Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

On a hot day, do not rush to run to the store for ice cream: now we will prepare a real creamy ice cream with you! Delicious and delicate, with a stunning silky taste, it melts delicately in the mouth, leaving a pleasant sensation of coolness.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

And it is also completely natural. Try to explore the packaging on the store plum - in the composition you will find a lot of components that make you think about the usefulness of dessert. In the same homemade ice cream products are real: cream, yolks, powdered sugar and vanilla. Everything! These four ingredients make a great creamy ice cream.

However, you can supplement the recipe with additives to your taste. Having mastered the basic recipe for homemade ice cream, on its basis you can make a cool delicacy with any flavors: berry and fruit, chocolate and pecan ice cream. And all this variety of tastes and colors will be absolutely natural, without dyes, flavors and other E-nis! For example, I'll tell you how to make raspberry and blueberry ice cream.

Ice cream at home can be done without special units like ice cream makers. You will need a mixer, colander, stewpot and freezer. If you choose the right quality products and comply with the technology, you get a delicious ice cream, much better than the purchased one. The main thing - to choose the right cream - I know from experience. I got ice cream from the second time. Because for the first attempt I bought very thick, fatty homemade cream without specifying the fat content, perezzbilila them, and the cream turned into butter. As a result, the ice cream came out very fat. The second time, I chose the cream of 33%, and the ice cream was excellent. There are other nuances, which will tell in the recipe. Are you curious to know why ice cream is so called? In the original its name sounds like “Glace Plombieres”. It is believed that ice cream is named after the French city Plombières-les-Bains. But if you study the story a little deeper, it turns out an interesting fact: the word ice cream comes from the French “plomb” - “lead”, because the dessert prototype of the current ice cream, prepared in 1798 by Parisian pastry chef Tortoni, was frozen in lead form. Hence Plombiere, and the word Glace in French means ice.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Now, having solved the secret of the origin of the beloved delicacy, we turn to its preparation!

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes, waiting 3-8 hours
  • Servings: 10-12

Ingredients for making homemade cream ice cream with berries

  • 4 medium yolks;
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar (150g);
  • Cream with a fat content of 10% - 200 ml;
  • Cream 33-35% - 500 ml;
  • 1/8 tsp vanilla.
Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Cooking Homemade Ice Cream

Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins. For ice cream, we only need yolks; Proteins can be used to make omelettes or meringues. Combine the yolks with powdered sugar and carefully rub with a spoon until the mass becomes homogeneous and slightly brightens. It is more convenient to grind immediately in the pot in which you put it on the fire, the best of all - in a skillet or a cast-iron pot.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Pour low-fat 10% cream into mashed yolks - slowly, in a small stream, continuing to rub until smooth. We put on a small fire, a little more than a small, but less than average, and cook, constantly stirring in circular motions. Especially carefully stir at the walls of the dishes and at the bottom of the pot - just there may appear lumps, if you mix it irregularly. If, however, you missed a little and lumps appeared, you can rub them with a spoon. Does not work? Beat the mixture with a mixer and put it back on the stove.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Boil for about 8-10 minutes, until thickened - when the spoon leaves traces that do not disappear immediately, but slowly melt. Bring to a boil should not be - the yolks coagulate. The consistency of the preparation for the plumbeer is similar to custard; in fact, this is a cream, which can be interlayer cake.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

And we will rub the cream through a colander to give it an even more delicate texture; set aside to cool to room temperature, and then place in the freezer until half frozen.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

When the cream in the freezer has already started to freeze, beat the fatty cream with a mixer; in the original recipe - 35%, for me - 33%. Beat carefully, so as not to perevozbit, otherwise you get an oil. First, the cream was liquid, then steel in consistency, like sour cream - it means enough.

Taking a billet out of the freezer, mix it with whipped cream and beat it all together - at low speed for a couple of tens of seconds to mix well. And put back in the freezer for 1, 5 hours.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Then we get and stir with a spoon so that there are no ice crystals in the finished ice cream. At the same stage, you can add chocolate, nuts, berries to ice cream. Return to the freezer until it freezes. My ice cream was freezing at night; The specific time will depend on the power of your freezer.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

We make ready ice cream and form balls for serving. You can simply dial with a spoon, but neat tidy portions look more beautiful! If you do not have a special spoon, take something metallic in the shape of a hemisphere - for example, a small scoop - dip it in hot water and quickly recruit a portion of ice cream.

We spread homemade ice cream in the bowls or bowls, sprinkle with grated chocolate or fresh berries, pour with berry sauce, decorate with leaves of fresh mint ... and enjoy!

And now - a few nuances of making fruit and berry ice cream.

Blueberries, cherries, apricots can be simply mashed in a blender and mixed with a white creamy mass before the final freeze. And berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries are better to pre-wipe, so that in a tender platter there are no small seeds.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Ingredients: the same as for creamy ice cream, plus 100 g each (I made three types of ice cream: white, blueberry and raspberry).

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

To make blueberry ice cream, scroll the washed blueberries in a blender, mix with the cold cream and freeze.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

To make a raspberry-flavored ice cream, pour raspberry into sugar (a couple of tablespoons) and heat it over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the berries start up the juice and soften.

We rub hot raspberries through a sieve - it turns out juice-mashed potatoes.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Let the berry sauce cool to room temperature and add to the ice cream before putting it in the freezer after mixing. If you mix thoroughly, the color of the ice cream will be pale pink (raspberry) or lilac (blueberry). And if you mix it carelessly, then ice cream will turn out with a beautiful two-color pattern.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Take care not to overdo it with additives: from a large amount of ice cream it may become too liquid. It will still freeze, but with a high content of fruit and berry puree, the ice cream turns out to be less fatty and cooler than the creamy one.

Homemade ice cream. Creamy ice cream with berries

Having prepared homemade ice cream once, you will want to repeat the recipe again and again, delighting the household with new variants of summer delicacy!

Creamy ice cream with berries is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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