How to cook wheat porridge

How to cook wheat porridge

Wheat is one of the most ancient and common grains in different countries. Man cultivated it a few thousand years ago. For many centuries on the table of our ancestors wheat porridge was one of the main dishes. It was prepared on weekdays and on holidays. Most often it was made on water, whenever possible adding vegetables and mushrooms to it. For the holiday it was cooked with meat or milk. This dish never bothered, well saturated and supported the strength of the body. Now wheat cereal is one of the cheapest products, and most housewives treat it with disdain, considering it possible to use it only as pet food. However, in kindergartens and health centers, cereal from wheat still appears in the menu, and for many its taste becomes a pleasant discovery. If you know how to cook wheat porridge correctly, it will turn out tasty and satisfying. The ability to cook this dish will diversify the family diet, making it even more useful.

Cooking Features

The process of making wheat porridge is specific, but it is not complicated. Having carefully studied the general principles of cooking this dish and not departing from the recommendations accompanying the selected recipe, even the beginning hostess will successfully cope with the task.

  • In order to not disappoint the result, you need to be able to choose the wheat cereals correctly. Experts advise to take the product in a transparent waterproof packaging. The croup is well preserved in it, and, most importantly, its quality will be easy to evaluate. The grains in the bag should be approximately the same size and color, ideally light brown. They should be well poured, not be damaged, stained. When buying wheat groats pay attention to the period of its production (not packaging, namely, production). Wheat groats are not recommended for more than 12 months.
  • When choosing wheat groats in a store, you need to know that they are different in size. Finely shredded croup is called “Artek”. It is suitable for cooking and viscous, and crumbly porridges. It is boiled both in water and in milk, including for children. Coarsely chopped or whole wheat groats are called “Poltava”. Of the whole cereal porridge is usually not cooked, they are used to make soups. Crushed wheat is suitable for cooking crumbly cereals, which are usually cooked in water.
  • Before cooking cereal grits, it is recommended to sort and rinse. This applies to any size product. However, some technologies for cooking porridge suggest refusal to wash it, but the inclusion in the preparation process of roasting cereals in a dry frying pan. During drying in a pan, starch contained in the grains binds, making the porridge more crumbly. If you did not wash the grits before cooking, then at least remove small debris from the surface of the water that will float to the surface after boiling.
  • It is best to cook porridge in pans with double bottom or in thick-bottom, with high-quality non-stick coating. A good idea would be to cook porridge in the pot (in the oven). Suitable for cooking wheat porridge and multicooker. In another dish porridge can burn, and it must constantly stir to prevent this trouble.
  • Wheat porridge will taste better if it is flavored with butter or cooked with meat, mushrooms, vegetables. Sweet porridge is often made with dried fruit.
  • In the microwave, wheat porridge is usually not cooked, as it boils soft for a long time. But if you do not have the opportunity to use a stove or a slow cooker, then you can cook the food in the microwave oven. To do this, it is necessary to soak the cereal for 2 hours, then rinse, pour fresh water and put in the microwave for 20-30 minutes at maximum power.
  • Cooking time wheat porridge depends on the size of the grains and the method of cooking the food. In a saucepan, finely shredded wheat is boiled for 15 minutes, coarsely chopped - for 20 minutes. After that, the pot is wrapped and left for another 30-40 minutes. During this time, the croup will swell better and become softer. When cooking porridge on milk, cooking time will have to be increased by about one and a half times. Cooking time of porridge in a slow cooker will be 30-50 minutes, if the manufacturer of the unit has not made other settings. After completion of the main program, it is advisable to leave the porridge to languish for 20-30 minutes in the heating mode.

To get the expected result, it is also important to choose the right ratio of cereals and liquids.

Proportions of cereals and liquids

The ratio of wheat cereal and liquid is selected taking into account the result that must be obtained, and the way in which porridge is prepared.

