throw granulated sugar, stir. If necessary, the cake can be made sweeter.

3. Now you need to melt the gelatin, mix with cottage cheese.

4. Make a mold with cling film, make a curd layer about 0.5 cm.

5. Lay out a layer of cookies. Cottage cheese again, then biscuits. Pour the rest of the cream on top.

6. Put the cake to freeze.

7. Chocolate must be melted and cooled.

8. Remove the cake from the mold, turning it over on the dish. Pour with melted chocolate icing. Let us stand another quarter of an hour and the delicious dessert is ready!

Cheese-jelly cake - tips and tricks

• It is easier to heat the gelatin in the microwave, but in a water bath it is better.

• It is impossible to boil the jelly and the more boiled. Dessert after that does not freeze.

• If the cake does not want to freeze, this is no longer a fix. Option - spread out the mass in small bowls, decorate with grated chocolate, nuts, coconut chips and serve this dessert.

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