Meatballs with gravy - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked meatballs with gravy.

Meatballs with gravy - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked meatballs with gravy.

Meatballs with gravy - general principles of cooking

Meatballs with gravy are prepared with any sauce: sour cream, tomato, sour cream-tomato or olive with the addition of spices, lemon juice or lime. Minced meat can be made from any meat: beef, veal, chicken, pork, turkey, fish or seafood. You can mix 2 types of meat and make pork beef for meatballs. To surprise those around you with a delicious and unusual dish, try cooking meatballs with shrimp or squid sauce. Properly cooked sauce - half the success of the dish, because meatballs, languishing in the gravy, absorb the taste and aroma of the sauce ingredients. Almost every meatball recipe uses rice. It is this ingredient that makes meat balls tender, juicy and loose.

The technology of cooking meatballs with gravy consists of the following steps:

- cooking ground beef;

- the formation of small balls;

- roasting meatballs in a pan;

- cooking gravy;

- stewing meatballs in sauce.

To make the dish spicy and aromatic, you can use various seasonings and spices: red pepper, cinnamon, cumin, hop-suneli, garlic and spicy herbs. Serve hot meatballs with gravy along with a side dish: potatoes, buckwheat, vegetables, etc.

Meatballs with gravy - preparing food and dishes

From the dishes you will need: a saucepan, a cauldron, a bowl for the sauce, a blender, a colander for rice, a knife, a cutting board, and other kitchen utensils. Stew meatballs in gravy is best in thick-walled dishes.

Preparation of products consists in washing the rice and its further cooking. Also, the meat must be washed, chopped and skipped in a meat grinder. In a separate dish you need to prepare the sauce, which will be used for stewing meatballs.

Grilled Meatball Recipes:

Recipe 1: Meatballs with gravy

Meatballs with gravy in this recipe are very juicy and tasty. For the preparation of dishes using a combination of minced meat, rice, onions and garlic. Peppermint adds a light taste of freshness, and hot peppers add a pleasant savor.

Ingredients Required:

  • 400 g of minced meat (beef-pork);
  • Onions - 2 pcs .;
  • 10 g green onions;
  • A few sprigs of mint;
  • 60-70 grams of bread;
  • 80 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 45 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of pureed tomatoes;
  • 2 hot peppers;
  • 50-60 g of greens (cilantro, dill, etc.).

Preparation Method:

Soak slices of bread for a few minutes in milk. Wash rice and boil until half ready for about 5-6 minutes. With greens and mint cut the stems, leave some leaves. Chop onions and garlic, mix with minced meat. In a blender, grind minced with greens and one hot pepper until smooth. Bread stand out and lay out to the minced meat, mix again. Spread rice in minced meat and add to taste. We make minced meatballs of medium size. Fry in a pan and spread in a deep pan. Separately prepare the gravy: chop the garlic and onion chop, fry to a ruddy state in vegetable oil. Season with salt and lay out chopped tomatoes. You can add any seasoning to taste. Fry the mass for a few minutes and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Add a little more sugar and salt, bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Meatballs pour cooked gravy and simmer for 11-12 minutes. Served with hot meatballs with a side dish.

Recipe 2: Meatballs with fish sauce

Fish meatballs with gravy will appeal to all lovers of tasty and healthy fish dishes, as well as those who fast. The recipe uses the minimum amount of ingredients: fish, onions, carrots, bread and seasonings. Ingredients Required:

  • Fish fillet - 1 kg;
  • White loaf - 300 g;
  • Onion bulb - 4-5 heads;
  • Carrots;
  • Tomato paste;
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste;
  • Any seasoning;
  • Vegetable oil.

Preparation Method:

Wash the fish and cut it in small pieces. Soak a piece of bread in a bowl with water. 4 bulbs clean and finely chop and pass. Squeeze the bread, combine with onions and lay out to the fish. Skip the ingredients through the meat grinder. Season with minced salt and black pepper. We make minced balls and fry in vegetable oil from both sides. We spread meatballs in dense rows in a cauldron. Rub carrots, chop onions and fry in vegetable oil. Add the tomato paste to the roasting, a little flour and pour water “by eye”. Bring sauce to a boil and simmer for a few minutes over low heat. Fill the sauce with meatballs, simmer after boiling for about 40 minutes. Toward the end of cooking, you can add a little salt, hops-suneli and any other spices. Serve hot meatballs with gravy.

Recipe 3: Meatballs with gravy and prunes

Minced meatballs are made from pork, rice, onions and eggs. The special aroma, juiciness and piquancy gives sour-sweet sauce and prunes.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of pork;
  • 2 handfuls of rice;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • A quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper;
  • 2 tsp. salts;
  • 30 g of vegetable oil;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 15 ml of tomato paste;
  • 1 tsp vinegar;
  • 100 g of prunes;
  • 2 tbsp. l flour;
  • 1.5 cups broth (or water).

