Salad of red cabbage - a selection of the best recipes. Cooking delicious salads with red cabbage.

Salad of red cabbage - a selection of the best recipes. Cooking delicious salads with red cabbage.

Red Cabbage Salad - General Cooking Principles

Red cabbage? What is the difference of this product from all of us familiar cabbage? Some may think that only in color, but it is not. Red cabbage retains many times more minerals, iron, calcium. Also, it exceeds the amount of vitamin C several times, which is contained in its “white sister”. The characteristic reddish color cabbage gives anthocyanin. This substance is able to restore the state of the blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. Red cabbage has many advantages - contributes to the normalization of the metabolic process, restores the activity of the digestive organs, is used as a preventive measure for leukemia. As for cooking, red cabbage is not used as often as we would like. Housewives only occasionally cook light salads with him, and often use in brines. Nutritionists argue that it is necessary more often to include in your diet this type of cabbage, as it is able to bring more benefits to humanity than cabbage. In addition, preparing these two products in the same way and do not need to change their habits.

Red Cabbage Salad - Preparing Food and Dishes

Stews, canned, fried, pickles - all this can be done thanks to red cabbage, but this ingredient can be of great benefit when cooking light salads. Only in this case the cabbage will retain a large proportion of the substances contained in it. By the way, the cabbage calorie is 24 kilocalories, which allows you to cook low-calorie and light vegetable salads.

When cooking cabbage is usually finely chopped with a knife, but there are those who prefer to rub the red cabbage grated. In this case, it is better to pick a grater with large holes. Even there are special sets of graters for cabbage.

Red Cabbage Salad Recipes:

Recipe 1: Red Cabbage Salad

Perhaps, we will begin acquaintance with interesting salads based on red cabbage with the most simple, but pleasant to the taste salad. By the way, this dish can be filled with either mayonnaise or vegetable oil. We give an example of a more useful salad with red cabbage, seasoned with butter. Ingredients Required:

  • 500 g - red cabbage;
  • 3 tbsp. l - vinegar;
  • 50 ml - oil;
  • 2 tooth. - garlic;
  • on a pinch of salt and black pepper.

Preparation Method:

Cabbage should stand a little in the ground form. First, finely chopped, salt, add immediately black pepper. A few minutes to rub the cabbage with our hands, it will be more tender. To refuel, you must mix the oil with vinegar. You can take your favorite oil. Mix the specified amount of oil with vinegar, press down the crushed garlic. Cabbage stood a little, allocated juice, you can fill.

Recipe 2: Red Cabbage Salad with Oranges

Besides cabbage and orange, potatoes are also used in salad. Agree, rather unusual combination of ingredients. But it is through this technique that red cabbage salad acquires its unique and inimitable taste.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 pcs. - potatoes;
  • 300 g - cabbage;
  • 1 pc. - red onion;
  • 2 pcs. - orange;
  • 2 tbsp. l - olive oil;
  • 100 g - lettuce leaves;
  • 1 bunch - parsley;
  • 2 tbsp. l - vinegar.

Preparation Method:

Take first cabbage. Cut for salad, then pour boiling water for 1 minute, filter and pour over now with cold water. After that you can proceed to the remaining ingredients. Boiled potatoes are cut into cubes, the small red onion is finely chopped, and the orange, peeled, is cut into small slices. The dressing is prepared as follows. We combine vinegar, preferably apple and olive oil, it can be replaced by vegetable. Salt and pepper. Lettuce leaves are finely chopped, combine with the other ingredients, and pour the dressing on top. Before serving, red cabbage salad mix and garnish with parsley. Parsley can also be chopped directly in the salad.

Recipe 3: Salad of red cabbage with cranberries

In addition to red cabbage, white cabbage is added to this dish. Sweet and sour dressing combines these two components, forming a sophisticated and delicate salad. And what taste does the added cranberry give to the dish - perfection! Ingredients Required:

  • 200 g - red cabbage;
  • 200 g - white cabbage;
  • 200 g - cranberries;
  • 2 pcs. - an Apple.

Ingredients that will be needed to make a sweet and sour dressing:

  • 1 tbsp. l - sugar;
  • 1 pinch - salt;
  • 6 tbsp. l - rast. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l - vinegar (apple).

Preparation Method:

Cabbage cut separately from each other. Sprinkle white cabbage with salt and squeeze it. Leave them for a couple of minutes. The apple is peeled, for salads only green fruit will be useful, and then cut into cubes. Wash the cranberries. Now that the ingredients have been sliced ​​and the red cabbage salad needs only a dressing, you can start making the very sour dressing. Everything is very simple to cook. Mix the sugar and apple cider vinegar with vegetable oil, mix well with a fork until all the sugar has melted. We combine cabbage, we send apples with cranberries to them, add the dressing and let the red cabbage salad stand for about an hour. During this time, the cabbage will soften and be able to soak up the juice of the dressing and cranberries.

Recipe 4: Red Cabbage Salad with Nuts

This salad can also be called vitamin, since all components of this dish have an inexhaustible supply of minerals and vitamins. Also, this salad will be very useful during fasting, during this period, the body more than ever needs useful trace elements.

Ingredients Required:

  • 300 g - cabbage;
  • 30 g - horseradish;
  • 100 ml - red wine;
  • 50 g - nuts;
  • 2 pcs. - apples;
  • 5 tbsp. l - lemon juice;
  • sugar, pepper, salt.

Preparation Method:

At this time, the apples are rubbed on a grater, only remove the core, and leave the peel. Cabbage finely shred. You can put in a colander, put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then immediately pour it with cold water. After the cabbage is mixed with grated horseradish and apples. After we squeeze the juice from a whole lemon, add a pinch of sugar and salt and one bed of water. The resulting consistency of watering the salad of red cabbage. It remains to add the wine and lightly sprinkle black pepper. Decorating the salad with walnuts is only needed before serving, as the kernels can soften.

Recipe 5: White Cabbage Salad with Honey

It is very difficult to spoil the taste of red cabbage, all the ingredients used in the recipe are designed only to decorate the taste of salad. This time, this task goes to liquid honey.

Ingredients Required:

  • 300 g - cabbage;
  • 200 g - pears;
  • 50 ml - honey;
  • 100 ml - oil.

Preparation Method:

Salad is cooked very quickly. Pears are cut into strips, like red cabbage itself. For dressing, mix honey with olive oil and salt to taste. Simple but incredibly delicious!

Red Cabbage Salad - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

You can cook fresh red cabbage salads all winter long, all due to the fact that this product is well stored in cool places.

To make cabbage leaves softer, chop them finely and then sprinkle with salt and remember your hands well. In 10 minutes the leaves will acquire crispness and tenderness.

There is a second way - for 20 minutes, put chopped cabbage into hot water. After giving the liquid a good drain.

Add red wine to salads from red cabbage, which will further emphasize the color of the salad.

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