Mannik with apples - a cake from a carefree childhood! Mannica recipes with apples: on yogurt, sour cream, milk, water, with cottage cheese

Mannik with apples - a cake from a carefree childhood! Mannica recipes with apples: on yogurt, sour cream, milk, water, with cottage cheese

Who has not eaten manna with apples?

Fragrant, airy, with a ruddy crust.

This cake is made in two accounts, and eaten even faster.


Mannik with apples - general principles of preparation

Whatever ingredients are present in the cake, semolina should be given a good swell. Otherwise, nothing happens. To do this, pour the cereal liquid: milk, kefir, water. Sometimes they put sour cream and fruit juices in it. Then stir well and leave to warm.

What products are still present in mannicus:

• eggs (whipped to foam);

• sugar (whipped with eggs);

• flour (poured at the end of the dough);

• butter (butter or vegetable);

• rippers (soda, baking baking powder).

Apples are used for the filling, it is desirable to remove the skin. Fruits are cut into pieces and connected with the dough. Sometimes laid out on the surface of the cake. In addition to apples, other fruits can also be added to the cake, including dried fruits. Often put poppy, cinnamon, nuts, seeds.

The dough is shifted to a greased form. If the container is silicone, then you can not handle anything. Mannics are baked at an average temperature of 180 to 200 degrees. Readiness check on the stick. It should remain raw. But! Puncture can get into the apple, then the stick will still be wet.

Recipe 1: Mannik with apples in milk

Recipe gentle mannica with apples, the dough for which is kneaded with milk. If there is no baking baking powder, then it is possible to use slaked baking soda for the cake.


• glass of semolina;

• 100 g butter (it is allowed to use margarine);

• a little salt;

• 8 grams of baking powder;

• 2 eggs eggs;

• 200 milliliters of milk;

• 170 g of sugar;

• 2 sweet and sour apples.


1. Milk is slightly warmed up so that it is slightly warmer than body temperature. Combine with semolina, stir and leave to swell for half an hour. 2. The oil must be left warm in advance so that it becomes soft. Then rub with sugar.

3. Separately, beat the eggs until fluffy and mix with butter, stir and spread into the swollen semolina.

4. Add a baking powder with a pinch of salt and mix.

5. Peel the apples. Then the fruit is cut into cubes of 0.5 cm. If the fruits are small, then you can take more apples.

6. Combine apples with dough, stir.

7. We shift in the prepared form and immediately send in the oven. Bake manna at 180 degrees, on average about half an hour.

Recipe 2: Mannik with apples and flour

Recipe for apple manna, in which, in addition to cereal, wheat flour is added. This technique makes the dough soft, more like a charlotte. Fats in the dough are not used.


• 3 eggs;

• 100 ml of milk;

• 4 spoons of semolina;

• 100 grams of flour;

• 3 apples;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 2 spoons of powdered sugar;

• 1 bag of ripper (10 grams).


1. Combine semolina with milk, leave on the table.

2. Beat the eggs into dense foam, add sugar and whip together to completely dissolve the grains.

3. Combine the flour with baking powder and send it to the egg mixture. Gently stir, the movement of the spoon should be upwards, so as not to precipitate a lush foam.

4. Also gently introduce semolina with milk.

5. Now in the dough are introduced apples that need to prepare in advance. You can cut both large and small.

6. We shift the dough into a baking dish, stir it and send it to the oven. We bake, we check readiness for a wooden stick.

7. Cool, take the cake out of the mold. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. To lay it flat, it is better to use a small strainer.

Recipe 3: Mannik with apples on dough with kefir

For this manna with apples you can use not only kefir. You can also take yogurt, ryazhenka, sour yogurt and even a mixture of several products to make a cake. Ingredients

• a glass of kefir;

• a glass of flour;

• glass of semolina;

• 1 tsp. cinnamon;

• three apples;

• one chicken egg;

• 1/2 tsp. soda;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• vanilla to taste.


1. Put soda in kefir, stir it, let it quench for about three minutes, then mix it with semolina, stir it and leave it aside. Mixture need to stand for at least half an hour, you can longer.

2. Beat egg with sugar. If the apples are not very sour, then you can use a little less sugar.

3. Apples are peeled, cut into slices. We throw out bits and seeds.

4. Combine the egg mixture with flour, stir and combine with the swollen kefir decoy.

5. Add apples and cinnamon, you can pour a pinch of vanilla.

6. Put the dough in a baking pan.

7. Sent to preheated oven and bake until fully cooked. Temperatures above 190 degrees do not.

Recipe 4: Mannik with apples on sour cream with butter

Adding butter to the dough makes this manna look like a cupcake, tender and slightly oily. It just melts in your mouth. Together with apples, you can add a handful of washed raisins and then it will definitely be difficult to break away from the cake.


• a glass of sour cream 15-20%;

• 80 g of flour;

• 100 g of sugar;

• eggs 2 pieces;

• glass of semolina;

• 110 grams of oil;

• two apples;

• one bag of ripper;

• a little powder.


1. Combine sour cream and semolina, carefully stir, leave it to infuse it so much at 40.

2. Whisk whip eggs and sugar sugar.

3. Add the semolina, stir.

4. Melt the butter and cool slightly. It should be warm, but in no case hot. Otherwise, you can boil eggs. Instead of butter, cream margarine is also suitable.

