Curd cheese-pickers

Remember the taste of “those same” juicers from the school canteen and kindergarten? Ruddy, golden semi-circular pies, crumbly dough, and in the middle - sweet curd filling! Earlier, I shared with you a recipe for the dough from the cottage cheese dough, but still I wanted to find exactly the recipe where the dough looks like shortbread. And the recipe was found! I suggest you, without delay, try it out and treat your home with delicious chews. They are so good that during the week I baked them three times.

Curd cheese-pickers

It was always interesting - why is so-sonik called? The first association is due to the juicy stuffing. But the cottage cheese, albeit moderately moist, is far from being as juicy as, for example, berries. What is the secret then? There are two versions. The first: the name comes from the word “sachetitsa” - the old name for lentils, from which they baked lean tortillas on Christmas Eve - The Eve before Christmas. The second version - the name of delicious bakery products comes from the word “sochen”, which earlier was used to design a flat cake, a round cake dough. The stuffed bun is bent in half - and it turns out to be a juicer. This is what makes it different from the pie - the edges of the octators do not pluck. Moreover, the juicers were prepared not only with cottage cheese, but also with other various fillings: apple, berry, cabbage; sometimes a cake for a juicer was simply smeared with vegetable oil or put porridge on top.

Curd cheese-pickers

We'll cook the most famous version - juicers with cottage cheese. And then, if you want, you can experiment and try to make from the same delicious dough juicers with stewed apples, jam, dried fruits.

  • From this portion 6 large stewers or 12 small ones are obtained.
  • Cooking time - 45 minutes.

Ingredients for cooking juicers with curd

For the test:

  • 100 g of butter;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 1 small egg;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A bag of vanilla sugar (or vanilla on the tip of a teaspoon);
  • 210 g of wheat flour;
  • 0, 5 tsp of baking powder.

For the curd filling:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 40 g of sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 30 grams of flour;
  • 20 g sour cream (about 1 tablespoon);
  • 1 small egg (white and half yolk);
  • Vanillin at the tip of the knife.

For lubrication:

  • Half the yolk;
  • 0, 5 tablespoons of water or milk.
Curd cheese-pickers

Cooking juicers with curd

First prepare the filling

Oil for the test beforehand get out of the refrigerator so that it softens.

The filling for the juicers should stand for a bit so that the flour absorbs moisture from the curd, and the filling has acquired the necessary thickness - after all, too liquid will run out of the juicer.

Curd cheese-pickers

Cottage cheese is well kneaded with a fork or hands, if it is lumpy, it can be rubbed through a sieve or whipped with a blender for a more delicate texture. Add sugar or icing sugar to cottage cheese, sour cream, an egg (half of the yolk is left to be lubricated), vanillin for a pleasant aroma, and flour.

Curd cheese-pickers

Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes, and in the meantime prepare the dough.

Cooking crumbly dough for juicers

Mix the butter in a bowl with an egg and powdered sugar. Fine-crystalline sugar can also be used, but still with powdered dough it turns out more delicate.

Curd cheese-pickers

Beat the butter, powder and egg with a mixer at medium speed, for about 30-60 seconds - until a homogeneous fluffy mass, similar to cream.

Curd cheese-pickers

Sift flour into whipped mass, pre-mixing it with baking powder.

Curd cheese-pickers

Knead soft dough for juicers. If it sticks to your hands, you can pour a little flour - 1-1, 5 tablespoons. It is not necessary to add much, so that the dough remains elastic and is easily rolled. The exact amount of flour always depends not only on the recipe, but also on the flour itself: the degree of grinding, humidity.

Curd cheese-pickers

Divide the dough into 6 (or 12) equal parts, each rolling into a bun.

Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out pieces of dough in round cakes. On each impose a filling (visually dividing it into a similar number of parts). Bending the cakes in half, cover the filling so that it is a little peeking.

Curd cheese-pickers Curd cheese-pickers Curd cheese-pickers

If you want to make the edges of the juicers curly, walk on them with a special pastry knife with a round wavy nozzle.

Curd cheese-pickers

Spread the juicers on a baking tray covered with an oiled sheet of parchment. In the saucer, beat the remaining half of the yolk with a half spoonful of warm milk or water with a fork. We grease the top of the juicers with this mixture - both the dough and the filling - with the help of a pastry brush.

Curd cheese-pickers

We put in the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and bake for about half an hour. Large juicers are baked for 25-30 minutes, depending on the oven; small ones will be ready faster - in 20 minutes. On readiness check the dough with a wooden skewer; We also focus on the appearance of the juicers: if they are golden-rosy, the stuffing grabs and reddens too - so they are ready. If you notice that the bottom of the juicers are beginning to flush too much, and the middle is still damp, put the heat-resistant form at the bottom of the oven, and move the baking tray with baking from the middle tier higher. Top juicy redden faster, while the bottom will be saved from burning.

Curd cheese-pickers

We put the finished cheese curds from the pan onto the dish. While they are a little cool, you just have time to make tea or cocoa. With a cup of warm milk is also very tasty! They are the perfect afternoon snack for kids - they will gladly eat cottage cheese hidden in a tasty bun. For a light dinner, breakfast in front of school or eating with you, juicers are also great.

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