Sponge cake with condensed milk - create your masterpiece! Recipes of the original biscuit cakes with condensed milk

Sponge cake with condensed milk - create your masterpiece! Recipes of the original biscuit cakes with condensed milk

Condensed milk is an excellent substitute for granulated sugar. When adding a product to any mass, it is not necessary to beat or knead it for a long time, as is the case with sugar.

Creams with boiled or whole condensed milk are always obtained fluffy and homogeneous.

They are well impregnated with any biscuit cakes, and oil cream masses with the addition of condensed milk well retain the shape given to them and almost do not melt.

Sponge cake with condensed milk - general principles of cooking

• Sponge cake dough can be made with very different recipes. Its main and constant components are eggs, granulated sugar and, of course, flour. Biscuit dough is prepared on sour cream, add vegetable oil, starch or boiled water in it. For tinting using cocoa powder, lightly flavored with vanilla. It is important to precisely observe the proportions, beat the dough well, especially the egg mass, then the biscuit will not settle and will have a porous structure.

• Condensed milk is made with butter, sour cream and custard creams for sponge cake. Sugar is not added to such masses, condensed milk is sufficient for this, regardless of whether it is caramelized or ordinary. Tint the creams, if necessary, using cocoa, vanilla powder is used as a flavoring.

• Biscuits baked in forms. Their shape and size can be selected independently, as long as the dough takes up to 3/4 of the height of the container, then it will not flow out when lifting.

• To make the biscuit slip out of the mold easily, its bottom and walls are plentifully rubbed with butter, then sprinkled with cocoa, decoy or flour. Often the bottom is lined with parchment, which is also smeared with oil, but not sprinkled.

• When baking in a gas oven, the temperature is set close to 180 degrees, if the heating used is electric - up to 200. Next, put the form with the dough inside and adhere to the set mode. On average, for baking biscuit dough, you need at least half an hour, but it may take more. The oven does not open the first 30 minutes, otherwise the cake will settle. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick, punctures in the place with the greatest thickness. After puncture of a well baked cake, it remains dry. • After baking, the finished cake is removed from the mold and spread on the grid for cooling. If it is placed on a solid surface, it will become damp.

• Usually it is enough to bake just one cake, which is cooled by cutting into two or even three thinner ones and smeared with cream, forming a cake.

Chocolate biscuit cake with condensed milk - “Favorite”


• 160 gr. Baker's wheat flour;

• two eggs;

• condensed Gostovskoe milk - 1 can;

• dessert spoon of vinegar;

• three spoons of dark cocoa;

• A spoon of soda.

For cream:

• eggs of the first category - 2 pcs .;

• 60 gr. any white flour;

• 2/3 packs of good sweet cream butter;

• 300 ml of pasteurized milk;

• powdered cocoa - 60 gr .;

• refined sugar - 200 gr.

For impregnation:

• 60 ml of any syrup;

• tablespoon of brandy.


• two mid-size bananas;


1. Pour the condensed milk in a bowl, add the eggs with the oversized flour and whisk with a mixer.

2. Pour soda into a cup and pour vinegar over it. After stirring, wait until the mixture ceases to sizzle and rise by the cap. Then add it to a rare base and stir with a spoon. Soak the dough for about ten minutes.

3. Then pour it into a parchment-shaped mold and bake a sponge cake for half an hour. Put the cake on the grid to cool.

4. Cook the custard. Pour cold milk into a thick-walled stewpan, add flour, pour in the eggs and whisk thoroughly. Lumps should not be.

5. Constantly stirring, and not boiling, boil the cream base until noticeably thick. Then remove from heat and cool. Stir occasionally so that the top does not wind.

6. In a separate bowl, add cocoa with sugar, add softened with low heat oil and carefully mash it.

7. When the brewed base has cooled slightly, mix in an oil mass. Add in small portions, up to 3 tablespoons at a time and beat with a mixer. 8. Horizontally cut the cooled biscuit into three parts. Cognac dissolve syrup.

9. Putting the cakes in the cake, pour each spoon with alcoholic impregnation and immediately lubricate with cream, on which layer lay out thin banana rings.

10. Surface and sides, level with cream mass, then sprinkle with coconut chips and place for two hours in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Sponge cake with condensed milk - “Food of the gods”


• a pound of flour;

• two eggs;

• a glass of refined beet sugar;

• half a cup of peeled dried nuts;

• soda - 1/2 tsp;

• 200 gr. watery sour cream, low fat;

• 9% table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l

In cream:

• Gostovskaya condensed milk - 1 bank;

• two spoons of cocoa without sugar;

• A pack of high-fat butter.

For clearance:

• fresh mint leaves;

• cherry berries, pitted.


1. Do not overstuff the sugar with the eggs, add sour cream with flour and whisk. Quench the soda in the cup with vinegar and pour the foaming cap to the bulk, stir. Immediately mix the finely chopped nuts and fill the dough with the dough.

2. To prevent the biscuit from sticking, treat the bottom and walls of the container with butter, then flour the layer with powder or sprinkle with semolina.

3. Place the dough into the hot oven for up to forty minutes. It is advisable to check readiness in half an hour, puncturing it in the center with a wooden skewer or toothpick.

