Homemade apple cider vinegar: how to cook it properly. Secrets of cooking vinegar from apples at home

Homemade apple cider vinegar: how to cook it properly. Secrets of cooking vinegar from apples at home

Homemade vinegar from apples is not only very tasty, but also useful. It can be used not only for its intended purpose, that is, as a food product. In folk medicine, spicy aromatic vinegar made from apples has a very wide use. It is used for oral administration for therapeutic purposes, the preparation of rubbing and compresses.

It is clear that store apple cider vinegar has little in common with the product that can be prepared independently. First, it has a higher concentration of acid (6%), while self-prepared product does not exceed 4%. Secondly, sometimes the manufacturer simply adds apple flavoring to the vinegar. In any case, it is safer and more beneficial to make natural vinegar from apples at home.

Apple vinegar at home - the general principles of cooking

Homemade natural vinegar is made from real ripe apples (as opposed to industrial, the basis for which are apple waste: peel, hearts). There are two main methods of preparation: from apple pulp or from juice. Best for making vinegar are sweet apples. In the base of sour apples have to add more sugar. Fruits should be ripe, overripe fruits are tolerated and even welcome. You can take the caddles, but only if there are no signs of rotting on the apples.

It is sugar that is the second essential component of vinegar (although there are some recipes without sugar). Sugar can be replaced with honey. In addition, some recipes for homemade apple cider vinegar include live or dry yeast, rye crackers or black bread.

Vinegar is obtained by fermenting apple juice. After the alcohol is completely fermented, acetic acid is obtained. In the course of natural fermentation, a foam or film resembling kombucha is formed on the surface of the wort. This is an acetic womb, and in no case can it be removed. It is convenient to cook vinegar in a three-liter glass container. However, you can also take glass bottles. It is easier to fill their necks with paraffin to keep the finished product for a long time.

Homemade apple cider vinegar with “Quick” sugar

Within one month, apple cider vinegar will be ready for this simple recipe. In addition to apples, only sugar is required, there are no other components. The amount of sugar indicated for sweet fruit. If there are only sour apples, then the sugar feed should be doubled.


• three kilograms of sweet apples;

• 150 grams of granulated sugar;

• water.


Wash the apples thoroughly and chop them very finely. You can additionally crush the flesh with the pulp

Put the apple base in the pan (preferably enameled).

Add sugar.

Heat the water so that it becomes hot, but does not boil (the ideal temperature is 70 degrees).

The amount of water should be such that the apples are poured about 4 cm.

Clean the pot in the heat, but make sure that no direct sunlight falls on the wort.

Twice a day, the apple mass should be mixed, not allowing the top layer to dry.

After two weeks, drain the contents of the pan using a gauze filter (fold a piece of gauze three times).

Flavored liquid is poured into large glass jars.

Important: to ensure a normal fermentation process, you need to leave at least five or even seven centimeters from the surface of the liquid to the top of the container. The fact is that during fermentation, the fluid level will rise.

Keep the future vinegar in the banks need two weeks.

Ready homemade vinegar from apples left carefully poured into suitable clean bottles. Be sure to leave the space between the neck and the level of vinegar.

At the bottom of the container will remain turbidity, sediment, which is not necessary to shake. It can then strain through 4-5 layers of gauze and pour into bottles.

Bottles properly cork or make paraffin plugs and store in the room, removing in a dark place.

Homemade apple cider vinegar according to Jarvis

The American doctor Jarvis’s prescription suggests the use of additional ingredients when preparing apple vinegar at home. It will take a long time to prepare the product, but its composition will be very useful.


• two kilograms of apples;

• two liters of water;

• two hundred grams of natural honey (plus about a hundred grams in the second phase of fermentation);

• twenty grams of live yeast;

• forty grams of dried rye bread.


Washed apples grate on a large side of the grater, without removing the skin, bones and partitions. You can simply skip the fruit through a meat grinder.

Puree spread on suitable glass jars and pour the norm of water. Instead of glass containers, you can take an enameled pan.

Add honey, yeast and crackers - they will accelerate fermentation.

