Pollock Fishcakes

Pollock is a low-fat and inexpensive fish, so pollock fish patties are not only tasty, but also economical. There are no special secrets in the preparation of this ingenious dish, but some points are important. First, the fish must be cold, you can not defrost it until the end. Secondly, the dishes - a bowl and a knife, it is also better to cool, sometimes they even put the bowl on ice or on snow. Thirdly, in order for the cutlets to turn out fluffy and not fall apart, egg, bread crumb and cold cream are surely added to the stuffing. Fourthly, and this is perhaps the most important thing, breach cutlets in flour, bread crumbs or semolina, breading will keep juices inside and will not allow cutlets to fall apart.

Pollock Fishcakes

Sometimes boiled potatoes are added to the minced fish in the form of mashed potatoes - 1/3 of potatoes and 2/3 of fish. Potatoes replace white bread, absorb fish juice when frying, so that the useful liquid does not flow into the pan. You should not get carried away with supplements, so that instead of fish, you did not have bread or potato patties, as in the canteens during the times of the Soviet catering.

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes
  • Servings: 8

Ingredients for Pollock Fish Cakes

  • 1 kg of pollock;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml heavy cream;
  • 110 g onions;
  • 70 grams of white bread;
  • 30 grams of wheat flour for breading;
  • cooking oil for frying;
  • salt.

Method of cooking pollock fish patties

Freshly frozen pollock put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 4-5 hours before cooking. Then wash, clean off the scales, remove the insides, cut off about 1/3 of the carcass from the tail. With the pieces of pollock we remove the skin, cut the fillets from the bones with a sharply sharpened knife.

Pollock Fishcakes

From fish tails, skin and ridges, you get a rich, tasty ear.

Pollock Fishcakes

Cut onions into cubes. In the stuffing is better to add raw onion, onion and fishy smells get along well with each other.

Pollock Fishcakes

Cut the pollock fillets finely, add the onions, soaked in water and squeezed white bread crumb without a crust. We grind products in the food processor to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Pollock Fishcakes

Add two raw chicken eggs to the bowl, pre-mixing the yolks with the whites.

Pollock Fishcakes

Pour cold cream, pour fine salt to taste. At this stage you can add spices - grated nutmeg, pepper, curry powder. Thoroughly knead the stuffing until smooth and smooth. You can knead with a mixer, if with your hands, then very quickly.

Pollock Fishcakes

Pour wheat flour onto the board (can be replaced with bread crumbs or decoy). We form oblong patties with wet hands, roll it all over in flour.

Pollock Fishcakes

In a frying pan, pour 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying. As soon as the butter warms up, put the patties, fry over high heat until golden brown on both sides for about 2 minutes on each side. Then we put in a brazier, close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes on a small fire. You can stew fish patties in sour cream or tomato sauce - you get a dish with ready gravy.

Pollock Fishcakes

To the table, fish pollock patties are served hot. As a side dish, mashed potatoes are usually prepared, this is a classic combination of products that many people have loved since kindergarten.

Enjoy your meal!

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