Toast with garlic is an elementary dish requiring attention. Interesting recipes of toast with garlic for all occasions

Toast with garlic is an elementary dish requiring attention. Interesting recipes of toast with garlic for all occasions

Snacks, more versatile than croutons, and you can not imagine.

For breakfast, for dinner, for a picnic, for a beer, for coffee - they will suit any occasion, and even a child can make them. But even such an elementary dish has many variations and cooking methods.

We have collected for you some interesting recipes for toast with garlic, thanks to which you can always make a tasty treat or a simple snack.

Croutons with garlic - the general principles of cooking

• Bread will suit any: white, black, with additives, fresh and not very. Do not use unless moldy.

• There are two main ways of roasting bread for toasts: just in butter (classic), and in batter (in French, Italian, etc.).

• It is better to slice the bread yourself, as the shop cut is too thin - the croutons will not be so lush and beautiful.

• Fry croutons only in a very hot frying pan. If you put bread on an insufficiently hot surface, it will just be saturated with oil and soften, and you will not get a crisp.

• Croutons are served immediately after preparation, hot and only hot. Cold fried bread, especially in batter, is not the most delicious dish.

Observing these principles, you can experiment with the recipe as much as your imagination is enough. Use various additives for batter, rub the toast with salt and garlic before or after frying, fry in oil or without it, bake in the oven or on a wire rack, serve with different sauces. Croutons - this is a dish that can be cooked absolutely for every taste and color.

In traditional recipes, the method of cooking croutons involves frying without batter, and toppings (garlic, spices, cheese, mushrooms, etc.) are added at the end of cooking. Such toast is usually served as a snack for beer drinks, various soups and salads.

It is not known for certain who thought up to fry pieces of bread in a milk-egg mixture, but the one to whom this invention belonged was clearly a genius. Crouton croutons are an ideal breakfast meal for a large family and outdoor picnics. And you need to drink them not with beer, but with good coffee, fruit-drink or light wine. In order to croutons turned out neat and golden, you need to fry them on a large amount of hot oil. You will not interfere with a special grid for the pan, protecting you and the kitchen from hot oil splashes.

Recipe №1 Classic (for anything)



Vegetable oil

2 cloves of garlic




Cut the bread into pieces with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm and rub them on both sides with salt. Then put the pieces on a greased hot skillet and fry until crisp (about 2 minutes on each side).

Chop garlic in a press or grated. Mix with pepper and olive oil. The resulting mixture lubricates the finished croutons and cut them into cubes or strips.

Recipe №2 Classic with cheese and garlic for beer

Such toasts are simply created in order to uncover and complement the taste of good beer. In this recipe, you can use any kind of cheese: smoked chechil, suluguni, Gouda, tilzister, simple Russian cheese will do - add the one you like.






Vegetable oil



Fry the bread in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Cut the croutons into cubes or strips, but in the end we no longer pour garlic oil, but sprinkle with garlic-garlic mixture. It is prepared simply: rub the cheese on a fine grater, add chopped garlic, mix everything and spread on hot croutons. If you like very melted cheese, then you can hold the croutons for another minute or two on the fire under the lid.

Recipe №3 Croutons with garlic and pesto

In order to turn ordinary toasts into an exquisite appetizer, which we are not ashamed to serve even for a dinner party, we will need to add just one ingredient - pesto. This Italian sauce made from olive oil, basil and cheese has such a delicate and savory taste that it can turn any dish into a culinary masterpiece. It is better for croutons to buy ready-made pesto, since it is difficult to cook by yourself, and the products needed for this (special grade olive oil, pecorino cheese, etc.) are difficult to find in our country. Suitable as a traditional green pesto, and red with dried tomatoes. Ingredients:





Olive oil

Fresh basil for decoration


Fry only a little oil in the pan, fry the bread in the same way as in the first recipe.

Then grease the croutons with pesto sauce and decorate with fresh basil sprigs. You may not add garlic in this recipe, since it is already present in pesto.

However, if you want a pronounced garlic flavor, add chopped garlic clove to the sauce or rub the bread with garlic salt before frying.

Recipe number 4 Klar for toast

There are only two basic ingredients for making batter: egg and milk. You can do without milk, but then the taste will not be so tender. Everything else - add spices, sauces and breading as desired. The recipe below is not exactly a classic, but capable of glorifying you as an excellent hostess and a talented chef.


