Gingerbread cake: dessert in a hurry without baking. Gingerbread cake recipe with banana, oranges, kiwi and other fruits

Gingerbread cake: dessert in a hurry without baking. Gingerbread cake recipe with banana, oranges, kiwi and other fruits

Guests are already on the doorstep; there is no time at all to surprise them with original baked goods.

In such cases, the cake will help gingerbread on a quick hand without baking.

Recently, unusual recipes have become very popular, and you have to spend only a couple of minutes on cooking in the fridge.

Gingerbread cake without baking

This recipe can be considered basic, since it contains gingerbread and cream on sour cream. It is cooked very quickly and it turns out incredibly tasty.


For cakes, only honey cakes are used - 500 g.

For cream you will need:

• A glass of 15% sour cream (500 g);

• 1 glass with a slide of sugar sand;

• Vanilla sugar.

Cooking process:

Preparing the cake very quickly, first of all, you need to make a cream.

Sour cream and sugar well beat with a mixer, to get an airy white mass, add vanilla.

Gingerbread is cut into two halves along.

Once the cream is ready, you can collect the cake. You need to take a round dish and put a bowl of gingerbread halves on the bottom.

Pour the cream and again lay the ball of gingerbread, cream again. There are three such balls, after which the top and sides of the cake are covered with cream.

As for the decoration, here you can already show imagination: grate chocolate, decorate with fruit slices or sprinkle with colored sugar.

Ready to send the cake in the cold for a few hours.

Gingerbread cake with banana and walnuts

Another delicious and very high-calorie cake recipe, which will appeal not only to households, but also guests.


• Dark gingerbread (the most delicious will be with chocolate) - 0.6 kg;

• 20% sour cream - 0.6 kg;

• Icing sugar - 100 g;

• 3 medium sized bananas;

• Coconut chips - 2 tbsp. l .;

• Any nuts - 1/2 cup;

• Chocolate - optional.

Cooking process:

For gingerbread cake with bananas, gingerbread should be cut into several pieces horizontally.

Bananas cut into circles, the thickness of which is about 5 cm. Mixer mix well sour cream, adding powder.

Chop nuts.

Cover the deep container with foil so as to ensure the seam allowance.

Put the first layer of gingerbread, pour sour cream.

Now a layer of bananas and gingerbread again, pour sour cream.

The top layer should be gingerbread.

Send a bowl of cake to the fridge where it should stand for at least 2 hours.

After getting, turn on the dish, and remove the film.

Sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips, small nuts and coconut chips. You can bring to the table, it looks very original, but it doesn’t come off the palate.

Gingerbread cake with marshmallow

This recipe for gingerbread cake will not leave anyone indifferent. It turns out gentle and air thanks to a layer from a zephyr, and the quantity of cake is enough for the big company.


• Honey gingerbread - 1 kg;

• Bananas - 7 pcs .;

• 7 pcs. vanilla marshmallow;

For cream:

• 0.5 kg - sour cream;

• 80 g heavy cream.

• 50 g of cocoa;

• 125 g sugar;

Cooking process:

To make a gingerbread cake without baking, clean the bananas and cut them into slices or slices. Gingerbread and marshmallows - cubes of small size.

Put all the ingredients in the pan and pour the cream, and prepare it as follows: using a mixer, mix cream, sour cream, sugar, cocoa and cream.

Cake gently put on a dish and slide into the fridge to stiffen.

When serving, you can decorate with nuts or coconut chips.

Gingerbread cake with fresh fruit

This recipe is not only cooked quickly, it is also very useful, as it contains a large amount of fresh fruit.


• 0, 5 kg of mint gingerbread;

• 2 pieces of each fruit: kiwi, banana and orange;

• 125 g of nuts.

To make the cream you need:

• 500 g sour cream;

• 100 g heavy cream;

• 1 cup of sugar.

For glaze:

• 40 g of cocoa;

• 3 tbsp. sugar sand;

• Half a glass of milk;

• 10 g heavy cream.

Cooking process:

In this recipe, oval-shaped gingerbread will look best and gently divide them along into 3 parts.

After you need to cook the cream: heavy cream or butter rubbed with sugar before you get a homogeneous mass. Then add sour cream and beat well up to air foam with a mixer. Each piece of gingerbread to smear with cream and put a layer on the dish. To fill up all intervals with a crumb from gingerbreads and after to grease plentifully.

Bananas, peeled and cut into slices, put overthrow, fluff again with cream.

So repeat until all the gingerbread has been consumed.

After the cake has already been assembled, you can proceed to the preparation of the glaze: pour milk into the pan, add sugar, cocoa and set on the fire, boil. After boiling add oil. Keep the glaze on the fire until the sugar is dissolved, and it does not acquire a chocolate color. Pour the glaze over the cake, decorate it with orange slices and kiwi, sprinkle with walnuts.

Send in the fridge for 4 hours and can be served.

Gingerbread cake with condensed milk cream

Most often preparing a cake with gingerbread cakes, use cream based on sour cream, but it turns out very tasty if you mix it with condensed milk pre-cooked.


For cakes are taken gingerbread and cut into small slices.

For cream:

• Boiled condensed milk - 1 jar;

• A large glass of sour cream (better to take a thick);

• 3-4 spoons of any jam.


All components of the cream mix well with a spoon or whisk. It is better not to use the mixer, as the cream in this case will turn out too liquid.

Slices of gingerbread dipped for a couple of minutes in the cream, so they are better soaked.

Very harmonious and original in this recipe will look like berries, better, of course, fresh, but you can and canned.

A layer of gingerbread is covered with fruit, sprinkled with nuts on top.

