Patties with cabbage - Russian fast food in step-by-step recipes. Types of dough for cabbage pies - step-by-step recipes and cooking secrets

Patties with cabbage - Russian fast food in step-by-step recipes. Types of dough for cabbage pies - step-by-step recipes and cooking secrets

Pies - a topic that always interests housewives. Although, everything has already been invented and told, but I still want to make sure once again that everything is being done correctly, or to learn something new about cabbage pies, in great detail, in step-by-step recipes, in order to achieve perfection in cooking dough, so that everything gasped, as they say.

It also happens that you already know everything, but some insignificant detail that was missed earlier just changes the whole thing. Let's try not to miss it this time so that the pie dough is perfect. As for the filling, it is always the most tasty part of the pie, and the only thing that everyone wants is for it to be more.

Step-by-step recipes for cabbage pies - basic technological principles

For the preparation of pies, yeast or unleavened dough is traditionally chosen. Each housewife has a secret of its preparation, inherited by her, but each dough recipe for pies and cabbage pies has a foundation. Here, it is necessary to pay special attention to it, so that then any step-by-step recipe for cabbage pies does not cause any questions and does not create unexpectedly unpleasant results.

Knowledge of biochemistry is very helpful in drawing up the correct recipe. With the help of this science, you can take any favorite recipe, adjust the amount of ingredients in accordance with your taste, the availability of products and their quality characteristics. The dough will always be the best if its preparation involves a scientific approach.

Biochemistry of the test

Any dough consists of dry and liquid ingredients. The dry ingredients are those that contain the minimum amount of moisture: flour, starch, cereals, cocoa, baking soda, milk powder, albumin (egg white). Of course, in the listed ingredients there is also water, which affects the quality of the finished dough. At home, an accurate analysis of these products is difficult, and no one will do it. Therefore, just remember that dry ingredients give an error in the preparation of the dough, at least up to 25%, since absolutely dry products do not exist. The second group of products is the wet components of the dough: water, milk and all dairy products, including butter; vegetable oil, sugar, alcohol (pressed yeast), eggs. They contain more than 80% (water - 100%) of moisture and make up the liquid basis of the dough.

That is, if a step-by-step recipe for cabbage pies, for example, states that the dough contains water and flour, and nothing else, then you need to balance these ingredients so that their weight is exactly the same. Knowing that the moisture content of wheat flour, in accordance with the standard, is 14%, it is necessary to knead the dough at the rate of: 1 kg of flour per 860 ml of water. Equal content of dry and solid substances in the dough is the key to success. After baking, the water added to the dough will partially evaporate. During evaporation, as is known, it passes into a gaseous state, which contributes to the formation of pores in the dough. Everything else - fats, egg whites, yeast and sugar, dairy products - are needed to enhance this effect. Adding liquid ingredients, respectively, reduce the amount of water or increase the amount of flour.

On the principles of making good dough for cabbage pies, also read step-by-step recipes and useful tips.

Cabbage Patties - Step-by-Step Recipes for Yeast Dough


Milk (3.2%) 500 ml

Yeast pressed 75 g; dry - 25 g;

Sugar 60 g

Flour (highest grade) 850 g

Table eggs 2 pcs.

Salt 10 g

Margarine 80g

Test yield: +/- 1.5 kg

For the stuffing: stewed cabbage with vegetables and rice - 750 g

Cooking technology:

Yeast dough is prepared by sponge and straight way; There is also a cold method of preparing yeast puff pastry, which differs fundamentally from the first two options. Before you begin to study the step-by-step recipe for cabbage pies, note that the presence of yeast in the dough gives pomp, and they are necessary, but the quality of baking depends on their proper use.

Excess yeast and insufficient amount of time allotted for proofing the dough leads to the fact that finished products made from yeast dough have a characteristic and unpleasant smell of non-fermented yeast, quickly deteriorate (affected by mold and other microorganisms). Such baking is harmful for a slim figure. But to miss the moment when the yeast has already processed the carbohydrates, and the dough has risen and became airy, that is, filled with carbon dioxide bubbles emitted by the yeast, is also impossible.

In order for the dough to keep its fluffiness for a long time, to keep the emitted carbon dioxide, it must be plastic. Therefore, when mixing, it is important to observe the correct ratio of dry and liquid components, as mentioned above, and not to rush at this stage. To liquid and flour connected between themselves, forming a strong "thread" of water and gluten, the dough must be thoroughly mixed, give him time to "rest."

Straight way

All products for the test must be heated to room temperature.

Heat the milk to a temperature of 20-25 ° C so that the yeast is comfortable to work. Add sugar and a third of the flour: the microorganisms need the energy that sugar provides and nutrition. The resulting liquid mass should have an average consistency, like dough for making pancake. In the warmth, the surface of the batter will be covered with bubbles in 15 minutes, but try not to hurry - let the yeast process the sugar and carbohydrates contained in the flour, will release more gas.

Melt the margarine. Fat molecules are larger than water molecules, so adding it to the dough increases the chances for getting a fluffy dough. In addition, the fat gives the dough plasticity, retains moisture and air during baking, which further increases the rise of the pies in the oven. But pour melted fat into the batter, slightly chilled, so that it does not “burn” the yeast, because their work is not yet finished. Beat the eggs in a lush foam. In whipped form, they will also fill the dough with oxygen. Egg foam, too, add to the batter. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous emulsion is formed.

Sift the flour, even if it has already been sifted yesterday. More oxygen in the dough - better pies. Knead the dough, gradually sifting the flour into it. If you use a combine for kneading, then check the plasticity of the dough by pulling it with your hands: the dough should not break when stretching, should not stick to your hands. When kneading by hand, be guided by the “grandmother's secrets”: try to knead movements from the bottom up, immediately pressing on the center; With manual kneading, raise the dough and pull it out slightly to get more oxygen in it.