5. Pour the butter into the dough.

6. Combine flour with baking powder, send it to the dough. It is possible for the smell in the dough to put some vanilla powder. Stir.

7. Pour the dough into the form.

8. Cut the apples into neat slices and lay them on top. You can put in the form of a flower, leaves, figurines. 9. Send the cake to the oven and bake for forty minutes at 180 degrees.

10. Remove, cool, put on a dish and sprinkle with powder. It can also be combined with a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla.

Recipe 5: Mannik with Apples and Curd

Cottage cheese manna with apples is a very rich cake that resembles the taste of a casserole. But it turns out more gentle and airy. Cottage cheese can be used any, but not very dry. Fat does not matter.


• glass of semolina;

• 3 sour apples;

• 2 eggs;

• 70 g cream. oils;

• 170 grams of sugar;

• cottage cheese pack (200 g);

• 1.5 tsp. baking powder;

• 30 grams of lemon juice.


1. You need to wash the apples and dry with a towel. Then the fruit is peeled and cut crosswise, cut out the middle and cut into slices. Sprinkle with lemon juice so as not to darken. Add 4 spoons of sugar and leave alone to highlight the juice.

2. Drain the juice, it should be about 100 ml. If less, then add some water. Stir with semolina until we leave to swell. Groats should stand for at least 15 minutes.

3. Beat the eggs with the remaining sugar into the foam.

4. Rub the curd, if it's soft, then just rub it with a spoon. Connect with eggs.

5. Add melted, but not hot oil. Stir.

6. Combine the egg mixture with swollen semolina, add a ripper and slices of apples.

7. We shift in the mold, greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Bake until tender.

Recipe 6: Mannik with apples and raisins

A wonderful mannica recipe with raisins and fragrant apples. The cake is prepared very quickly, especially if you pre-give the semolina to swell in kefir.


• 200 ml of kefir;

• 200 grams of semolina;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 large apple;

• 100 grams of raisins;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp. soda;

• 4 spoons of flour.


1. We extinguish soda in kefir. Add semolina and leave for fifteen minutes.

2. Fill the raisins with warm water and also leave for a quarter of an hour. 3. Shake eggs with sugar, add swollen semolina, flour and pressed raisins. Stir.

4. Put the peeled and diced apples, mix again and you're done!

5. It remains to shift the dough into a mold and bake.

Recipe 7: Mannik with Apples and Poppy

For poppy manna with apples, in principle, you can use any dough. But it is better to cook it according to this recipe.


• 4 apples;

• 400 ml of kefir;

• 4 spoons of poppy;

• 4 eggs;

• 220 grams of semolina;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• standard baking powder bag.


1. As usual, pre-fill the semolina with kefir, stir and insist to swell for about half an hour.

2. Beat eggs into cool foam with sugar.

3. Peel the apples. Then the fruit is cut into small slices.

4. We enter poppy in the eggs, pre-cleaned from debris and washed.

5. Add swollen semolina, baking powder and apples.

6. Stir the mass gently so as not to deprive it of its pomp.

7. We shift in the form, bake until done.

Recipe 8: Mannik with apples on cocoa water

It turns out that sometimes for the preparation of mannica with apples do not even need dairy products. But only if it is kneaded according to this recipe. And so that the taste was not entirely bland and empty, cocoa powder is added to the dough.


• a glass of purified water;

• 3 spoons grows. oils;

• one glass of semolina;

• one glass of sugar;

• 0.5 tsp. soda;

• 0.5 tsp. vinegar;

• 2 spoons of cocoa powder;

• 0.5 cups wheat flour;

• 2 apples.


1. Pour the semolina in a bowl, add sugar and stir.

2. Pour in warm water, stir. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

3. Eggs need to beat in a lush foam.

4. Add three spoons of butter to the semolina.

5. Cocoa combine with flour. Sift to get rid of lumps. We send in semolina, stir.

6. We clean the apples, cut them into small cubes, the size of a raisin. Connect with the decoy.

7. Spread the beaten eggs, and then the hydrated soda in the vinegar. 8. All gently stir, shift the chocolate dough in the mold.

9. Bake until done, check with a stick. Temperature within 190 degrees.

Mannik with apples - tips and tricks

• How to decorate a manna? You can simply sprinkle with powdered sugar, cinnamon or their duet. And you can do this with the help of templates. And then on the cake patterns, letters, interesting figures will be drawn. Templates can be bought or just cut out of paper.

• There will be a crisp on the cake, if the greased form is sprinkled with semolina. Similarly, you can use breadcrumbs.

• Mannik will be brilliant and very beautiful if you cover it with sugar syrup on top. And if you want something unusual, you can use chocolate icing, sugar or protein. What is not a cake?

• If a metal mold is used for baking, then there is no need to hurry and get the cake out of it, let it cool and get a little stronger. And if the manna was baked in a silicone mold, then it must be obtained. Otherwise, the bottom will be damp and wet.

• It is not necessary to cook a cake and one big. Dough with semolina can be decomposed into molds for muffins and bake small items.

• To prevent the apple slices from getting dark in the air, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice or diluted acid after cutting.

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