Herring Sandwiches

Herring Sandwiches

Sandwiches - a simple snack option that can be prepared for a festive table, on a picnic in nature, used as a snack on a weekday. One of the popular choices of this dish is herring sandwiches. Their recipes are very different. You can always find a suitable one, taking into account what foods are in the fridge, and quickly prepare a tasty snack to feed the household or to meet guests in a worthy way.

Cooking Features

The recipes for herring sandwiches are so diverse that there are few general rules for making them.

  • Bread for sandwiches should be used exactly the kind specified in the recipe. It is not necessary to replace baguette from wheat flour with rye slices, and vice versa. Borodino bread has a unique taste that is not identical to the taste of ordinary rye.
  • Slices of bread, which are the basis of sandwiches, are fried or dried in the oven. Using a toaster, you ease the task. If you fry slices in oil, use a minimum amount of it, since herring is already quite fatty product.
  • Often, butter is used to make sandwiches with herring. Apply it should be a thin layer. It will be easier to do if the oil is removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it can soften.
  • Sandwiches can be beautifully shaped by squeezing out figures from bread using a shot glass or baking dish.
  • The basis of a sandwich can be not only bread, but crackers, pieces of boiled potatoes.
  • You can skip sandwiches with a skewer. Another option is to tie them with green onions. To make it more flexible, it is scalded with boiling water.
  • Herring for sandwiches is lightly salted. Spicy salted herring is well suited for this purpose. For sandwiches, the fish is filleted and carefully examined to remove all the bones. Preserves can also be used to make sandwiches, but the taste of the finished snack will change.
  • The composition of sandwiches with herring most often include green or onions, boiled eggs, boiled vegetables, cheese, greens. Bread smeared with butter, mayonnaise, mustard, tomato paste. Sometimes sandwiches complement thin slices of lemon.

Sandwiches with herring are good because they do not limit the imagination of the chef. Any recipe can be adjusted on the basis of their taste preferences, the presence in the house of certain products.

Classic recipe for herring sandwiches


  • salted herring - 0.5 kg;
  • rye bread - 0, 7 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • green onions - 100 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Slice the bread into slices around 0, 7-0, 8 cm. If desired, cut each slice into 4-6 pieces so that the sandwiches resemble canapés.
  • Spread the bread on a baking sheet, send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  • After 10 minutes, turn the slices over to the other side, keep them in the oven for the same amount.
  • Remove the baking tray from the oven, let the bread cool to room temperature.
  • Spread each slice with a thin layer of butter.
  • Fillet herring. Cut the fillet into thin slices.
  • Spread the pieces of herring in slices of bread.
  • Finely chop the green onion with a knife, sprinkle sandwiches on it and serve to the table.

This version of herring sandwiches is the simplest and most common. If the herring is fat, the butter in the recipe can be replaced by mayonnaise, tomato paste or mustard. The last two options are suitable for power in the post.

Sandwiches with herring, cheese and egg


  • herring salted - 0, 4 kg;
  • rye bread - 0, 7 kg;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs .;
  • table mustard - 5 ml;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 5 ml;
  • green onions - 100 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Cut the bread into medium-sized slices of the same size and shape, dry in the oven.
  • Herring fillet cut into medium-sized plates.
  • Rub the cheese on a coarse grater.
  • Boil eggs. After cooling the eggs, peel them, remove the yolks.
  • Pound yolks with a fork, mix with mustard and mayonnaise.
  • Protein rub.
  • Combine cheese, mustard-yolk paste, grated proteins.
  • Spread the resulting mass on the bread.
  • Put herring on top.
  • Dip onion with boiling water, divide into arrows.
  • Tie each sandwich with onions, like wrapping presents.

It remains to put the herring sandwiches on a large platter and serve.

Sandwiches with herring on Borodino bread


  • light-salted herring - 0, 4 kg;
  • Borodinsky bread - 0, 6-0, 7 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 150 ml;
  • beets - 150 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 5 pcs.