  • When cooking crumbly porridge on water in a saucepan, a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 2, 5 is used (for coarsely-ground cereal water a little more is required than for small). This means that a glass of cereal will require 2-2, 5 glasses of water. Water can be replaced by an equal amount of broth.
  • If porridge on water is prepared in a slow cooker, use the ratio of 1: 3.
  • In milk, wheat porridge is made viscous. For a dish of optimal consistency, 4-5 parts of milk are taken for 1 cup of cereals. The ratio of 1: 5 is usually used when cooked porridge on the same milk. The 1: 4 ratio is recommended when the food is boiled in a mixture of water and milk. When cooking milk porridge in a slow cooker, the recommended proportions do not change.

Sometimes when cooking porridge it is found that the liquid is a bit lacking, although the proportions are met correctly. It depends on the properties of the cereal. In such situations, when cooking, add a little more warm boiled water (or broth), but not milk. For the correct determination of the amount of liquid necessary for the preparation of wheat porridge, it does not hurt to know the ratio of the volume and weight of wheat cereal. In a glass with a capacity of 0, 2 l of it is placed 140-150 g, in a tablespoon - 14-15 g.

Important! Wheat is respected by different nations, who consider this grass the main food given to a person from above. It is no coincidence: wheat contains almost everything a person needs for life. Dishes from it are well absorbed, but not digested quickly. Wheat porridge is nourishing and nutritious, and if you eat it for breakfast, the feeling of hunger will not be disturbed until lunchtime.

The use of wheat cereal helps cleanse the body of toxins, improve its overall condition.

Wheat cereal is rich in B vitamins, it contains a lot of vitamin E. Due to this, its use helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body (including protein metabolism), strengthen the nervous system, improve skin, hair and nails. The huge content of folic acid in wheat porridge, which promotes better absorption of iron and prevents the appearance of iron deficiency anemia, has earned this dish the glory of the best food for pregnant women.

Include in the diet wheat porridge is recommended at any age, especially to people engaged in heavy physical labor, weakened after an illness.

Wheat contains gluten, so porridge from it is contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to this substance. There are no other contraindications to the use of wheat porridge.

Wheat porridge on the water (classic recipe)


  • Wheat groats “Poltava” (crushed) - 140 g;
  • water - 0, 5 l;
  • creamy or refined vegetable oil - 40 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Go through the cereal, spilling it onto the table. Remove the husks, damaged and blackened grains, pebbles and other debris.
  • Pour the cereal into a bowl, cover with water. Rub the grains together. Drain with flooded litter. Rinse the cereal in the same way again.
  • Transfer the wheat cereal to the pan, cover with water.
  • On medium heat, bring the contents of the pan to a boil. Reduce heat, add salt. Cook the porridge over low heat under the lid for 20 minutes, periodically stirring it and controlling the water level.
  • After a specified time, remove the porridge pan from the heat. Add oil, mix.
  • Wrap the pot with a towel and leave for half an hour.

Wheat porridge cooked in water is most often used as a side dish for meat and poultry, but it can be eaten separately from everything.

Milk porridge from wheat


  • Wheat groats “Artek” - 150 g;
  • water - 0, 2 l;
  • milk - 0, 6 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 20-40 g;
  • butter - 40 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Rinse the cereal, put it in a saucepan, cover with water.
  • Put the pan on a slow fire. Cook until there is almost no water left in the pan.
  • While the cereal is boiled in water, heat the milk, dissolve the salt and sugar in it.
  • Pour hot milk into the pan with porridge, mix. Continue cooking porridge for about 20-25 minutes, keeping an eye on its condition and stirring occasionally to prevent it from burning.
  • Remove the pot of porridge from the heat, add oil to it, mix.
  • Wrapped the pan, let the porridge sweat for another 15-20 minutes.

Wheat porridge prepared according to this recipe is tender and sweet. She will like not only adults, but also children.

Wheat porridge on water in a multi-cooker


  • wheat groats (crushed, of any size) - 140-150 g;
  • water - 0, 6 l;
  • salt, sugar - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Loop, wash the wheat grits, put it in the multicooker bowl.
  • Add salt and sugar. Salt porridge is necessary, and sweetening it is not always required.
  • Pour water into the unit bowl. Run it by activating a program designed to cook cereal dishes. It is usually called “Rice”, “Buckwheat”, “Krupa”, but it may have other names. If your slow cooker does not automatically detect the right cooking time, set the timer to 30 minutes.

