How to drink limoncello

How to drink limoncello

If you happen to be in Italy, you will almost certainly know the taste of the favorite alcoholic beverage of the locals - limoncello. This strong liqueur (30-45 degrees) is made from alcohol tincture on lemon zest and sugar syrup. Several Italian provinces claim the authorship of the recipe, so it can be considered a national treasure. Limoncello in this sunny country can be found as industrial production, and home. However, having brought home a bottle of such a drink or having purchased it in a store, our compatriots are often disappointed with its taste. The reason is not knowing how to drink limoncello. If you really want to taste Italian lemon liqueur, you need to get acquainted with the rules of its use.

Usage Features

Limoncello is often included in the composition of refreshing cocktails, used instead of syrup, pouring ice cream to them. However, in its pure form, this liqueur is good, if only to be able to drink it correctly. To do this, it is enough to observe how the Italians themselves do it.

  • Limoncello is drunk heavily chilled. To do this, it is placed in the freezer for an hour before the arrival of guests or for a longer period. A quality drink does not freeze when you are in the freezer for a longer time, but just in case you need to check it from time to time to make sure that it does not start to turn into ice - in this case limoncello will be irreparably damaged.
  • Spill limoncello in glasses, resembling in shape a champagne glass, but smaller. You can use the champagne glass itself or a similar one: elongated, on a high leg. It is important that the drink in it remains cold as long as possible. The glass itself, before filling it with limoncello, is also advisable to cool, by hiding it in the freezer until it is covered with a thin layer of ice.
  • Drink limoncello in small sips, slightly warming it up in the mouth. After swallowing the drink, exhale through the nose to feel its aroma and aftertaste. However, it is not worthwhile to stretch the tasting for a long time - you need to have time to empty the glass until it is completely thawed, otherwise the hostess will have to offer to pour the liqueur into a fresh glass.
  • The classic versions of limoncello contain a lot of sugar. Serve them after dinner. However, it is permissible to offer limoncello as not only a digestif, but also an aperitif, as it improves digestion and appetite. For this it is better to choose the least sweet varieties. Cocktails from limoncello can be served before or after dinner, as well as independent drinks separately from meals.

Italians do not have limoncello snacks, but this drink is strong enough, and if you offer him a light snack, you are unlikely to be accused of violating the culture of its use.

What to eat limoncello

Glasses with limoncello are often decorated with lemon slices or cocktail berries. You can have a drink with them, not having the reputation of ignorant.

In any Italian house, there is almost always fresh fruit on the table. They can also be used as a snack, without risking to violate etiquette.

It is permissible to eat limoncello with a slice of dark chocolate or ice cream. The remaining desserts are considered unsuitable for this purpose.

If limoncello seems too strong for you to drink it without a snack or with fruit alone, you may prefer lighter cocktails based on it.

Cocktail “Tangerine Dawn”


  • vermouth (preferably white) - 20 ml;
  • limoncello - 30 ml;
  • tangerine juice - 50 ml;
  • orange zest and cocktail cherry - for decoration;
  • ice - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Mix the drinks in a shaker with the addition of crushed ice, strain.
  • Put a couple of ice cubes on the bottom of the glass.
  • Fill a glass with a cocktail.
  • Decorate with cherries and orange peel spirals.

It is recommended to serve a cocktail in martini glasses, but you can use containers of other shapes.

Cocktail “Frosty Midday”


  • limoncello - 30 ml;
  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • mint - for decoration;
  • ice - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Mix vodka and lemon liqueur in a shaker with ice.
  • Strain and pour into a glass, on the bottom of which you place several ice cubes before it.
  • Decorate the glass with mint.

A cocktail made according to this recipe has a refreshing taste, but it turns out to be strong. This must be taken into account so that, by accident, not to drink it too much.

Cremoncello Cocktail


  • limoncello - 30 ml;
  • fatty cream - 30 ml.

Method of preparation:

  • Whip the cream until the consistency of the cream.
  • Pour limoncello into the glass, put whipped cream on top.

This cocktail is served with a straw and a spoon for ice cream.

Skittles Cocktail


  • lemon - 1 pc .;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • limoncello - 40 ml;
  • strawberries - 10 g;
  • honey syrup - 15 ml;
  • ice - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Wash well and dry lemon wipes. Cut off the top of the fruit and remove the pulp from it with a small spoon.
  • Squeeze the juice from the pulp, strain, measure the desired amount.
  • In a shaker, mix the syrup, liqueur and juice, adding a little ice and mashed strawberries with a fork.
  • Strain the resulting cocktail and fill the cavity inside the lemon with it.

The cocktail is distinguished not only by its original presentation, but also by its unique taste. Honey syrup can be made from honey, diluting it with water in a 1: 2 ratio and cooling. Strawberries can be used both fresh and frozen.

White Lemon Mulled Wine


  • dry white wine - 150 ml;
  • limoncello - 20 ml;
  • lemon peel - 20 g;
  • orange peel - 10 g;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • cardamom - 2 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Pour wine and lemon liqueur into a small ladle.
  • Heat over low heat without boiling.
  • Add honey. Stir to dissolve it.
  • Dip citrus fruits zest into the mug, add cardamom.
  • Warm up without boiling for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the mug from the heat. Pour the drink through a sieve into another container.
  • Carefully fill with an unusual mulled wine Irish glass.

Despite the fact that limoncello is taken to be icy, this drink, made on the basis of it, is served exclusively hot. You can decorate with a sprig of lemon grass or cinnamon sticks.

Mojitello Cocktail


  • limoncello - 20 ml;
  • white rum - 40 ml;
  • dry vermouth - 30 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 20 ml;
  • carbonated water without additives - 75 ml;
  • lime - 20 g;
  • mint - 10 g;
  • crushed ice - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Fill a tall glass with a third or a quarter with cracked ice.
  • Set aside some mint leaves for decoration. Place the rest in a glass.
  • Dip a piece of lime in a glass.
  • Crush mint and lime.
  • Pour in the sugar syrup first, then limoncello, then rum, and finally soda.
  • Stir with a bar spoon or straw.
  • Add some more crushed ice on top, garnish with mint leaves.

This cocktail belongs to the category of long drinks. Serve it in heybol (tall glass) with a straw.

Strong lemon liqueur limoncello originally from Italy. Here you can find it in almost every home. The drink can be drunk in pure form or used to make cocktails. Italians also pour ice cream instead of syrup.

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