Pancakes with sour milk are the most fluffy and ruddy. Learn the culinary secrets of cooking pancakes with sour milk

Pancakes with sour milk are the most fluffy and ruddy. Learn the culinary secrets of cooking pancakes with sour milk

Pancakes are a symbol of Russian cuisine. A recipe for their preparation, there are a great many.

Every Russian family has its own unique way of kneading dough for pancakes, passed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, today we have collected for you the most simple, as well as amazing recipes for cooking pancakes with sour milk.

Pancakes with sour milk - general cooking principles

Main ingredients - sour milk, flour, eggs. Despite the fact that the dough with sour milk is obtained with fermentation and excellent rises, in some recipes, yeast is added to the dough anyway.

In eggs sour hammered eggs, add sugar, salt. You can beat as usual a whisk, so a blender or a mixer. Gradually add flour. Give the dough to rise and bake ruddy pancakes. This is the main algorithm for cooking pancakes with sour milk. But each recipe has its own tricks and secrets of cooking dough for pancakes. So try, dare, create pancakes in our beautiful ways.

And you can serve this beautiful national dessert with condensed milk, sour cream, honey, jam, berries. As drinks, ideal tea, compote, fruit drink, fruit jelly.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes with Mysterious Sour Milk


• Sifted white flour (three items);

• Five pcs eggs;

• Liter of sour milk;

• Two tbsp of yeast;

• Sugar, salt;

• Vegetable oil).


  1. 200 grams of milk (sour) is poured into a dipper, it is heated and a bag of yeast is dissolved in it. Then add one hundred grams of flour. Hinder and leave to warm up (better to cover with a towel). When the dough comes up twice, add three cups of yoghurt and the rest of the ingredients in the recipe. Then beat and give the mass again to approach.
  2. If the consistency of the dough is thick, add some more yogurt to make it thin. Fry pancakes. First, on the one hand, turn and fry from the back side.

Pancakes with sour milk “Marya the Wizard”


• Six hundred grams of milk (sour);

• Six eggs (tables.);

• Four hundred grams of white flour;

• Four table. sugar beds;

• Salt;

• Butter.


  1. Using a blender or mixer, beat the yolks and whites, pour in sour warm milk. Sand and sugar are poured into the flour, combined with whipped egg yolks and milk. Beat another ten minutes.
  2. The consistency of the dough on these pancakes should be watery. Bake on a hot teflon pan. When the pancake is ready, use a knife to hook it off the edge of the pan, so that it can easily be removed, and shake it off the plate.

Pancakes with sour milk “Teschiny”


• Pshenich. sifted. flour (three tbsp);

• Three eggs (C2);

• Half a liter of milk - sour;

• Oil for dough and frying;

• Sugar - two or three spoons (table);

• Salt, tea soda, vanillin for baking.


  1. With sugar in a blender, whites and yolks are whipped. Pour in warm sour milk, add salt.
  2. Mix flour with vanilla for baking and soda in another dish. Add a mixture of sour milk with whipped yolk whites and sugar, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. The kettle is boiled and boiling water is gradually poured into the dough while stirring the dough with a wooden spoon. Pour some butter into the dough and start baking pancakes. When one side is fried, the pancake is gently turned over with a spatula and the second side is fried. Put a stack on a plate or a beautiful dish (if you plan to serve pancakes to guests). Served with sour cream, jam.

Pancakes with sour milk “Lazy”


• Five tablespoons of sour milk;

• Four Art flour;

• Four pieces of chicken eggs;

• Five table. sugar beds;

• 2 tbs of tea baking soda;

• Salt;

• Sunflower oil.


  1. The dough is kneaded with a blender or mixer, all actions must be carried out quickly. Beater whisk milk with whites, yolks.
  2. Pour sugar, salt, pour in oil. Stir the wheat flour with soda, pour the milk and continue to beat another ten or fifteen minutes.
  3. Immediately after kneading the dough, begin to bake pancakes.

Pancakes with sour milk “Morning and evening”


• Wheat flour (three tablespoons);

• Five eggs;

• Four tablespoons of sour milk;

• One bag of (dry) yeast;

• Salt, granulated sugar;

• Five table. cocoa beds;

• Fifty grams of butter (cream);

• Ghee.


  1. Knead the dough of two ingredients (except cocoa).
  2. Give the dough twice to rise, separating half the dough. This part is mixed with cocoa.
  3. Fry pancakes in a pancake pan with melted butter. The dough is poured into the ladle in turn - first from one container, then from another bowl. You should have a slide of striped pancakes.
  4. Served “Morning and Evening” pancakes with cream, sour cream, jam.

Pancakes with sour milk “Light”


• Sour milk (three tablespoons);

• Two stacks. cream;

• Flour (sifted) - two hundred grams;

• Four pieces (table) eggs;

• Salt, sugar;

• Two hundred grams (buckwheat) flour;

• Two teas. lie tea soda;

• Juice of half a lemon;

• Oil for dough and frying.


  1. The cream is poured into the warm yogurt.
  2. Knead the dough: a pound of flour, protein, yolks, salt and baking soda. Leave the dough to come up for a few minutes.
  3. Before baking pancakes, the juice is squeezed from a half of a lemon into the dough. They bake pancakes in a skillet, smearing it with butter. In the process of frying pancakes turn.
  4. For convenience and to save time, you can use two pans at once.