Cover dishes with a woven cloth and put in a warm dark place. It is desirable that the air temperature was 30 degrees.

The term of preliminary fermentation is ten days. Three times a day the must must be stirred with a wooden spatula or spoon.

Strain the future vinegar through a gauze filter and weigh.

For each liter of the base put fifty grams of honey or sugar, mix, cover with gauze and then remove in a warm and dark place.

The fermentation process will be long, at least 50 days. The signal of its completion will be the transparency of the finished product.

Homemade apple juice vinegar

Another option of vinegar from apples at home involves the use of not apple pulp, and juice. The number of apples indicated approximate, it can be changed depending on the desired amount of the finished product.


• two kilograms of apples.


Cut the sweet ripe apples into large pieces and leave in the open air for oxidation.

When the pieces darken, you need to squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer. You can simply grate the apples, put in a cheesecloth and squeeze.

Pour the resulting juice into a glass bottle, wear a medical rubber glove on the neck.

Keep the bottle in a dark place at a temperature of 30 degrees. The glove under the influence of gas will inflate. When it swells as much as possible, it should be removed. How many have to wait, you will not tell in advance. The process can take from one week to one and a half months.

Wort with acetica uterus pour into a wide dish, preferably from clay or wood. With a large area of ​​contact with air fermentation will go faster. Between the surface of the liquid and the top of the dish should be about 10 cm, at least seven.

Cover container surface with woven napkin or folded gauze.

Wait until the end of fermentation (homemade vinegar from apples will become transparent, bubbling will stop completely). Approximate period - from one and a half to two months.

Filter, pour in a bottle and store in a cool place, you can in the refrigerator.

Simple homemade apple cider vinegar with honey

A simple recipe for vinegar, which resembles Jarvis' famous apple cider vinegar, but without the use of black bread.


• kilogram of sweet apples;

• liter of cooled boiling water;

• two hundred grams of honey;

• one hundred grams of sugar;

• twenty grams of dry yeast.


Apples grate or mince.

Add the apple sauce to the fermentation tank, add honey, yeast and pour in a rate of water.

Mix well and leave to ferment in a warm place for ten days in a warm place. Do not cover the lid (you can cover with gauze), stir twice a day.

Strain, squeeze the apples through cheesecloth and combine both liquids.

Pour into a jar with a wide neck, add sugar and again send for fermentation for a half or two months.

After the vinegar becomes light, it can be used.

Homemade Apple Vinegar on Sugar

Apple vinegar at home is easy to prepare. The main thing is to provide heat and create the necessary conditions for fermentation.


• two kilograms of ripe apples;

• two hundred grams of sugar;

• one and a half liters of cooled boiling water.


Pureen apples together with the core and peel.

Fold in a jar or pot, add half the sugar and pour water. Stir, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment for three weeks. Stir 2-3 times daily.

Strain, pour the second half of the sugar, mix and pour into jars.

Leave to ferment for about two months.

As soon as the liquid becomes clear, the ready bite is filtered and used.

Homemade apple cider vinegar on yeast sauce

With yeast, vinegar is fermented faster. If there is no bias against this ingredient, try making vinegar with this recipe.


• one and a half to two kilograms of apples;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of active dry yeast;

• a few spoons of warm water.


From the washed apples squeeze the juice and pour into a glass or clay container.

In 2-3 spoonful dilute the yeast and sugar to get the brew.

When the opara foams and grows a little, send it to the apple juice.

Wear a rubber glove on the neck and leave the vessel alone for four weeks.

Remove the glove and continue fermentation with oxygen.

Vinegar will be ready in about two months.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar - Tips and Tips

  • The vinegar must be protected in order to use it to get a new bite more quickly. It speeds up the fermentation process, makes the taste of the finished product better, and most importantly, enhances the benefits of apple cider vinegar.
  • Apple cider vinegar can be used for poisoning, high fever, cough, bruises. You can add the product to the massage mixture. In addition, natural vinegar from apples helps to lose weight. However, gastritis with high acidity, ulcers, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, oral ingestion is prohibited.
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