Preparation Method:

Cooked washed rice until cooked for about 20 minutes. Cooked rice should be poured into a colander and allowed to cool. Meat washed and cut in small pieces. Peel the onions, cut into several pieces and mince with the meat. Beat the egg into a mince, season with salt and pepper. Knead minced and add rice. We make small balls from mincemeat and roll in flour. Prune steamed with boiling water for a few minutes, then cut into small pieces. Peel the second onion and cut into cubes. Fry the onions in a pan and lay out the meatballs. Fry a few minutes. Transfer the meatballs with onions to the cauldron. Stir in broth or water in a bowl with tomato paste, add vinegar with sugar and season with spices (pepper, salt, etc.). Meatballs pour the cooked sauce, put the prunes and add 1 bay leaf. Meatballs need to simmer on low heat for about half an hour. Serve ready-made meatballs with sauce.

Recipe 4: Meatballs with Squid Sauce

A great recipe for seafood lovers. Meatballs are made from squid, rice, eggs and onions and stewed in tomato sauce.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of fresh squid carcasses;
  • 3 onions;
  • 3 tbsp. flour;
  • 150 grams of rice;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g of tomato sauce;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation Method:

Wash squid, cut into slices and mince. Wash rice and boil a little. Onion finely chop. Combine squid, rice, onion with egg, mix all ingredients. Add the minced salt and pepper. Sculpt small balls, roll in flour and fry in a pan. Pour tomato sauce and stew until ready.

Recipe 5: Meatballs with Chicken

Chicken meatballs with gravy - an appetizing and tasty dish for lunch or dinner. The chili pepper gives a spicy flavor and sharpness, you can reduce its quantity to make the taste not so pronounced.

Ingredients Required:

  • Half a cup of dried apricots;
  • A spoon of honey;
  • 45 ml brandy;
  • 800 g chicken fillet;
  • Half a cup of hazelnuts;
  • Half a cup of rice;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l chopped sage leaves;
  • By 1 tbsp. l chopped basil and parsley;
  • 2 chili peppers;
  • 1 egg;
  • Salt, black pepper powder - to taste;
  • Olive oil;
  • 4 lime;
  • 1 tbsp. l crushed fresh ginger;
  • Green onions.

Preparation Method:

Put apricots in a small saucepan, add honey and brandy. Bring the contents to a boil. Reduce the fire, cover the pan and simmer the contents for about 10 minutes. Apricots cool and finely chop. Grind chicken in a blender, but not to the porridge state. Connect with apricots. Wash rice, cook and cool and spread in minced meat. Finely chop the nuts with a knife and pour it to the chicken. Chop the garlic, clean the seeds from the chilli, put it in the mince. Break the egg and add spicy herbs. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Season with minced salt and pepper, sculpt small meatballs. Fry the meatballs for 8-10 minutes on each side to a ruddy state. To make the sauce, mix the juice of four limes, add olive oil, ginger, and chopped and cleaned chilli seeds. Beat the sauce thoroughly. Pour the meatballs with gravy and simmer another 10 minutes. Serve the meatballs with gravy need hot. Such chicken meatballs are perfectly combined with vegetable garnish.

Recipe 6: Meatballs with “Mediterranean” Sauce

Delicious beef croquettes with gravy. The dish is prepared quite simply and very quickly and is eaten. Cinnamon, cumin and cilantro give the meatballs refined taste and aroma.

Ingredients Required:

  • A glass of fresh bread crumbs;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tsp. cumin;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • Quarter tsp. cayenne pepper;
  • 700-750 g tomatoes in juice;
  • Salt, black pepper powder - to taste;
  • 450 g ground beef;
  • 2/3 cup chopped cilantro.

Preparation Method:

Bread crumbs soaked in milk and leave for 5 minutes. Onions chop. Fry chopped onion for a few minutes in sunflower oil. Add cinnamon, tsp cumin and 1/8 part hot pepper. Fry

about 30 seconds. Cut the tomatoes and place them in the pan together with the juice. Add half a teaspoon of salt and pour in 1 glass of water. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Bread soaked in milk knead with a fork. Spread in minced meat. Season with a mixture of 1 tsp. cumin, half cilantro and a half tsp. salt. Add some black pepper and an eighth of cayenne pepper. Mince thoroughly knead hands. We form small balls of 4 cm in diameter. Put the meatballs in the sauce and simmer for 12-13 minutes under the lid. Then remove the lid and simmer another 5 minutes until the gravy thickens. Season with salt and pepper, pour in the remaining cilantro.

Meatballs with gravy - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- one of the secrets of delicious meatballs - breading in flour, but not in breadcrumbs (as opposed to cutlets);

- so that the meatballs do not fall apart and retain their shape, the stuffing should be kneaded as thoroughly as possible in the bowl;

- For better gluing add egg to the mince.

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