Gentle charlotte with sour cream and apples is a delicacy of the whole family. How to make a charlotte with sour cream and apples from dry bread

Gentle charlotte with sour cream and apples is a delicacy of the whole family. How to make a charlotte with sour cream and apples from dry bread

Who ever came up with this idea - consider charlotte a man's cake?

However, if you list the main consumers of a wonderful dessert, then perhaps it will.

But as for baking ... no, the cake is simple and the products can fit in a men's purse, but there is often not enough patience, even in the selection of a good recipe.

So, dear ladies, put on aprons and start the process yourself.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples - general principles of cooking

• Charlotte with sour cream and apples - a simple dessert, in a hurry. The dough is kneaded for some minutes, from the minimum set of products that are always at hand. Baking takes up to 40 minutes, or even less. Even if there is no flour at hand, you can safely take up its preparation, using a bread loaf instead.

• Sour cream improves the cake, making it more rich and tender. The fermented milk product used may be of any fat content and prescription, but, of course, not overdue, without unpleasant smell and signs of mold.

• From apples, no matter what kind of fruit you take, you always get tasty pastries. Fruits are peeled or crushed with it. Cut into cubes, slices or rub with a large grater. They are mixed with dough, poured over them or laid out on the surface of the dough poured into the mold.

• Charlotte with sour cream and apples accepts any additions. In it for flavor add vanilla or cinnamon. You can also add nuts to the cake.

• Pie shape with a well-preheated oven. Baking time depends on the type of dough used by you, the optimum baking temperature is 180 degrees in gas or 200 degrees in an electrical cabinet.

Simple Charlotte with Sour Cream and Apples

Amazing taste is given to this cake nuts. Brown them in a frying pan, but just a little bit, they still have to be in the oven.


• a glass of sour cream;

• three sour apples; • two eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• teaspoon of soda;

• two full glasses of flour;

• half a cup of walnut hearts.

Cooking Method:

1. Coarse crumble nuts. Peel the apples, cut them in two, remove the seeds and immediately cut into plates, no more than half a centimeter thick.

2. In a wide bowl, rub slightly softened margarine with sugar. Add sour cream, pour in the eggs and, stirring intensively with a whisk, bring to homogeneity. Pour the flour mixed with soda and in gentle movements from top to bottom, stir it in.

3. Use a small piece of butter or margarine to wipe the shape well, put two-thirds of the dough into it and level the surface with a spoon.

4. Top with apple slices, cover with the remaining dough and sprinkle with nuts.

5. Place the charlotte in an oven heated to 200 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples on kefir

And this cake with cedar kernels. A very unusual taste of this supposedly French cake, combined with Siberian notes.


• 150 ml low-fat kefir;

• sour cream - 150 gr .;

• a glass of refined sugar;

• half a glass of semolina;

• eggs - 2 pcs .;

• five small apples;

• A handful of cedar nuts.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix the kefir with sour cream, add the semolina and, having mixed well, set aside for twenty minutes.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs to a lush mass with sugar. This process is quite long. Immediately pour to the swollen semolina and carefully mix.

3. Peel the fruits, cut them, removing the seeds, into small-sized cubes and mix with the dough.

4. Pour everything into the prepared form, sprinkle with cedar kernels and place for 40 minutes in a hot oven.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples from bread slices


• four slices of stale loaf;

• four eggs;

• 50 gr. homemade butter;

• 150 gr. unrefined sugar;

• 100 gr. greasy sour cream;

• vanilla powder - 1 gr .;

• two large, tough apples;

• white crackers, breading - 2 tbsp. l Cooking Method:

1. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour in eggs and whisk it into foam. Add vanilla with sour cream and whisk well again.

2. Wash the fruits, and cut them into two halves. Next, the fruit is cut into thin plates.

3. Rub the bottom of the form and sides abundantly with a piece of butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

4. In the prepared form, carefully lay out the apples, you can not one layer. Top with pieces of loaf and fill with sweet sour cream pouring.

5. Bake a charlotte at 180 degrees for no more than a quarter of an hour. As soon as the top starts to turn red, immediately reach for it.

Bread dough with sour cream and apples



• 2 glasses of broken stale bread;

• three spoons of sour cream;

• two large spoons of sugar;

• lean refined oil - 2 spoons;

• one egg;

• protein.


