Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Apple jam for the winter with a banana and plums - not the most traditional treat to tea, but it can rightly be called the most delicious. Regular apple or plum jam, though tasty, but “boring”, there is no zest in it. In this recipe, I will tell you how from the available fruits, from which I will not save in the fall, forgive the gardeners, prepare a fragrant, soft-pink, very thick jam or jam, to whom which name is preferred. There are no particular differences between recipes. Fruits for jam rubbed through a sieve or colander, thereby getting rid of the pieces of peel, and for the jam it is boiled whole together with sugar.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

For cooking, you will need a wide pan or basin. I got a brass basin from my grandmother, a cool thing, very spacious, suitable for processing large volumes of fruit. And for small volumes, you can use a skillet with high sides or a stewpan with a wide bottom.

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes;
  • Quantity: 1 l.

Ingredients for apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

  • 1 kg of sour-sweet apples;
  • 1 banana;
  • 5-6 large plums;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Method of cooking apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Sweet and sour apples are thoroughly washed. Cook them together with the peel. There is a lot of pectin in apple peel, jam with peel is always thick.

So, cut the apples, remove the core with the seeds, cut into slices and throw in a pan with a wide bottom or in a bowl for boiling jam.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Add a ripe banana to the sliced ​​apples. Per kilogram of apples we take 1 banana, this is quite enough.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Cut the blue or red plums in half, remove the bones, add to the pan to the apples and banana.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Pour a glass of hot water into the pot. Close the lid, and steam out the ingredients for apple jam with a banana and plums on a fairly high heat for about half an hour.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Rub the steamed fruit through a colander. Plums paint fruit puree in pale pink color. If you cook with yellow plums, the color will be ocher because of bananas and apples.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

We return the fruit puree to the pan, pour sugar, mix it and put it on fire again.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Cook apple jam with banana and plums for 20 minutes with the lid open. Remove the foam that forms during boiling with a clean spoon. Often stir, make sure not to burn. If necessary, reduce the fire.

Ready jam will become thick, it will gurgle evenly.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

Prepare the banks. First, thoroughly wash with soda, then rinse with boiling water. Purely washed container put in the oven on the grill, heat the oven to 100 degrees. Dry the banks for 10 minutes. Covers boil.

We pack hot butter in warm jars, cover with a clean towel or gauze so that no dirt penetrates while the jars cool down. The cooled jars are tightly capped with lids or closed with parchment and tied with twine. We clean for storage in a dry, dark pantry. Jam and jam can be stored at room temperature.

Apple jam for the winter with banana and plums

This delicious treat can be made from autumn fruits, if you show a little imagination. Enjoy your meal!

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