4. In the condensed milk, stir the cocoa powder and, adding it in a spoon to the butter, beat with a mixer, prepare the cream. To his weight whipped better and faster, soften the oil in advance, removing it from the wrapper.

5. Cut the cooled biscuit with a narrow and thin knife in half. Finely break the top cake with your hands and divide the resulting crumb into three parts.

6. Lay the bottom cake on a dish, apply cream on it. Sprinkle with a piece of biscuit crumbs, lightly press down with your hands and, like the cake, cover with cream. 7. Top with the second part of the crumb. Squeeze again, coat with cream mass, and lay out the remaining crumb. Align the top of the cake and its sides with the remaining cream.

8. Decorate the surface with mint leaves and cherries. You can simply sprinkle with finely chopped nuts on top.

Original idea: biscuit cake with condensed milk, “House in the village”


• 1/2 cans of condensed milk, GOSTOVskogo quality;

• three large eggs;

• teaspoon of soda or twice as much baking powder;

• two glasses of high-grade white flour;

• sugar - 1 tbsp .;

• spoonful of food vinegar;

• a glass of low-fat liquid sour cream.

For cream:

• fine sugar - up to 2 glasses;

• one liter of fatty, preferably homemade, sour cream;

• two bags of thickener cream.

Additionally, for registration:

• a pound of sweet tubs of chocolate;

• packaging of green coconut chips;

• sweet straw - a pound;

• square shaped cookies - 3 pcs .;

• 300 gr. soft dried apricots;

• bag of confectionery dressing (round);

• dark cream chocolate bar.


1. Break eggs into a bowl and grind them together with sugar. Add the condensed milk and flour mixed with sour cream, whisk.

2. Separately extinguish soda in vinegar, pour the foaming mixture to the bulk and again beat everything well. If you add a ripper, it does not need to be quenched with vinegar.

3. Divide the cooked dough into two parts and immediately bake cakes from them. After cooling, cut each in half.

4. Cook the syrup to soak the cakes. Dissolve sugar with water, put on medium heat and, stirring, bring to the beginning of the boil. After cooling, add an optional two tablespoons of unsharp, three-star cognac and mix vigorously.

5. At the average speed of the mixer, gradually raising the momentum, whip the sour cream with sugar. Add the sand little by little, only two spoons at a time. In the end, pour in a thickener and once again go through a mixer, the result will be a thick cream. You can immediately add all the sugar, but the cream will beat longer and grains of sand may not completely dissolve. 6. On a large flat tray, fold the cake. Closer to the edge, soaking in syrup and spreading with cream, put all the cakes in a pile.

7. Finely break a quarter of straw, mix with three tablespoons of cream. Place the resulting mass in the center of the upper cake and place the straw on it in a circle, forming a “roof”.

8. Break off a piece of chocolate and attach the cream to the side of the cake, from the side of the free space on the tray. This will be the “door” of the house. From the square cookies make windows, fixing them in the same way.

9. Apply a thin layer of cream onto the free surface of the tray and, placing tubes on it, make a fence with a chocolate gate. From the chocolate door to the gate lay a path of dried apricots, and around coconut chips pour. From culinary topping on coconut "grass" lay flowers.

Sponge cake with condensed milk - “Strawberry basket”


• eight eggs;

• 75 gr. starch;

• a glass of fine sugar;

• white, first-class flour - 300 gr.

In cream:

• two jars of Gostovskaya condensed milk;

• 400 gr. high quality 82.5% oil.

For clearance:

• fresh strawberries;

• marshmallows;

• a small bar of dark chocolate;

• mint leaflets (optional);

• small cookies in the form of droplets - 500 gr.


1. Mix the whites with a mixer into the foam and, without interrupting the process, add a portion of the sugar and then the yolks. Pour the flour connected to the starch and gently mix the mixture into the air mass.

2. Prepare a rectangular shape with high sides. Line the bottom of it with parchment, and brush the sides with oil and sprinkle with flour.

3. Pour the dough into the form, filling it only 3/4 of the height, and put the bake until dry matches. If the capacity is small and high, bake a few cakes.

4. It is necessary to cut an oval from the cooled biscuit and divide it, cutting it across on three or two cakes, along the height of the biscuit.

5. To chopped soft butter, add condensed milk and whisk with a mixer. The result is a homogeneous thick cream. 6. Lay out the oval cakes on each other, well spreading each cream. Boca also well promagte and overlay cookies.

7. From marshmallows heated in a water bath, form a handle, place it on the cake and attach the remaining small cookies with cream.

8. Wash and dry the strawberries well, tear off the tails from the berries. Sprinkle chocolate on the surface of the cake with a small grater and gently spread strawberries over it. From the leaves of mint leaves can be attached to the berries.

Sour cream biscuit cake with condensed milk - “Striped”


• three glasses of 20% sour cream;

• four chicken eggs;

• two spoons of pure cocoa powder;

• three glasses of sugar;

• vanilla sugar - 1 bag;

• three full glasses of flour;

• a teaspoon of baking soda;

• table, 9% vinegar - dessert spoon.