After completion of the program, leave the porridge for half an hour in the heating mode.

Wheat porridge on milk in a slow cooker


  • Wheat groats (preferably “Artek”) - 150 g;
  • water - 0, 2 l;
  • milk - 0, 6 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • butter - 40 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Place prepared cereal in a multicooker container, sprinkle it with salt and sugar.
  • With butter on the walls of the multicooker bowl (approximately in the middle of its height) draw a line. This will be the border that milk when boiling cannot overcome.
  • Put the remaining butter on the grits.
  • Boil water, dissolve milk with boiling water, pour this mixture into the multicooker bowl.
  • Turn on the device by selecting the “Milk Porridge” program. If it is not available, any program designed for cooking cereal dishes will do. Set the timer, if necessary, to 50 minutes.
  • After completion of the main program, stir the porridge. At this stage, you can add to it steamed with boiling water and medium-sized sliced ​​dried fruit.
  • Leave the porridge to stew for 20-30 minutes in the heating mode.

Milk porridge made from wheat cereal in a microwave cooks easily and never burns, it turns out tender and tasty. With dried fruit, it will become even tastier and healthier.

Crumbly porridge on the water (unconventional recipe)


  • coarse-grained wheat groats (“Poltava”) - 140 g;
  • water - 0, 5 l;
  • salt - a large shchipot;
  • butter - 30 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Sort out the croup and, without rinsing, pour it into the pan. Warm up, stirring, until a delicate nut flavor is heard. Remove pan from heat.
  • In a saucepan, boil water, add salt to it (you can add spices to taste).
  • Pour prepared cereal into boiling water.
  • Cook it for 2-3 minutes on low fire, remove with a skimmer the emerged litter.
  • Reduce the intensity of the flame and continue cooking porridge for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the pan of porridge from the heat, add the butter and mix. Wrap a saucepan and stew porridge in it for another 20-30 minutes.

Porridge made according to this recipe is crumbly and fragrant. If you want to cook it during the post, replace the butter with vegetable oil, you still get tasty.

Milk porridge from wheat in the oven


  • wheat groats (crushed, of any size) - 140-150 g;
  • milk - 1 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 20-40 g;
  • butter - 40-50 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Heat the milk, melt the butter in it. Add salt and sugar, mix. Remove the pot of milk from the fire.
  • Pour the wheat cereal into the pan and fry until the characteristic flavor appears.
  • Pour the cereal into a cast iron or similar utensils - thick-walled, suitable for use in the oven.
  • Pour the cereal with milk, stir.
  • Put the iron in a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Cook the porridge at this temperature for 1, 5 hours.
  • Stir the porridge. If milk remains in it, continue cooking porridge for another 15-20 minutes.

Porridge according to this recipe is tasty, with notes of baked milk and nuts. If you try it at least once, you will not be lazy to cook this dish often.

Wheat porridge with mushrooms and onions


  • wheat groats - 0, 4 kg;
  • white mushrooms or champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1, 5 l;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • onions - 0, 3 kg;
  • salt, fresh greens - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Rinse the grits.
  • Clean the mushrooms, cut into cubes of medium size.
  • Boil water, add salt. Dip mushrooms into it. Cook them for 15-20 minutes.
  • Throw back the mushrooms in a colander, pour the mushroom decoction into a cauldron or thick-walled pot that can be put in the oven.
  • Put the pan with the decoction on the cooktop, put the grits in it, heat it. Cook for 10 minutes, by this time the porridge will begin to thicken.
  • While the porridge is boiled, chop the onion finely and fry it in butter.
  • Add boiled mushrooms and fried onions to porridge (along with butter). Stir.
  • Place the cauldron in the oven heated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

When serving, porridge will not interfere with sprinkling with fresh herbs. The dish prepared according to this recipe does not require any additions. It can be served for lunch or dinner.

Wheat porridge is one of the most traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. Properly cooked, it is tasty and healthy. You can make it sweet and savory, with milk or water. Each version of the food has its fans.

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