Blackcurrant Smoothie with Honey

Delicious, healthy, varied - it's all about smoothies! The drink, invented back in the 30s of the last century, is now popular all over the world. And well deserved - well, come up with an equally simple and quick recipe for a nutritious snack, which at the same time will also be useful? Exactly! Smoothie confidently pressed hot dogs with cola, hamburgers and fries, having fallen in love with everyone who wants to eat right, but also with taste.

Blackcurrant Smoothie with Honey

Who said that smoothies are not nutritious enough? Yes, sometimes it is called a “recipe for tasty weight loss”. However, a smoothie can be a real energy cocktail for athletes. And since it is prepared not from juice, but from whole berries and fruits, it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, which is useful for absolutely everyone.

Blackcurrant Smoothie with Honey

By varying the composition, you feed a useful dessert (which, however, may well be considered a full-fledged dish!) The whole family: an athlete husband, a schoolboy son, and a baby daughter; Dad-vegetarian and mom who diets for weight loss ... and compose something bright and pleasant for yourself!

And now I suggest you try the original combination of ryazhenka with black currant. It sounds strange, but I liked the taste. However, you can substitute ryazhenka with kefir or yogurt; and instead of currants take blueberries or raspberries. True, it will be a different recipe. But cooking smoothies is real creativity!

  • Cooking time: 5 minutes
  • Servings: 2

Ingredients for making blackcurrant smoothie with honey

  • 300 ml of ryazhenka, yoghurt or kefir;
  • 100 g of black currant;
  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • Honey to taste;
  • Fresh mint for decoration.
Blackcurrant Smoothie with Honey

Preparation of blackcurrant smoothie with honey

Berries wash and slightly dry. If you use frozen currants, we give a little thaw, so that the blender's knives cope with hard pieces, and the cocktail turned out not too icy. Although smoothies are tastier to use slightly chilled.

Pour the fermented milk product into the blender, pour berries and flakes, add a little honey. You can sugar, but with honey is much more useful. In addition, depending on the type of honey, the taste will change: you can take light acacia honey; fragrant, dark buckwheat or fragrant flowering meadow honey from raznotravya.

Blackcurrant Smoothie with Honey

We beat everything together in the pulsation mode (press the button - release, and so several times). Note: in the finished drink should not come across large pieces of berries or flakes: then he and smoothies - “homogeneous, pleasant,” - remember? A properly whipped cocktail has a smooth, silky texture.

Pour black currant smoothie with honey into tall glasses, decorate with fresh mint leaves and serve. Smoothies can be stored in the fridge for a day, however, it is better to cook and eat right there in a freshly prepared form! So it tastes more pleasant, and more vitamins remain.

Blackcurrant Smoothie with Honey

Don't forget to stock up on thick cocktail straws! They will be useful to you when you, having fallen in love with this light dessert in every sense, will invent its new variations for the joy of yourself and your home.

A few words about smoothies

There is a legend that surfers invented “food in a glass”: gliding along the Pacific Ocean along the shores of California, in the pause between two waves, they reinforced their strength with a drink consisting of fruit and pieces of ice!

According to another version, American Steve Kohnau invented a smoothie, who was tired of abstaining from food due to food allergies. Once he decided: “It wasn’t been!”, And mixed in one glass everything delicious and forbidden: berries, fruits, nuts ... I whipped well in a blender and treated myself. The most interesting thing is that the drink went to the bold taster to the benefit ... at least nothing happened to him! Surprised and delighted, Steve, having decided to share such a tasty and useful recipe with others, opened a smoothie bar - the first in the world. Everyone liked it, and soon a whole network of cocktail-cafe called Smoothie King appeared - King Smoothie. By the way, the word smoothie, translated from English, reflects the very essence of the dish, meaning “homogeneous, soft, smooth”. And the name “stuck” to the recipe from a light hippie hand, who called this word any fruit drink.

But in fact, the prototypes of the smoothie were invented long before the events described, and by different peoples and independently of each other. Indians from time immemorial, before going on a hunt, they drank guava juice with pulp, giving strength to body and spirit. In the Ancient East, mixing fruit and honey, made an exquisite sorbet, and the Slavs made oatmeal and fruit jelly. Smoothie bars opened in the 1970s, but the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics brought universal acceptance of the recipe. It was then that millions of people learned about the "sports" cocktail.

There was even an interesting profession - smoothie consultant! If the coach teaches you how to do the exercises correctly, the consultant helps you choose the optimal composition of the cocktail for you and in the particular case. Going to the gym, you need to cheer up? Or vice versa, do you want to relax and rest? The nutritional value of the cocktail depends on the composition: smoothies with blackcurrant, apricots, broccoli are less calorie than with banana, peaches, and melon.

By adjusting the energy balance of the drink, various cereal flakes, seeds, nuts, cocoa can be added to fruits and berries. The fat content and nutritional value also depend on the liquid basis of the cocktail: for a substantial snack, take sour cream, cream or ryazhenka; for the lung - low-fat yogurt or kefir. Lightweight options are good for breakfast or dinner, and more nutritious for lunch.

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