Cheese pie - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a pie with cheese.

Cheese pie - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a pie with cheese.

Cheese pie - general principles and methods of cooking

Cheese is a very convenient ingredient in terms of cooking. The variety of types and flavors allows you to add it to all kinds of snacks, salads and, of course, pastries. And it is not at all surprising that there are many recipes for cheese pies - sweet or salty, open or closed. Some products are baked in the oven, while others, such as sweet cheesecakes based on ground biscuits, need to be frozen.

The recipes for cheese pies adapted to Russian cuisine suggest the use of such ingredients as a filling: nuts, greens, meat, cream, cottage cheese, mushrooms, berries, various sweet fruits, etc. Any kind of cheese can be adapted into a pie: creamy uncooked curds are usually used to make a sweet dessert, and salty ones, respectively, go to salty and spicy pies.

The basis of these products take cookies, crackers, pita bread or dough, most often - puff and shortbread. Gourmets will surely like the recipe of “Lasagna” with cheese or a representative of French cuisine - Laurent pie, baked with chicken, mushrooms and cream, as well as other recipes presented in this article.

Cheese Pie - Food Preparation

In order for the cheese cake not to give us an unpredictable result, first of all, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the purchase of the main ingredient. Today, store shelves are full of varieties of cheese. In such a variety is easy and confused. We offer several tips that will help you choose and purchase a quality product:

- Pay attention to the color: it should have only a yellowish tint. Too pale color indicates that the product is either too salty, or made from peroxidized milk;

- Soft varieties should spring up a little when mechanically applied and immediately take on their original shape;

- Remember, the edges of the cheese should not crack or crumble. Do not forget to also appreciate its smell. No matter how trite it sounds, cheese should smell like cheese. A product with a sour or “empty” smell is better not to purchase. If you want to bake a cheese pie, first read the recipe from beginning to end and go ahead for the products. Try to get everything you need in advance, at least a few hours (2-3 hours) before cooking. This is done so that the ingredients lie down a bit and acquire the same temperature. If everything you need is at home in the fridge, remove, cover with a clean towel and let the food cool. Now you can begin to conjure, and we will help you with recipes.

Cheese Pie - Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Lasagna with cheese and minced meat

Lasagna is a traditional Italian dish, which is a layered cheese pie, in which very thin layers of dough alternate with the filling. Usually use at least two, three types of toppings, which gives the dish a rich, varied taste. Lasagna has conquered the whole world, it is cooked in luxurious restaurants, it is loved and revered, many legends go about it. And now the most pleasant thing is that this chic dish can be cooked at home, which we are going to do.


- about two glasses of flour

- five eggs

- a pinch of salt


- three large onions

- 700 gr. ground beef

- “Bechamel” (sauce) 200 gr.

- 200 gr. tomato puree

- Three kinds of cheese 800 gr.

- olive oil

- greenery

- spices for meat

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt and add flour in portions. Knead the elastic dough and send it in the cold for thirty to forty minutes. After the set time, we cut it into six equal parts. Each thin roll (circle or rectangle).

2. Next, boil a wide pan of water (a little more than half) and cook each layer separately for 15 minutes. We put the finished layers in a flat plate or on a tray.

3. Let's do the stuffing. Finely chop the onions, heat the pan, pour in olive oil and fry the onions to transparency, adding a pinch of spices. Next, lay out the minced meat and fry everything until ready (you can add grated carrots if desired). Cheese will rub separately and mix all three types. 4. The first layer of lasagna is lubricated with “Bechamel”, sprinkled with chopped greens and covered with a layer of tomato puree or tomato sauce. Spread minced meat with onions in a uniform layer and sprinkle with cheese mix. We put the next layer and repeat the procedure. The last leaf just sprinkle with grated cheese.

5. Preheat oven to 190-200C, send lasagna into it and bake until cheese melts and browns on top. Get out, cool and enjoy. What a taste! And the flavor! Just lick your fingers!

Recipe 2: Laurent pie with mushrooms and cheese filling

This recipe refers to the refined French cuisine. Open pie with smoked chicken, mushrooms and pouring cream, eggs and cheese is a real masterpiece. Bold combinations of ingredients will give a delightful result, which will certainly appreciate all the household and be sure to ask for supplements.


