Banana cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook Banana cake.

Banana cake - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook Banana cake.

Banana cake - general principles and methods of cooking

Banana cake today is a very popular dish. Very often it is cooked for some holidays, and this is understandable, because it is so magnificent both in taste and in appearance, which can decorate any celebration. And its fragrance is truly divine! The undoubted advantages of a banana cake can be attributed to the relative ease, as its cream usually does not contain butter. However, due to the bananas, which contain a lot of starch, it is very filling at the same time.

Did you know that scientists have discovered substances in a banana that are structurally similar to serotonin and endorphins, which are called nothing other than the hormones of happiness? So, having tried a banana cake, you will certainly feel the joy and a surge of strength. In a word, a banana cake is a delicious and healthy delicacy. And cooking is not difficult at all. The only time is to do it better in advance, so that it is well soaked and filled with that unique banana aroma, which distinguishes it from all other sweet dishes.

Banana Cake - Food Preparation

The main component of any banana cake is, of course, bananas. The success of cooking depends on their choice. For cream it is better to take very ripe bananas, which soften easily and have a richer taste. Less ripe fruits are more suitable for the lamination of the cake and its decoration, because it will be easier to cut them into beautiful circles or slices of another shape.

Banana Cake - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Banana Cake Without Baking


Perhaps this is one of the easiest recipes for a banana cake. However, this cake turns out very tasty and nutritious, so it will definitely become one of your family’s favorite dishes.


180 gr. butter;

500 gr. cookies;

1 cup of sugar;

5 bananas;

200 gr. sour cream;

50 gr. hazelnut;

50 gr. chocolate;

to taste ground cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Break the cookies into small pieces, clean the hazelnuts, lightly fry and chop into small chips in a blender. Peeling bananas, cut into thin circles, and leave one to decorate the top of the cake with it. Chop chocolate on a fine grater. 2. Mix chopped nuts, softened butter, sugar and sour cream, add bananas with ground cinnamon and whip everything. Then add chopped cookies to this mixture.

3. We spread the resulting banana mass on the dish, giving the cake the shape at will, and decorate it with grated chocolate and thinly sliced ​​banana slices.

4. Give the finished cake to infuse in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Recipe 2: Banana Cake with Honey and Condensed Milk

Very tasty cake, which would certainly appreciate even such a sweet tooth, like Winnie the Pooh, who did not suffer, choosing between condensed milk and honey, and asked for both. This cake turns out very tender and nutritious, therefore it is an excellent option for a children's holiday.


for the test:

250 gr. margarine;

2 eggs;

1 tbsp. l honey

1 can of condensed milk;

200 gr. flour;

0.5 tsp soda;

for cream:

7 ripe bananas;

700 gr. sour cream;

100 gr. Sahara.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the eggs, mix them with condensed milk and melted margarine (not hot, so that the eggs do not clot).

2. Putting out the soda with melted honey, add it to the flour and prepare the dough. Dividing it into 2 parts, bake cakes and cut each along. That is, all we get 4 Korzh.

3. Cooking cream, whipping sour cream with sugar.

4. After smearing the bottom cake with cream, spread the thinly sliced ​​bananas on top, then put the next cake on it, smear it with cream and cover it with bananas, etc. We decorate the last cake with bananas and, if desired, with other fruits, and then put them in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Recipe 3: Banana Nut Cake


This cake is not only very tasty, but also nutritious. It is interesting with a combination of bananas and walnuts, does not require much time for cooking and will certainly work even for beginners.


3 bananas;

200 gr. flour;

1/3 tsp soda, hydrated vinegar;

100 gr. powdered sugar;

100 gr. butter;

100 gr. kefir or yogurt;

0.5 sakana sour cream;

4 tbsp. l chopped walnuts;

a pinch of salt.

For cream:

0.5 liters of sour cream,

100 gr. Sahara.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the form, grease it with oil and sprinkle with flour, and heat the oven to 180 degrees. 2. Sifting flour, mix it with soda and salt. Whip butter with sugar. Mash bananas.

3. Mix sour cream, bananas and butter, pounded with sugar. Then gradually add to the mixture, dry ingredients and yogurt, whipping everything after adding a new portion. Mix the resulting dough with nuts, divide in half and bake two cakes, each for about 30 minutes.

4. Taking the cakes from the oven and cooling, cut each along.

5. Whip sour cream with sugar. With the resulting cream, we lubricate each cake; on top of the cream, lay bananas cut into thin slices. After collecting the cake, put it in the fridge so that it is well soaked for several hours.

Recipe 4: Banana Cake with Cheesecake Creme


Pretty simple cake, which can be a good addition to morning coffee.


500 gr. cookies;

200 gr. cottage cheese;

100 gr. Sahara;

1 tbsp. l gelatin;

3 bananas;

2 tbsp. l chopped walnuts.

Cooking method:

1. To make a cream, soak the gelatin so that it dissolves well and swollen. Then add cottage cheese, sugar and stir well.

2. Lay out in the form of layers of biscuits, cream, sliced ​​bananas (starting with biscuits).

3. Cover the cream with the top layer of cake and decorate it with walnuts and sliced ​​bananas, put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours to set.

Banana Cake - tips from experienced chefs

Since bananas contain a lot of starch, they tend to darken in a purified state. Therefore, if you plan that the top of your cake will be decorated with slices of bananas that are not covered with cream, then it is better to lay them out after the cake is infused in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving, so that they have an attractive and fresh look. .

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