Semolina porridge is an easy-to-prepare and affordable dish that perfectly satisfies hunger and energizes the body for the whole day. It has been proven that it contains a whole range of nutrients that positively affect the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the human body. However, for people who decide to include semolina in their daily diet, it is very important to have information not only about the benefits of this dish, but also about its harmful properties.
Cooking Procedure
The basis of cooking semolina is strict adherence to proportions. Experts recommend taking 500 ml of water or milk for every 100 g of raw cereals. To prepare the dish you need:
- Pour water or milk into a saucepan, put on the fire and bring to a boil.
- Sift the semolina through a sieve.
- Slowly pour semolina into the boiling liquid, stirring the mixture constantly.
- Wait until the milk or water is boiling again and boil the composition for 2 minutes.
- Remove the pan from the heat, wrap it in a blanket or thick towel and leave the porridge to stew for 15 minutes.
You can add a piece of butter, a little sugar, jam, dried fruit, honey, berries, nuts or fruit to the finished dish.
Nutritional value of semolina
100 g of semolina contains:
- 2, 239 g of proteins;
- 2, 814 g of fat;
- 16, 381 g of carbohydrates (including 14, 116 g of starch and 2, 212 g of sugars);
- 0.776 g of dietary fiber;
- 76, 701 g of water.
The food contains amino acids, saturated fatty acids (600 mg per 100 g).
Vitamins in the composition of the dish
Semolina is a rich source of B vitamins. 100 g of food contains:
- thiamine (B1) - 0, 029 mg;
- Riboflavin (B2) - 0, 009 mg;
- The niacin equivalent (PP) is 0. 587 mg;
- pantothenic acid - 0 572 mg;
- pyridoxine (B6) - 0, 102 mg;
- folic acid (B9) - 72, 411 mkg.
In addition, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) is included in semolina. The concentration of this compound - 1, 087 mg per 100 g of the finished dish.
Useful items
Trace elements in 100 g of semolina:
- iron - 0, 196 mg;
- zinc - 1,044 mg;
- copper - 0, 188 mg;
- manganese - 0, 617 mg;
- silicon - 5, 733 mg;
- cobalt - 24, 807 mkg;
- chromium - 0, 966 mcg;
- molybdenum - 11, 296 mkg.
Macroelements in 100 g dishes:
- potassium - 27, 705 mg;
- calcium - 11, 799 mg;
- magnesium - 4, 906 mg;
- sodium - 377, 144 mg;
- phosphorus - 17, 683 mg;
- chlorine - 21, 015 mg.
Calories of semolina
In 100 g of semolina boiled in water, contains 86, 914 kcal. The energy value of the same portion of the dish, prepared with the addition of milk, is 101, 603 kcal. Calorie semolina with butter and sugar - 124, 316 kcal per 100 g
Useful properties of semolina
- The semolina does not require long cooking and heat treatment. Therefore, porridge from it retains the maximum of useful nutrients contained in raw cereals.
- Semolina is well boiled soft, quickly absorbed in the body of an adult, contains a small amount of dietary fiber. That is why liquid porridge from it is often included in the diet menu for persons who have undergone surgery on the stomach or intestines, suffering from diseases of the digestive tract.
- Semolina porridge has enveloping properties, quickly relieves or weakens pain syndrome in gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers.
- Useful nutrients present in the composition of this dish, accelerate the elimination of toxins and other poisons from the body.
- Semolina porridge is useful for athletes who want to quickly gain muscle mass.
- Phosphorus present in the composition of this dish strengthens the teeth, prevents the development of dental diseases and disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
- Vitamin E contained in semolina is an antioxidant. Thanks to him, this product helps to reduce the negative effects of free radicals on cells, slow down the aging of tissues, improve skin condition, restore damaged hair and nails, prevent alopecia. People who regularly include semolina in their diet are less likely to suffer from dermatological diseases.
- Magnesium and potassium, which enter the body through the use of this dish, strengthen the myocardium, have a positive effect on its work, and reduce the risk of developing a heart attack.
- Semolina does not contain cholesterol. Substances present in its composition, give additional strength and elasticity to the vessels, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Thanks to this, people who systematically include it in the menu are less likely to suffer from heart disease.