- 50 gr. drain oils

- one egg

- 2-3 tbsp. lie cold water

- about 200 gr. flour

- a pinch of salt

For filling:

- 300 gr. smoked chicken

- 400 gr. champignon

- 100 gr. onions

- greens, salt

- vegetable oil

To fill:

- 200 gr. heavy cream

- 150-200 gr. cheese

- two eggs

Cooking method:

1. Cooking dough. We take the softened butter, mix it with flour until smooth. Pour in water, add salt and knead. The dough should turn out embossed. We remove it in the cold for half an hour, wrapping it with a film.

2. Making the stuffing. Cut the mushrooms into plates, chop onions. Mix mushrooms and onions, overcook in vegetable oil. At the end add the chicken, gutted into pieces. Pass a couple of minutes.

3. Cooking fill. Beat the eggs, add the grated cheese and a little whipped cream. Gently mix with a flexible whisk until smooth.

4. We remove the removable form with parchment paper, grease it with margarine and spread dough on it, smoothing it with wet hands. Do not forget to leave bumpers. We spread on the dough filling, sprinkle with spicy greens on top and pour the pie with cheese dressing. 5. Heat the oven to 170-180C and bake the dish for forty minutes. That's the whole secret of cooking Laurent pie. Enjoy!

Recipe 3: Color Fairy Tale cheese cake

The word pie sounds quite appetizing. And it is not necessary to use expensive ingredients for its preparation. You can create an amazing, colorful dish from what is almost always at hand. For example, cheese and ham. Let's try experimenting with these products. Just one hour, and food for the whole family is already on the table.


- two eggs

- sour cream 2 tbsp. spoons

- two stacks. flour

- 100 gr. butter

- a pinch of salt

For filling:

- one Bulgarian yellow pepper

- one Bulgarian red pepper

- 200 gr. ham

- three eggs

- a glass of heavy cream

- half a cup of milk

- 150-200 gr. cheese

- greenery

- salt

Cooking method:

1. Beat the eggs with sour cream. Hands knead the softened butter with flour, salt and pour sour cream and egg mixture. Knead the dough and remove it in the cold for a few minutes.

2. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Dice the ham into cubes, rub the cheese on a grated, peeled pepper cut into slices. In a bowl, mix the milk, cream and eggs. Beat the mixture with a mixer until the air mass, in which we spread the ham and pepper. Stir.

3. Lubricate the form, distribute along the bottom of the dough, leaving the sides. Pour the stuffing on the dough to the edges of the sides, generously sprinkle cheese pie. Heat the oven to 180 ° C, send the dish to it and bake for about forty minutes. Next, remove the cake from the mold and call the family to the table.

Recipe 4: Cheese Pie

Delicate cake, which includes puff pastry and melted cheese, is ideal for breakfast: tasty, hearty and very light. Even the most fastidious babe will be delighted with such a simple in preparation, but such a delicious cheese cake!


- 500 gr. puff pastry (buy in store)

- three processed cheese

- four eggs

- greenery

- 2 onions

- vegetable oil 30 gr. Cooking method:

1. We divide the thawed dough into two parts, the first one is rolled out into a layer and spread on a greased form (do not forget about the sides). Next, beat three eggs, chop cheese with a grater, meat grinder or knife. Shred greens, fry chopped onion to transparency.

2. Combine the beaten eggs, cheese, herbs and fried onions, mix. That's our stuffing. We spread it in an even layer on the layer of dough. The second part of the dough is also rolled out and covered with the filling on top. We pinch the edges carefully, forming a decorative pattern. From above, we grease the cake and send it to the oven (at 180 ° C) for forty minutes. Ready cake, so golden, ruddy, get out of the oven, let cool and remove from the form. Yummy on the table!

Cheese Pie - Useful Tips from Experienced Cullers

Cheese cakes can be sweet, salty, spicy or spicy. Their taste is directly dependent on the type of cheese and auxiliary ingredients - those that are part of the dough and filling: vanilla, greens, paprika, pepper and other seasonings. For a more pleasant taste, sesame seeds or chopped nuts can be mixed into the dough.

Bake any cheese products for too long is not worth it, because, burning, they acquire an unpleasantly bitter taste. The form for cheese cakes is better to use medium size (ideally from 21 to 24 cm).

More sweet taste and aroma will get a sweet cheesecake with such creamy cheeses as “Philadelphia”, “Rama”, “Kiri”, “Mascarpone” and “Ricotta”.

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