1 egg

2 tbsp. l of milk

1 tbsp. l mayonnaise

1/2 tsp garlic salt

1/2 tsp french mustard

Salt, pepper to taste


Beat the egg with milk. Do not try to get the foam as for meringue, just enough to achieve a uniform consistency.

Add the remaining ingredients and mix. Everything, the batter is ready, now you can fry croutons in it.

Recipe №5 Morning toast with garlic in batter

If there is nothing at home besides a loaf of bread the day before yesterday, a couple of eggs and a half cup of milk, and for breakfast you need to cook something, then croutons are the perfect way out. And quickly, and satisfying, and fingers, as they say, you will lick. Well, a clove of garlic will probably be found somewhere in the bowels of the refrigerator.


1 egg

2 tbsp. l of milk




Garlic clove or garlic salt


Cooking simple batter from eggs, milk and garlic salt.

Heat the pan, dip bread in batter and fry over high heat for a minute on each side (until a crust forms). We turn down the fire and bring about another five minutes to readiness under the lid.

Recipe No. 6 Croutons Caprese

If you are a lover of Italian cuisine, you will certainly appreciate this delicious snack. Caprese croutons are perfect as a starter for dinner, will be a worthy alternative to boring picnic sandwiches, and can be served as a separate dish. In fact, this is a caprese salad on toast, but cooked with some tricks. In this recipe, we will again use pesto, since it is perfectly combined with tomatoes and mozzarella. Instead of the usual bread it is better to take ciabatta or bran. Ingredients (for 4 servings):

Tomatoes 2 pcs.


Mozzarella cheese 150 g

Pesto sauce 3 tbsp. l

Fresh basil


Milk 2 tbsp. l

Garlic salt 1/2 tsp.




Make batter from milk, eggs, garlic salt and pesto (everything is just mixed). Fry the croutons in it as in the previous recipe. Remove from the heat, top alternately lay out sliced ​​tomatoes and mozzarella, decorate with basil sprigs. This is the first method of cooking croutons-caprese.

The second method will require the use of an oven. It needs to be heated to 180 degrees. The first actions will be the same as in the first method, now we fry the croutons for a minute on each side on a large fire, and then immediately remove them from the fire, spread the tomatoes and mozzarella on them and send them to the oven for 10-15 minutes. Then we get and decorate with basil.

Recipe №7 Low-calorie toast with garlic

Love bread and fried, but the diet does not allow? This is not a reason to refuse toast, because they can be prepared so that they do not harm the figure. For dietetic croutons, we need special bread: flax, bran, or whole wheat. We will not fry them - we will use the oven - without butter, there will be much less calories in toasts.



1 garlic clove

1 egg

Salt pepper


Preheat oven at 200 degrees. Beat the egg with chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Dip each piece into the mixture on one side, spread on the parchment lined baking sheet with the dry side. Sent in the oven for 15 minutes. If desired, you can put tomatoes or other vegetables on top, sprinkle with cheese and herbs. Then you will have a full and healthy breakfast that will energize for a long time.

Recipe №8 Country toasts for kebabs

Fry a shashlik, do not rush to brazier brazier, better prepare the grill and make croutons with garlic sauce on it, so tasty that you want to eat them with your hands.



2 cloves of garlic

Sour cream or fatty yogurt without additives

Hard cheese

Fresh greens


We rub cheese. Mix it with sour cream in a ratio of 3: 1. Add garlic, finely chopped herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Bread cut into thin slices, grease them with the resulting sauce on one side and fold one to one in the form of sandwiches. We lay them on the grill and send it to the coals to get reddened.

While cooking, the croutons begin to emit a magical aroma, and they get a little smoked to the taste, which is the perfect combination with a kebab.

Croutons with garlic: tricks and helpful tips

• To make the croutons cool down, while you are cooking a second batch that did not fit into the pan immediately, make a water bath. To do this, pour hot water into the pan, place it on the smallest fire, and place a plate with ready croutons on top.

• Milk in batter can be replaced by cream, yogurt, kefir or sour cream, but the latter give a sour taste.

• Do not throw away the remnants of batter, better pour it into the pan - you will get scrambled eggs.

• Fresh garlic can always be replaced with dried (it is garlic salt). In this case, take a simple salt in half.

• If someone in your family does not like or cannot eat garlic, serve the usual croutons to the table, and garlic sauce separately.

As you already understood, it is not worth the hard work to cook the toasts and it does not take a lot of time. But you can always diversify basic recipes, invent your own and regularly delight friends and loved ones with this tasty treat.

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