Cover the dough, put it closer to heat. When it doubles, proceed to the modeling of pies.

Try to use pressed yeast for the safest method, as they are less resistant to temperature effects during baking, and the yeast must die in the oven so that they do not continue working in the body, once they get into the stomach along with the pies.

Sponge dough

This method differs from the first mixing technology, and the composition of ingredients remains the same.

Heat milk or water - 80% by volume. In the remaining liquid, dissolve the yeast.

Add half of the sifted flour, mix the dough to a uniform consistency. Dust the surface with flour, cover with a towel and send for proofing, for two or three hours.

Opara should ferment well. First, it will increase in volume, and when it begins to settle (do not miss this moment!), Add the beaten eggs, the remaining liquid, flour. At the end of the kneading pour warm melted fat (margarine, vegetable or butter).

Knead the dough to a plastic state. Ready dough with kneading “puffing”.

Again transfer to heat on the dough, covering the dough with a towel or film. During the proofing dough need to knead at least two times. The finished dough with pressure is leveled, does not stick to hands. Products made from sponge dough are more useful, since all fermentation processes in it are completed before baking. More baking can be added to the sponge dough.

Yeast puff pastry - the third way

This method requires chilled products, yeast sponge dough is cooked in a cool room so that the fat does not have time to heat up and melt in the process of lamination. As a rule, baking yeast dough is not added to the puff. Therefore, exclude eggs and sugar from the list of ingredients, replace milk with water, and increase the amount of margarine corresponding to the mass of excluded products.


Water 500 ml

Pressed yeast 75 g

Salt 10 g

Margarine (or other fat) 250 g

Flour 850 g (including 250 - for rolling)


Dissolve the yeast and salt in a small amount of water (10-15% of the total volume) at room temperature, pour the liquid into the rest of the water, cooled to 10-15 ° C.

Sift flour, separate 250 g for rolling dough and its lamination, knead dough from the rest. Clean in the fridge, covered with foil.

Chop frozen margarine or butter with a knife (or rub on a grater), combining it with the remaining flour.

The prepared amount of crumb should be enough for at least 16 layers of dough, so distribute it in advance to sprinkle the rolled dough evenly.

Grease the table surface and the rolling pin. Roll out the dough, very thinly, in a square or rectangle. Sprinkle a thin layer of cooked fatty chips, rub it with a hand so that it does not crumble. Roll up the layer with an envelope, roll it to its former size, and again powder it with oil chips.

Roll up the finished dough, put it in the cold so that it stays cool until the ready-to-serve proofing.

Prepare the stuffing, ventilate the room so that the puff yeast dough does not start to rise when making cakes, ahead of time. Heat the oven only after semi-finished products have been molded. Pies of puff yeast dough very quickly and rise well in an oven filled with steam.

Cooking the stuffing for cabbage patties - a step-by-step recipe

The ratio of filling and dough in pies is 1: 1. If you prefer juicy cabbage, then increase the amount of dough by 10%: so that the juice does not flow onto the baking sheet, you need to wrap the filling in the dough very carefully. To ensure that the filling does not flow out of the dough, add mashed potatoes, pea porridge, boiled rice, mushrooms or boiled fish to the stewed cabbage.

Braised cabbage with tomato


Fresh cabbage 0.5 kg

Carrots 120g

Onions 200g

Tomato paste 75 g

Spices - to taste

Oil 100 g


Chop the peeled vegetables finely.

Heat the oil, fry the onions and butter until soft.

Put the cabbage in a frying pan or saucepan, simmer until cooked. The volume of the filling should be reduced by 25-30%.

Add tomato paste, diluted with a little water and spices. Stew the vegetables for another five minutes. Chill.

Stuffing for patties with cabbage is ready. To thicken it, add the ingredients listed above. Choose the consistency as desired.

How to bake pies with cabbage?

Choosing for yourself one of the methods of cooking dough, choose the method of baking. Patties with cabbage can be fried in a pan, deep-fried or baked in the oven.

For frying in a pan, give the flat oval to the patties. Heat the frying pan by adding a little vegetable oil. Spread semi-finished products, at a distance of 1.5 cm, as they will increase in volume during frying. Maintain a moderate temperature. Turning over the patties, after one side of the patties is browned, cover the pan with a lid for 2-3 minutes - this will give them pomp and the dough does not turn out to be unbaked by accident.

For deep-frying, use purified oil. Bring it to a boil, reduce the heat, and carefully lower the patties. For deep-frying, the shape of the pies can be either flat or convex, depending on the depth of the dishes in which they are fried, but semi-finished products must be fully immersed in boiling oil. For oven pies, heat the oven to 180 ° C. Place the patties on a greased baking sheet. Prepare a mixture to lubricate the surface of the patties: beat the egg, adding 50 g of melted butter to it. Before you put the baking sheet in the oven, apply an egg-butter mixture to the surface of the patties with a brush so that they have a ruddy look.

Step-by-step recipe for cabbage pies - useful tips

Fermented milk products in combination with baking powder or baking soda are ideal for preparing fresh (yeast-free) dough. Add the powder to the flour, not to the liquid, so that the reaction takes place in the dough. If you add soda in kefir, whey or sour milk, the gas will evaporate in vain, without giving pomp to the dough. In a yeast-free dough, it is good to add a little alcohol - 50 ml per 0.5 l of liquid.

After kneading, unleavened dough, like yeast dough, needs time to start fermentation. Therefore, this kind of dough for cabbage pies is well prepared in advance, for example, in the evening, and left at room temperature. In the morning it is necessary to add a little flour, knead again and begin to make cakes.

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