And thus, you need to make several layers, forming a slide on the dish.

Ready to leave the cake for an hour on the table, and then send for a few hours in the cold

Due to the fact that the gingerbread cuts are finely soaked, they very quickly, and, at first glance, you won’t even understand what the cake in this cake comes from.

Gingerbread cake with persimmon and banana

This gingerbread cake recipe will delight you with its delicate flavor. When preparing it, you can use not only persimmon and banana, but also other fruits, including canned ones.

Products: • Honey gingerbread - 500 g;

• 2 large persimmons;

• 2 bananas.

For cream:

• Cream fat - 100 ml;

• Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp .;

• Sour cream - 500 g

For glaze:

• 50 g sour cream;

• 3 tbsp. cocoa;

• 3 tbsp. Sahara.


You need to start cooking the cake with a cream, only then proceed to the assembly of the cake.

The cream is prepared as follows: begin to beat the cream of high fat content with a mixer, sugar is gradually added. After everything is thoroughly mixed, pour the sour cream in small portions, beat well and the cream is ready.

Now we collect the cake, for which it is better to take the dish.

Lay the first layer of gingerbread, cut lengthwise into several pieces.

In a cream, generously dip each piece of gingerbread and put a layer on a dish.

After putting a layer of persimmon, pre-cut into thin circles.

Then again gingerbread with cream and a layer of bananas, cut into circles.

Last layer of gingerbread and pour all the icing.

The glaze is prepared as follows: put sour cream, cocoa and sugar in a saucepan. All products mix well and put on fire. Domestic frosting to boil, but constantly need to stir. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.

Crushed nuts, slices of tangerines and other fruits at your discretion can be used to decorate the cake from above.

Ready cake for at least 2 hours, better at night, put in the fridge.

Gingerbread cake with yogurt cream

This delicious and fairly easy cake recipe will surprise you with its airiness and incredibly delicate taste. You can cook it in just a few minutes.


• Milk gingerbread - 500 g;

• Milk - 1 cup.

For cream:

• Fruit yogurt - 500 g;

• Sour cream - 1 cup;

• Sugar - 1/2 cup;

• Instant gelatin - 20 g.


First you need to prepare the cream, but pre-soak the gelatin in a small amount of water.

Beat yogurt, sugar and sour cream well with a mixer. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath and add to the cream in a thin stream, continuing to beat. The cream is ready.

Now you can start cooking cake layers.

Gingerbread cut into several pieces along and, folded in a small bowl, pour milk. Let stand a few minutes. Take a dish with sides, it is best to have a rectangular shape and lay out a layer of gingerbread, close the empty places with broken off pieces, cover with cream, not too thick.

Another layer of gingerbread and a layer of cream.

Thus make a few layers, as long as the top is completely covered with cream.

Send the cake for 3-4 hours in the fridge.

After getting and cut into small squares, put on a dish. The pieces are separated from the dishes perfectly. Sprinkle each piece with grated chocolate on top.

Gingerbread cake - “Cherry in the snow”

This cake of gingerbread is very tasty, but the process of its preparation is rather laborious. For the sake of this taste really worth trying.


• 400 g chocolate gingerbread;

• 80 g heavy cream;

• 3 eggs;

• Sugar - 1 cup;

• Cherry berries - 400 g


Cherry berries mixed with sugar (2 tbsp. L), after the juice is drained, add starch.

Gingerbread should be grated.

Cream of high fat content mixed with 3 egg yolks, the mixture is added to crumbs from gingerbread.

The baking sheet is covered with foil, most of the “dough” is laid out over it, and the leveling is pressed down slightly.

Three squirrels are whipped with half the amount of sugar until the drop is standing without spreading.

Half of the resulting meringue spread on gingerbread.

Cherry and the rest of the meringue are laid on top. Carefully closes with the remainder of the “dough”. Send to oven for 20 minutes.

Cooking a bit troublesome, but the result will please.

Pineapple Gingerbread Cake

This cake is moderately sweet, but at the same time, very nourishing and tender.


• Chocolate gingerbread - 500 g;

• 15% sour cream - 500 g;

• Granulated sugar - 150 g;

• Bank of pineapple slices;

• Walnuts.


Beat sour cream with sugar.

With pineapple drain juice.

Gingerbread cut lengthwise into 2 parts.

Place gingerbread in a flat plate, pre-dip them in sour cream. Putting the first layer, you need to sprinkle it with slices of pineapple and walnuts.

The next layer of gingerbread also sprinkle with pineapples and nuts. Be sure to form the gingerbread in the form of a hill. Sprinkle the last layer with cream and put in a fridge.

An hour later, get the cake and collect all the sour cream from the cake, again miss the top of it.

After sour cream hardens, you can decorate the cake with nuts, chocolate or fruit and leave for another few hours for better soaking.

Gingerbread Cake: Useful Tips

1. For making gingerbread cake, you can use any kind of cake, but the most delicious is a chocolate dessert.

2. Gingerbread should be cut into slices, in which case they are best impregnated with any kind of cream.

3. As for fruits, here you can use any, depending on your taste preferences. With bananas, the cake is the sweetest, but with canned pineapples - with a special sourness.

4. If you don’t like too sweet, then it’s better to add half of the specified amount of sugar to the sour cream, the icing from the cakes will give the sour cream some more sweetness.

5. As for sour cream, there is already a choice for the hostess, if she wants to make the dessert fatter, then it is better to choose fat sour cream. If the cake should be gentle - you can take a low-fat.

6. When cooking gingerbread cake, you can unleash your cooking skills to the fullest, since this recipe allows you to experiment and create new original cakes and cakes in a hurry from gingerbread without baking.

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