- Porridge from semolina is a rich source of iron, which participates in the processes of blood formation and the synthesis of hormones, which creates conditions for the normal supply of oxygen to organs and tissues. Therefore, nutritionists recommend it to women during menstruation, people suffering from anemia, as well as people who are at risk for the development of anemia.
- Vitamins of group B, which are rich in semolina, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Dishes from it are useful for people suffering from depression, neurosis, insomnia.
- Regular consumption of meals from semolina helps to strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of developing colds.
- Nutrients contained in porridge accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
- Zinc, which is rich in semolina, normalizes the urogenital system in men and women, improves reproductive function (increases the likelihood of successful conception).
- It has been proven that cereal based on semolina enhances physical and intellectual performance. In addition, it improves memory and the ability for a long time to concentrate on solving the problem.
- Substances entering the body through the use of semolina, increase visual acuity, minimize the negative impact of endogenous and exogenous factors on the visual apparatus, protect it from overwork.
- semolina is very useful for pregnant women. Kashi from it helps relieve constipation and heaviness in the stomach, reduce swelling of the extremities.
- Nutrients contained in semolina normalize the work of the kidneys, protect their tissues from the negative effects of external factors. Dishes from this product are useful to persons who have previously been diagnosed with renal failure.
- Semolina is a product that prevents the hypermineralization of blood, internal organs and tissues in the elderly.
- Research results prove that regular consumption of semolina dishes reduces the risk of developing tumor tumors in the intestine.
Food Benefits for Children
- Semolina porridge quickly replenishes the energy reserves in the children's body, keeps them high for a long time.
- The dish contains a whole range of nutrients that contribute to the accelerated development of the musculoskeletal system in a child.
- Substances contained in semolina increase appetite and accelerate weight gain in children with underweight.
- With regular use of food, brain activity increases, and the child's ability to learn is improved.
Use of semolina for cosmetic purposes
- From semolina it is easy to prepare a rejuvenating face mask and décolleté. To do this, a pinch of dry nettle leaves need to be filled with boiling water (30 ml) and infused for an hour. Strained infusion should be combined with 2 tbsp. spoons of light beer, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 100 g of thick semolina. The composition must be applied to the problem area and leave for 25 minutes.
- Based on semolina (15 g), coconut oil (4 g) and cocoa powder (6 g), you can make a cosmetic mask that significantly slows the formation of wrinkles. To do this, mix the listed ingredients and insist the resulting mass in a cool place for 40 minutes. The finished composition should be distributed in a thin layer on the problem area and leave for 35-40 minutes. The procedure must be repeated during the week with an interval of 1 day.
- Mask based on semolina and green clay (2: 1) allows you to get rid of acne and acne. In order to enhance the effectiveness of this tool, you must add a few drops of sandalwood oil.
Contraindications and harm of semolina
- Monkey dishes are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system (chronic cough, asthma, etc.).
- Nutritionists prohibit giving semolina to children under 12 months. At the age of 1 year to 3 years, the child should consume this dish metered - no more than 2 times a week and not more than 50 g per day.
- Children's digestive system is not able to digest starch, which semolina is rich in. Therefore, the regular inclusion of dishes from this cereal in the child’s diet can lead to digestive disorders.
- Semolina contains gliodin mucopolysaccharide, a compound that has a detrimental effect on the villi of the intestine, which are responsible for the absorption of beneficial substances from the digestive tract.
- Fitin, which is present in the composition of this dish, provokes a violation of the composition of the natural intestinal microflora. As a result, the body loses its ability to absorb vitamin D, calcium and iron.
- Semolina is rich in gluten (gluten). Therefore, porridge from it is contraindicated for persons suffering from celiac disease.
- The substances contained in this dish may provoke the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, people suffering from food allergies should use it with caution (or completely excluded from the diet).
- Abuse of semolina can lead to weight gain, cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, digestive disorders, abdominal distention, pain in the intestine.
- Semolina porridge - a dish with a high glycemic index. In addition, it contains substances that prevent the production of insulin. For these reasons, it is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes (including gestational diabetes).