• six large apples;

• five tablespoons of fat sour cream;

• two eggs, plus one yolk;

• cinnamon ground in a mortar - 1/4 tsp.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix sour cream with granulated sugar and whisk lightly so that the grains are well dispersed. Add protein, pour in the egg and blend until smooth.

2. Put the crushed bread in a bowl and fill it with the prepared mixture. After three minutes, mash the soaked bread so that it becomes more saturated, and let stand for another five minutes. The result should be a plastic bread mass. If necessary, pour in some milk.

3. Fruits without peel and seeds chop up with a medium grater and combine with sour cream, granulated sugar and cinnamon.

4. Separately, beat the eggs and, gently stirring the apple mass from the bottom up, mix them.

5. Put the bread mass in a greased with greased oil form and evenly distribute along the bottom, slightly winding and on the sides.

6. Fill the “blank” with apple filling and carefully transfer to the grid in the oven.

7. Bake at 160 degrees until the souffle grabs. Readiness can be checked with a light touch of a finger, if after that it springs, and does not creep away, then it is ready. 8. Charlotte reach from the oven, cool well and only then remove from the form.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples (with mayonnaise)


• high fat mayonnaise - 0.5 cups;

• half a cup of low-fat sour cream;

• large egg;

• a glass of high-quality flour;

• juice from 1/8 large lemon;

• a teaspoon of ripper.

Cooking Method:

1. Put the mayonnaise with sour cream in a bowl. Add a ripper and mix thoroughly.

2. Wait until it stops foaming violently, and immediately pour sugar into it. Stir in flour gradually and bring the dough to homogeneity by intensive beating.

3. Cut the fruit into thin slices and sprinkle them with undiluted lemon juice.

4. At the bottom and sides of the form with a thick layer, apply butter and sprinkle it with semolina. Pour the dough into the prepared form and spread the apples evenly over the surface.

5. Place the cake in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for exactly 40 minutes. Readiness check puncture wooden sticks.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples without eggs

Here, perhaps, is the only recipe that can be reluctantly entrusted to the faithful. But, just in case, turn on the oven yourself.


• baking rye flour - 1/2 cup;

• half a cup of white flour;

• 30 gr. sour cream medium fat;

• 9% table vinegar - 1/4 tsp;

• 10 gr. potato starch;

• two teaspoons of ground cinnamon;

• 2/3 Art. pasteurized milk;

• half a spoon of soda;

• refined sugar - 150 gr .;

• a pound of apples.

Cooking Method:

1. The dough is kneaded quickly, literally in 10 minutes you will need a hot oven, so turn it on before you start mixing.

2. Prepare the apples: peel, cut, small, into slices or cubes and mix with two spoons of sugar and cinnamon.

3. Mix rye and wheat flour, add granulated sugar, sour cream, starch and milk. Whisk everything with a whisk or mix thoroughly with a spatula, the main thing is to achieve uniformity.

4. Quench the baking soda in a tablespoon of vinegar and immediately pour the foaming mass into the dough, mix. 5. On the bottom of the oiled form, distribute the fruit mass, pour the dough and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Cottage Cheese Charlotte with Sour Cream and Apples


• medium fat sour cream - 100 gr .;

• 250 gr. cottage cheese;

• three eggs;

• a glass of unrefined sugar;

• a full glass of wheat flour;

• a quarter teaspoon of soda;

• apples.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour the eggs into the bowl, add sugar and several times go through the mass with a mixer, achieving pomp.

2. Add cottage cheese with sour cream, add flour mixed with soda, whisk and set aside.

3. Cut apples into very thin slices, removing the core from the fruit, and lay the pieces in a greased form.

4. Pour the dough and bake in a well-heated cabinet for 40 minutes.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples - tricks and useful tips on cooking

• Do not open the oven in which the charlotte is baked from the batter in the first 20 minutes. Such a dough does not like drafts and instead of a lush baking you can get a sticky dense pancake.

• Remove the mold from the oven to a damp towel, then it will easily “give up” the cake, without leaving crumb on the bottom.

• Charlotte - a great reason to get rid of apples that you do not like. As a rule, harsh and dryish fruits, sourish in taste fall into this category. In the cake they will be wonderful!

• If you want the cake to have a beautiful color, do not mix the chopped apples with dough. Put them on the bottom of the form or lay on top, the pieces will sink.

• Charlotte on sour cream with apples, like any pastry, is good for a cup of black, long-term tea or coffee. It is best to serve it still hot, no later than a quarter of an hour after cooking.

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