Cooking Italian pizza and freeing the refrigerator

Cooking Italian pizza and freeing the refrigerator

Each of you, dear mothers and wives, must have experienced situations where you need to make something “edly” from a small assortment of products, but more tasty! After all, we all want to be caring and excellent hostesses. And here one of the best options would be cooking homemade pizza. And we will spend a little time, and the products will suit those that are often at hand, and loved ones will enjoy delicious delights.

So today we will tell you how to cook meat pizza!

The main thing in pizza, of course, is the filling and dough. The basis, of course, can be bought in the store, but today we will be skilled hostesses and try to knead the dough ourselves.

1. Choose a larger container, since it will be inconvenient with small dishes - everything falls out and it’s not comfortable to knead.

2. Take a glass of lukewarm water, add a tablespoon of sugar to it, add a teaspoon of yeast to the same place, mix all this and wait 5-7 minutes until the ingredients dissolve.

3. At this time, in a large container pour two cups of flour, add a teaspoon of salt there, mix and start gradually (!) Add our water from a glass, while stirring the flour intensively.

4. Next, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

5. Roll out the dough. Ideally, it should be made so that the dough is not too liquid and does not stick to the hands.

6. Leave our dough at room temperature for 15-20 minutes.

7. Smooth the dough on the surface of the pan.

8. Next comes the turn of tomato sauce or tomato paste, which is neatly distributed over all surfaces of the baking sheet. Of course, you can replace your own homemade tomato sauce with tomato paste or even ketchup, but true Italians will not be delighted with this step.

9. Grate cheese. You can take any of the fridge, but the most delicious pizza is obtained with mozzarella cheese. 10. Next comes a layer of bacon. The Italians here have their own little secret - they advise you to chop the bacon very finely. The fact is that sometimes bacon is hard to chew, and in finely chopped form - this is not a problem! (Bacon can be replaced with minced meat or chicken fillet).

11. After that, lay out a layer of ham, cut into small slices.

12. Of course, there should be vegetables in a good Italian pizza. In our case, these are olives and fresh tomatoes. Cut the vegetables very thin, the pizza, first of all, should be refined, it should not contain large slices of the ingredients of the filling.

13. Let's not offend lovers of sausages and lay out the top layer of thin slices of salami, which will give the finished pizza an excellent, finished look.

14. It is time for the oven! Leave the pizza in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

15. Grate some more cheese, which is neatly distributed over the top layer of pizza. This is done to ensure that the cheese is soft and perfectly stretched! This is how we cooked a great pizza! Tasty, fast and easy!

Cooking Italian pizza and freeing the refrigerator

Show your imagination and replace the proposed ingredients with yours found in the fridge. Sure, the pizza will turn out delicious and satisfying, and the products will not have to be thrown away.

But there are situations when you don’t have free time at all, and you want to please your loved ones and loved ones, don’t you leave them hungry? After all, no one wants to be a bad hostess! For this occasion, you can always order a ready-made pizza from a cafe. Find the best discounts in the pizzeria and the delivery of food on the website Disconti.

But making the pizza yourself is much cheaper, more interesting and more profitable!

All bon appetit and good mood!

Your Tony Discount,

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