Simple and tasty dishes from Chinese cabbage

Simple and tasty dishes from Chinese cabbage

Dishes from Peking cabbage in our family are loved by everyone. I have been growing this vegetable for a long time, soot is plentiful, because it is delicious and a lot of vitamins.

This cabbage grows quickly, as radishes and spring vitamins on the table have never been redundant. Probably in our family everything is slim due to her, peking. For nutritional value, it is far ahead of cabbage, and the dishes cooked with it are very tasty.

Dishes from Chinese cabbage, recipes

Basically, Chinese cabbage is used in various salads. But she is good in light vegetable soup, second hot dishes, from her very tasty cabbage rolls. She canned for the winter. I make from it a wonderful dish of kim-chi, cabbage in Korean, it is generally the most delicious thing you can cook from it.

Beijing cabbage salad

Recipe number 1

Ingredients: half a piece of peking, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and the same amount of wine vinegar, 1 piece of red onion.

Cooking; shamelessly tearing the cabbage leaves with our hands, we fold them in a big pile into a salad bowl. Make mayonnaise and vinegar sauce and pour the cabbage. Red onion is cut and used to decorate the dish.

Recipe №2

Ingredients: a cabbage cabbage cabbage, 4 medium sized carrots, a jar of corn, mayonnaise for refueling.

Cooking: cabbage this time will have to be very finely crumbled with a sharp knife. Carrots can be rubbed on a large grater or Korean, straw. All poured into a salad bowl and add the same corn and mayonnaise. It remains to mix everything and put it beautifully on a plate. Top can be decorated with greens and olives. Recipe №4

Ingredients; actually cabbage, half a head of cabbage, one tomato, one cucumber, a pair of boiled hard-boiled eggs, a tin of tuna canned in its own juice, a small onion. For dressing to taste olive oil and balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard.

Cooking: chop the cabbage small-finely, tomatoes and cucumbers cut into neat pieces, onion, too, as small as possible. All vegetables are mixed. Cut eggs into quarters and add to vegetables. Now we make a dressing sauce: Mix olive oil with mustard, add vinegar, I usually have a spoonful of vinegar for 2 tablespoons of oil. You can sprinkle a pinch of sugar and salt to taste. Beat the sauce well with a fork or a whisk. Pour it into a salad bowl, mix and at the end add tuna from canned food.

Recipe number 5

Ingredients: half a head of cabbage, one cucumber, one Bulgarian pepper, medium onion, cherry tomatoes - 8 pieces, one medium carrot, 50 grams of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation: finely chop cabbage leaves, peel the cucumber and cut into half rings, cut the onion in the same way, chop the pepper into straws, cut the carrots into straws, cut the tomatoes in half. Mix the vegetables, sprinkle with salt and pepper on top, add oil and vinegar.

Cabbage rolls made from Peking cabbage with sweet pepper

Simple and tasty dishes from Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: cabbage leaves, 350 grams of pork pulp, 1 onion, 2 sweet peppers of different colors, sour cream - half a glass, oil for greasing the form, salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation: meat with onions skip through a meat grinder, salt and pepper, add an egg (if desired), knead well and fill out. We will sort the cabbage head into leaflets, they are easily separated. They need to be washed, put in a saucepan and pour boiling water, cover the saucepan and wait 2 minutes. The leaves are soft, you only need to cut the thickenings with a knife so that they do not interfere. We spread on the leaves a little stuffing, spreading it, put the pepper cut into strips on top, mix two colors to make it more beautiful. Fold as usual cabbage rolls. Put them in a baking dish, pre-oiled, grease with sour cream on top. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the cabbage rolls there for 40 minutes.

Peking cabbage soup

Simple and tasty dishes from Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: 300 grams of peking, 300 grams of ham, onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 3 potatoes, half a cup of fresh or freshly frozen green peas, olive oil, 2 liters of chicken broth, salt and pepper to taste.

Preparation: cut ham into small cubes. Finely chop the onion and garlic. Potatoes also cut into small cubes. Pour oil into a large pot so that the bottom is completely closed. Fry the ham when it is browned, add the onion with garlic, then send the potatoes to the same place and fry everything with the lid on. Fry the potatoes almost to full readiness, but for now we cut Beijing cabbage into strips. Pour broth into the saucepan, add salt and pepper, add green peas and cabbage after boiling. Cook a couple more minutes.

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