For cream:

• half-liter can of caramelized condensed milk;

• 1.5 packs of butter.

For decor:

• 100g milk chocolate bar.


1. Take half of sour cream in an enamel bowl, add one whole egg, and from the second take only the yolk. Pour cocoa mixture with half the sugar and whisk well. The degree of sponge cake depends on how well the sugar dissolves, so whisk it until all the crystals disperse.

2. Add flour to the sour cream base (1.5 tbsp.) And slowly stir it with a spoon. Then enter the vinegar baking soda, whisk slightly.

3. Rub the walls and bottom of the round shape with a piece of butter and sprinkle it with small pieces of white rusks or semolina. Fill it with chocolate dough and put it in a preheated oven. After 35 minutes, make sure that the biscuit is ready and, if so, release the mold and leave to cool.

4. From the remaining products in the same way, prepare the light dough. Consider, due to the fact that cocoa was not added, it will be a little less, so put more flour on one and a half spoons. Bake the second cake and leave it to cool too. 5. Beat butter with condensed milk. Do this with a mixer, raising momentum. When the cream mass starts to “roll up”, do not stop beating, literally in a minute it will become homogeneous.

6. Cut the cooled biscuits into two parts and spread on the table. Lower the cakes, put the cut up, and the opposite vice versa. For each cake, lay no more than two and a half tablespoons of cream. Do not put on the upper light.

7. Start shaping the cake. To do this, put on a large plate, first dark bottom cake, level the cream. Cover it with a light bottom blank, level the cream layer and put the top dark one. The last will be a light cake without cream, lightly press it down with your hands, and then squander it.

8. With the remaining cream, level the sides of the cake and rub the chocolate on it with a fine grater. For the design of the sides you can use chopped chocolate chip cookies without icing or finely chopped nuts.

“Tenderness” - sponge cake with condensed milk and cherry


• white flour 450-500 gr .;

• 400 gr. Sahara;

• a glass of boiling water;

• half a cup of refined oil;

• 250 ml of milk;

• six spoons of cocoa;

• eggs - 2 pcs .;

• a tablespoon of ripper for the dough;

• vanilla with sugar - 1 sachet;

• one and a half teaspoons of soda.

To impregnate syrup:

• half a cup of sugar;

• drinking water - 150 ml;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of crystalline vanilla;

• 2 tbsp. l lemon juice (freshly squeezed).

In the filling:

• pitted cherries;

• granulated sugar.

In sour cream:

• condensed milk can;

• 20% sour cream - 500 gr.

For butter cream:

• creamy “Traditional” butter - pack;

• icing sugar - 150 gr .;

• three spoons of cocoa powder.

For clearance:

• small marshmallows or meringues;

• bitter, 76%, chocolate - 100 gr.


• beautiful live leaves.


1. Transfer flour to a wide bowl of sufficient depth, add cocoa, granulated sugar, baking powder, vanilla and soda. Stir and dilute the mix with cold milk. To avoid lumps, mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. 2. With vegetable oil in a glass bowl, beat the eggs. Pour the egg mass to the milk mixture and, whipping slightly, bring the dough to a uniform consistency.

3. Intensively stirring the cooked dough with a spoon, pour a glass of boiling water into it.

4. Line the bottom of the detachable form with a sheet of parchment. Lubricate it and the walls of the tank with vegetable oil. Lightly dust the oil layer on the cocoa walls and fill the form with dough.

5. Place the sponge cake in the oven and bake the cake in 30 minutes. Do not rush to get a biscuit, first check its readiness, and, if necessary, soak for some time in the oven.

6. Prepare the impregnation. Pour water into a thick-walled saucepan and boil quickly. Add sugar, vanilla, pour in lemon juice and continue cooking on medium-low heat for about three minutes. Then remove from heat, cool.

7. Prepare sour cream according to the recipe, gradually adding sugar in the process of whipping sour cream.

8. Pour the cherry sugar. Let the berries stand for about half an hour, then drain the juice from them.

9. Mix the softened butter with powdered sugar. Pre-mix it with cocoa.

10. Wash the leaves with warm water, blot them dry with a towel. Slowly warm the chocolate in a water bath. Culinary brush apply it on the inner surface of the sheets and lay them on the parchment to dry.

11. Carefully cut off the upper part of the biscuit and cut it in the middle. Leave the walls up to one and a half centimeters thick. Cut the crumbs into small pieces and mix them with sour cream and cherries.

12. Korzh, or rather, what is left of it, soak it with syrup and fill it with prepared filling. Cover all with the cut off top and slightly press down her hands. Spread the entire surface of the cake with butter cream.

13. Decorate the cake with small marshmallows or meringues. Carefully place chocolate leaves around them. Do not forget to separate the green leaves from them.

Biscuit cakes with condensed milk - cooking tricks and helpful tips

• If for some reason the biscuit does not want to get out of the mold, place it on a damp towel. Literally 10 minutes later, he will easily come out when turning.

• Cream with condensed milk will be silky and airy if the product is not added to the butter or sour cream all at once, but gradually, in small portions.

• Lubricate only well-cooled cakes. On a warm cake, the cream podtit and floats.

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