Pancakes with sour milk “In winter”


• Sour milk (three cups);

• Flour - two glasses;

• Seven proteins (egg);

• Fifty grams of granulated sugar;

• Salt;

• Ghee.


  1. Wheat sifted flour is mixed with sour milk and salt.
  2. Beat with a blender or mixer until smooth.
  3. Proteins are cooled and whipped with sugar into air foam. Mix the dough with protein foam.
  4. Bake pancakes on a hot pan, greasing it with butter. The dough is poured into a pot.

Pancakes on sour milk “With carrot cake”


• Flour (three hundred to four hundred grams);

• Three pcs. chicken eggs (C1);

• Yeast bag;

• Sour milk - two cups;

• Salt, granulated sugar;

• Butter;

• Two hundred grams of carrot.


  1. Yeast is poured into sour milk at room temperature. After their dissolution add flour.
  2. Then add the whites and yolks. Salt and knead the dough, let it stand in a warm place.
  3. At this time, clean the carrot and coarsely rub it. Put the carrot in a saucepan, add thirty grams of clarified butter, four spoons of granulated sugar and stew for twenty minutes. It turns out carrot rush. It is mixed with dough and baked pancakes.
  4. It is better to grease a griddle with peeled potatoes, put it on a fork and put it in melted butter.

Pancakes on sour milk according to grandma's recipe


• One egg;

• Four tea l sugar;

• Two and a half Art. milk (sour);

• Salt, soda;

• Two Art. white flour;

• Five table l. oils.


  1. Eggs are whipped with a blender with granulated sugar, salted, added soda and poured vegetable oil. Stir and gradually, without haste, pour half a cup of wheat flour.
  2. After that, pour in half a glass of sour milk, but warm, mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
  3. Then two more times pour half a cup of flour, stir and pour half a cup of sour milk.
  4. The last time I repeat the whole procedure in the same order and volume, except for the already whole glass of yogurt.
  5. The pan is heated on a strong gas, greased and fried pancakes.

Pancakes on sour milk with a surplus


• Wheat flour (3 tbsp.);

• Four pieces of chicken eggs;

• 2 bags of yeast (sixty grams);

• Salt, granulated sugar;

• Three glasses of milk - sour;

• Fifty grams of oil;

• Green onions;

• Four boiled eggs.


  1. Knead the dough in a sponge manner.
  2. Green onions and hard-boiled eggs are chopped. Then add butter to the chopped onion.
  3. Pripek ready! It is mixed with dough and baked pancakes.
  4. Bake pancakes on each side on average gas. Served with sour cream.

Pancakes with buckwheat sour milk


• Sour milk (two glasses);

• flour (buckwheat) - two glasses;

• Four eggs;

• 2 bags of yeast (50 grams);

• Salt, granulated sugar;

• Sunflower oil;

• Three hundred grams (onion).


  1. Knead the dough on yogurt in a shameful way.
  2. The onions are peeled, finely chopped, and fried.
  3. Then a tablespoon of onion roasting is spread on a hot frying pan with butter, the dough is poured into a spoon and baked a pancake on one side only.
  4. Every pancake is baked this way. Put them in a pile on a dish.

Pancakes with Sour Milk “Fishermen's”


• Sifted flour (two glasses);

• Four hundred grams of potatoes;

• Three Art. sour milk;

• Fifty grams or two bags of yeast;

• Salt;

• One table. sugar beds;

• Sunflower oil.


  1. Yeast is poured into warm, sour milk, sifted flour is added, and mixed.
  2. Then salt and sugar, continue to beat.
  3. Potatoes are peeled, ground on a grater and added to the dough. Leave the dough in a warm place.
  4. Then pancakes are fried in sunflower oil in a hot frying pan.

Pancakes with “Lush” sour milk


• Five glasses of flour;

• Five glasses of sour milk;

• Five eggs;

• Five table. sand beds (sugar); • Fifty grams of yeast;

• Two Chin. lodges of salt;

• One hundred grams of butter (butter).


  1. Two glasses of warm sour milk are poured into a bowl and the yeast is poured into it. Add three glasses of sifted flour, stir. Leave them warm for about forty minutes. Wait until the opara increase in volume three times.
  2. Salt, sugar, milk and the rest of the flour are added to the finished brew. Stir and again leave in the heat for about thirty to twenty minutes.
  3. After that, they drive in eggs and very slowly pour in melted butter. Then the dough is well kneaded dough and let it come for an hour. Last time they do it 10-15 minutes before baking.

Pancakes on sour cream - tricks and useful tips

• In order for pancakes to lag well behind the pan, they warm it up well and fry salt beforehand. Then shake off the salt and start baking pancakes. From such a pan pancakes will be removed without difficulty.

• For kneading dough for pancakes on sour milk, it is better to use a wooden spoon.

• To make the dough homogeneous and free of lumps, flour should be poured slowly, stirring the dough constantly. In the process, you can immediately beat with a mixer or blender. So the flour will immediately dissolve without forming lumps.

• Remember that the first side of the pancake is always roasted longer than the second.

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