How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Today I will tell how to make pasties at home quickly and tasty. We will of course do with meat, and the dough will be in milk. I like this version of the test, because it does not need to withstand it, let it rest. And this is a very big plus, when you are in a hurry all the time and your homeworkers come up with the question “well, when are pasties?”

Cooking options chebureks set. The dough is prepared with the addition of vodka, and kefir, just on the water, and on mineral water. Someone says that you need to add eggs, someone does without eggs. And everyone argues that they have the best recipe. I will not argue with anyone, I cook what I like and my children like.

How to cook pasties

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

For the test, we need:

  • Flour 600 - 750 grams, depending on the quality
  • Milk - 250 grams
  • Salt to taste
  • One egg
  • A tablespoon of sunflower oil

What is needed for the filling:

  • Pork and ground beef - half a kilo
  • Onions - 2 pieces
  • Salt and black pepper

How to make dough for pasties

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

First you need to sift the flour, it is always necessary to do it, so it is saturated with oxygen and your cooking will be tastier and fluffier.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

We mix half the volume of flour with milk, egg, salt and butter, mix everything, gradually pouring flour.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Knead the dough well and you can immediately begin to model.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Put the minced meat in a bowl, salt, pepper and add onions. Some people twist it in a meat grinder, we prefer to cut it into small pieces to make it feel better in the filling. Onions in pasties must be a lot, then they will be juicy and tasty.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Dough divided into identical pieces.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Roll out thinly.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

We put a little filling on each cake and fasten the edges well. I'm still walking through the edges with a fork.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Chebureks make small ones to make it easier to eat.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Vegetable oil should be hot to put pasties in the pan.

How to make pasties at home tasty and fast

Fry them from both sides until golden brown, spread on a platter. My princess really likes!

I hope that you will appreciate our homemade pizza, the recipe of which I recently published. Enjoy your meal.

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