Method of preparation:

  • Bread cut into pieces in a centimeter thick or slightly less. From each piece of glass cut circles as large as possible diameter.
  • Dry the bread in the oven.
  • Peel the herring, cut into pieces of 1 cm, separate the fillets from each piece.
  • Wash carrots and beets. Boil until ready. Cool it down.
  • Separately, grate the vegetables on a fine grater.
  • Eggs boil hard boiled. Dip in cold water. When cool, peel, remove yolks. Grind grated yolks and whites, putting them in a separate bowl.
  • Mix each of the prepared ingredients with mayonnaise.
  • Brush with mayonnaise bread.
  • Put a beetle, squirrel, carrot, and yolks around the circumference. Place herring in the center of each piece.

Such sandwiches look festive and optimistic. Both children and adults will eat them with pleasure.

Sandwiches with Herring, Tomatoes and Kiwi


  • rye bread - 0, 7 kg;
  • herring fillet, slightly salted - 180 g;
  • cream cheese - 100 g;
  • Kiwi - 150 g;
  • tomato - 150 g;
  • fresh greens - 100 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Cut the bread, cut the circles in the center with a glass of suitable diameter. Lightly dry mugs of bread in the oven.
  • Cut the herring fillet into slices. You can use preserves, but without extra spices and pepper.
  • Peel and slice kiwi.
  • Chop tomatoes in the same way.
  • Bread spread with cream cheese.
  • Place a piece of kiwi on each piece of bread.
  • Place 2 pieces of herring on the kiwi.
  • Cover a slice of tomato.

It remains to decorate the sandwiches with dill and parsley sprigs, after which they can be served on the table. The taste of this snack may seem a bit unusual, but it is so harmonious and pleasant that, having tried such sandwiches at least once, you will want to cook them more often.

Sandwiches with herring “under a fur coat”


  • wheat baguette - 0, 3-0, 4 kg;
  • herring fillet, slightly salted - 0, 25 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • beets - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • mayonnaise - as required.

Method of preparation:

  • Boil the vegetables. When they cool, peel them and chop them separately on a grater.
  • Pass the garlic through the press, add to the beets.
  • Add a big spoon of mayonnaise to each vegetable, mix.
  • Baguette cut circles a little thinner than a centimeter.
  • Dry the bread. Smear on one side with mayonnaise.
  • Cut the herring into fillets and cut it into thin slices. Spread them over the sandwiches.
  • Each piece of herring cover carrot mass.
  • Place a small spoon of beet on top.

Such sandwiches can be an alternative to the “Herring under a fur coat” salad, although they are made from a smaller number of ingredients.

Sandwiches with Herring and Melted Cheese


  • carrots - 100 g;
  • light-salted herring (fillet) - 0, 2 kg;
  • processed cheese - 0, 2 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • long loaf - 0, 4 kg.

Method of preparation:

  • Put the melted cheese and butter in the freezer for half an hour. Take out, chop on a coarse grater. Let them stand at room temperature so that they soften.
  • Boil carrots, cool, peel, and grate a small amount.
  • Cut the herring fillet into small pieces.
  • Put the carrots and herring in a bowl of cheese and butter.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Remove the resulting mass for a quarter of an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Slice the wheat bread into equal pieces. If desired, they can be slightly dried in the oven.
  • Spread the bread with cheese and herring paste and serve.

Instead of bread, savory crackers can be used to make these sandwiches - it’s equally tasty and tasty.

Sandwiches with herring, cucumber and egg


  • rye bread - 0, 7 kg;
  • spicy salted herring - 0, 4 kg;
  • chicken egg - 10 pcs .;
  • table mustard or mayonnaise - as needed;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • fresh cucumber - 0, 2 kg;
  • leaf lettuce - 100 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Cut the herring fillet into small pieces.
  • Cut the boiled eggs into slices.
  • Slice the cucumbers in the same shape.
  • Bread cut into small square or round slices. Their size should be slightly larger than the diameter of the egg circles, or the same.
  • Lightly brown the bread in vegetable oil.
  • Put a piece of lettuce on each piece of bread, an egg on it, and a cucumber on top of the egg. Complete the composition with a herring slice. Seal the ingredients with a skewer.

Sandwiches with herring, cooked according to this recipe, look elegant and festive.

Herring sandwiches are one of the most simple and versatile snacks. They are made quickly, from simple and affordable products, but they are able to decorate even a festive table.

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