Peppers stuffed with meat are the best recipes. How to properly and cook stuffed peppers.

Peppers stuffed with meat are the best recipes. How to properly and cook stuffed peppers.

Peppers stuffed with meat - general principles and methods of cooking

Stuffed pepper is not only tasty, but also a very bright dish. Therefore, it can often be found in the menu of the holiday table. However, the stuffed Bulgarian pepper is indispensable for those who love to feed their families with hearty food. Peppers can be stuffed with different fillings. Most often used minced meat made from meat and rice. But meat can also be replaced by mushrooms. Or cook pepper stuffed with buckwheat or lentils.

Peppers stuffed with meat - food preparation

Peppers need to be washed and core removed. To do this, you can simply cut off the upper part of the fruit with a knife, and you can try to press on the stalk, and then gently pull it up - then the vegetable will remain in perfect condition, and the seeds will be removed. Stuffing for stuffing pepper is prepared depending on the recipe - the meat is passed through a meat grinder, and buckwheat is cooked.

Peppers stuffed with meat - preparation of dishes

As a rule, stuffed peppers are cooked in enameled pans. But the thicker the walls of dishes, the better. That is, the goose will also work.

Peppers stuffed with meat - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Pepper stuffed with meat and gravy

Description: a classic way of cooking pepper, which can be included in the daily menu, and can be served on a festive table.


1 kilogram of sweet pepper,

500 grams of pork or beef,

200 grams of sour cream,

3/4 cup rice

200 grams of onions,

1 egg,

750 milliliters of tomato juice,

500 milliliters of water

salt, black pepper, bay leaf.

Preparation: 1. Rice should be boiled until half cooked. Chopped onions chop into small pieces. Meat mince.

2. Rice, meat, onion and egg should be mixed well in a bowl. Do not forget to salt and pepper the minced.

3. Peppers must be washed and using a sharp thin knife to clean the fruit from the seed box.

4. Then the pepper must be stuffed with previously prepared minced meat and put the fruit in a saucepan. It is important that the pepper is in the pan cut up part.

5. Stuffed peppers need to fill with water and tomato juice, add sour cream. After that, the pan must be put on a large fire, bringing the liquid to a boil. But as soon as the liquid boils, you need to make a small fire and leave the pepper to stew for an hour under the lid. Then the pepper can be served at the table.

Recipe 2: Peppers Stuffed with Mushrooms and Rice

Description: this dish is very similar to the classic stuffed peppers. But thanks to the use of mushrooms instead of meat, such stuffed peppers are very tasty and not so high-calorie.


10-12 pieces of bell pepper,

300 grams of rice

300 grams of champignons,

2 onions,

parsley, black pepper, salt,

sunflower oil.


1. Well-washed rice must be boiled until half cooked. Onions and mushrooms should be cut into small pieces, fry them in vegetable oil and cool slightly. After that - mix rice with mushrooms, pepper and salt the minced meat.

2. In Bulgarian pepper you need to carefully cut off the caps and remove the seeds.

3. Pepper must be filled with cooked meat and put stuffed fruit in the cauldron.

4. In a saucepan with pepper, you need to pour a little salted water, add spices and put the stew for 30-40 minutes on a small fire. Then put the pepper on the dish and garnish with parsley.

Recipe 3: Peppers stuffed with buckwheat

Description: this dish can not be called a diet, because it uses sour cream. But this stuffed pepper fits perfectly into the diet of those who adhere to the principles of healthy eating. By the way, the finished dish with sour cream can not be refilled if someone wants to get a dietary product.


6 pieces of bell pepper,

2-3 carrots,

a glass of buckwheat,

a pair of onions,

200 grams of sour cream,

vegetable oil,

cube chicken or beef.


1. First you need to cook buckwheat. To do this, you can fill it with water for 6–8 hours and leave it to swell or boil it and boil it for 10–15 minutes.

2. Peppers need to be cleaned and remove the seeds, and then hold it for 5-7 minutes on low heat in boiling water. After that, get and dry.

3. Carrots need to be grated, chopped onions and fry all this in vegetable oil. Then combine buckwheat with roasted onions and carrots, lightly salt, if desired, you can also add dry herbs.

4. The resulting mass should be filled with pepper and put it in the pan (if the buckwheat is left, then it can also be put in the pan). There also should pour hot broth from the cube.

5. Pan covered with a lid should be stewed for 15-20 minutes. Serve hot, flavored sour cream and dusted with greens.

Recipe 4: Peppers Stuffed with Lentils

Description: This original pepper recipe is sure to appeal to those who like to experiment in the kitchen, including cooking and dietary dishes.


4 large bell peppers,

100 grams of red lentils


50 grams of dates,

an Apple,

50 grams of butter,

tablespoon ground coriander,

crushed garlic clove,

salt, ground black pepper, 2 teaspoons cumin ground.

For gravy:

2 red or green peppers,

150 milliliters sour cream,

tablespoon of vegetable oil.


1. The oven must be heated to 180 ° C. Meanwhile, the lentils need to be put in a saucepan and pour water, which will be 2.5 centimeters higher than the lentil level. Bring to a boil, then cook for 6-7 minutes under a lid over medium heat.

2. In a pan, melt the butter, put chopped garlic and onions and sauté for about 3 minutes. Then add the sliced ​​dates and peeled and diced apple - stirring, all you need to simmer for 2-3 minutes, then set aside from the fire. At this time, put lentils, cumin, salt, coriander, pepper and put it on the fire for another minute.

3. Pepper must be cut in half, remove the seeds and place it on the baking sheet. Halves of pepper should be stuffed with a lentil mixture. The baking sheet should be covered with foil, put in the oven for 25-30 minutes - until the pepper is cooked.

4. In the meantime, you need to make a gravy. Sliced ​​peppers need to fry in oil (about a minute) and pull out with a slotted spoon.

5. Peppers need to put on a heated dish, pour it with sour cream, put the fried pepper rings on top and serve to the table.

Peppers stuffed with meat - useful tips from experienced chefs

Stuffed pepper is a dish that must be well cooked. Therefore, as already mentioned, it is necessary to select dishes with thick walls for cooking. To make the pepper tender, you need to spare no sour cream, which is added at the last stage of cooking.

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