Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce is a hot dish that came to us from the shores of sunny Italy. In ancient times, the dough was made by hand, lightly boiled in salted boiling water, some filling was added, classic tomato sauce or bechamel was poured, and the dish was cooked until ready in the oven. These are so-called cannelloni, or manikotti, thick, long tubes. Nowadays, industry has come to the aid of housewives and a whole range of pasta is produced for stuffing. These products are different from the usual vermicelli and noodles, they are more dense, made from hard wheat, so they do not boil soft. Try to make pasta gramophone with minced meat in tomato sauce - delicious, fast and nutritious!

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce
  • Cooking time: 50 minutes
  • Servings: 6

Ingredients for stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

  • 500 g of pasta;
  • 600 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 5 g hops-suneli;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 30 g of olive oil;
  • 150 ml of tomato sauce;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • salt, parsley.

Method of cooking stuffed pasta with minced meat in tomato sauce

Making minced chicken fillet. Meat my cold water, chop large, put in a blender.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Add a raw chicken egg to the blender - it will serve as a kind of glue that will connect the ingredients of minced meat.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

For juiciness, we put the classic ingredient of any stuffing - a head of onions, cut into large pieces. Crush products to obtain a homogeneous, smooth mass.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Put the seasoning - hops-suneli, finely chopped tuft of dill and salt to taste. Stir the ingredients again and the mince is ready. It can be removed for a while in the fridge, for about 15 minutes so that the products “get to know” each other.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

We heat a little olive oil for frying in a pan, add butter, when the pan heats up well and the oil melts, put the minced meat. Fry over moderate heat for a few minutes until half cooked so that the stuffing is grabbed and slightly brightens.

Remove the pan from the heat and leave to one side so that the filling is slightly cooled.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Pour 3 liters of boiling water into a saucepan, pour 2-3 teaspoons of salt, put gramophones. Cook for 5 minutes, until ready to cook it is impossible, they will begin to stick together. Recall half-finished gramophones in a colander, then pour olive oil of the first cold press.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Fill the pasta with the cooled filling tightly, put it on the board.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Lubricate the ceramic baking dish with olive oil. Add 50-80 ml of hot water and a pinch of salt to tomato sauce.

Pour half the sauce into the form.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Fill the form with stuffed gramophone, add the rest of the sauce.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

On a fine grater we rub hard cheese. Sprinkle the dish with a thick layer of grated cheese, heat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

We put the form with pasta on the middle shelf of the oven in the center, bake for about 25 minutes.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Before serving, sprinkle stuffed pasta in tomato sauce with ground black pepper and parsley, pour with high-quality olive oil.

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce

Stuffed pasta in tomato sauce is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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