Salted tomatoes for the winter: a bank of vitamins. Simple and delicious cooking options for salted tomatoes for the winter

Salted tomatoes for the winter: a bank of vitamins. Simple and delicious cooking options for salted tomatoes for the winter

A jar of salted tomatoes in the winter is a great joy for any family on cold winter evenings.

As soon as the lid of the cherished jar opens, the aromatic smell of tomatoes, pickles, and spices reminiscent of summer days spreads around the house.

The more the mistress prepares - the more often the family will be satisfied.

Salty tomatoes can also be decorated with any holiday table as a snack or surprise unexpected guests.

Salted tomatoes for the winter - the general principles of cooking

Each experienced hostess eventually gets her own exclusive recipe based on a secret ingredient known only to her. But the general rules for salting remain the same for all. There are three main options for salting salted tomatoes: hot salting, cold and dry.

Salted hot tomatoes is a traditional variant. At the bottom of clean, carefully sterilized cans place seasonings. Clean tomatoes are put on top, then poured with boiled brine, rolled, cooled and cleaned for permanent storage in the refrigerator.

The cold method of salting is cooking mainly in pots, buckets, barrels. Can and in the bank. Here tomatoes are poured with cold pickle. In addition, a wooden round plate is placed on top. Such pickles are stored in the cellars.

Dry Ambassador implies the absence of brine. Tomatoes are laid in layers in a tub, copiously covered with coarse salt, covered with a wooden circle. For a while, salted tomatoes are in the room, then they are removed in the refrigerator. For long storage, they are not intended. This is mainly the summer version of salting.

There is a faster option for dry salting. It is called “fast tomatoes”. The principle of storage is the same, but here the tomatoes are freed from the contents and filled with crushed garlic and salt and then eaten in a couple of days.

The taste depends on the variety of tomatoes, the stage of maturity, the addition of certain seasonings and additional ingredients. Tomatoes are usually used strong, elastic. Salt choose cooking (large). Garlic heads, dill, mustard, parsley, coriander, bay leaf, cilantro, horseradish, allspice are popular among seasonings.

Salted tomatoes for the winter “Traditional”

This recipe is used by most of the housewives who have no time to fantasize. The easiest and most reliable option salting.


Tomatoes average size 1.8-2 kilograms.

Water is pure one and a half liters.

Dill 30 g

Garlic 2 cloves.

Ground cinnamon (pinch).

Sugar / salt in the ratio of 2/1.

Ingredients are calculated for a three-liter jar (in the following recipes, the calculation will be on the same volume).


Thoroughly rinse and sterilize the jars (applies to every recipe where jars are needed). At the bottom of each of the cans lay dill, garlic and a pinch of cinnamon (ground). Wash tomatoes and top to bottom in banks.

Then pickle is prepared. To do this, boil filtered water, add sugar and salt. Boil until the state of their complete dissolution.

After this action, the tomatoes should be poured with a hot, practically boiling brine, slightly covered with a lid and then sterilized in a basin with boiling water for 12-16 minutes. Roll up sterilized metal caps. Banks carry in a dark place, put upside down to the final cooling. Then remove the pickles in a cool place for storage.

Salty tomatoes for the winter “Home”

The recipe is different from the previous version of the composition of seasonings, therefore, the taste is also different. Tomatoes are very appetizing in appearance. And the taste is soft and tender. This recipe is considered useful.


Freshly ripened tomatoes 2 kg.

Bay leaf 5 pcs.

Salt 60 gr.

Sugar - a big dessert spoon.

8 pieces peppercorns.

6 pieces allspice.

Dried Dill

3.5 cloves of garlic.

Mustard 25 gr.


Put all the above-mentioned spices in clean jars, except for sugar, salt and mustard powder.

Tightly lay out the washed, punctured tomatoes. Take a liter of boiled water, in this water, melt the salt / sugar, immediately pour the tomatoes in a jar.

Then you need to take a cotton fabric, scald it, cover all the cans with this fabric. Take mustard powder, sprinkle them with cloth. This will give an unusual taste to salted tomatoes and save them from mold. Banks should stand at room temperature for about 2 weeks. The next step is to close the cans with sterile plastic caps and put them in the fridge for a month.

Salty tomatoes for the winter "Youth"

The unusual name of the recipe was due to the use of green fruits of tomatoes. Using this pickle in other dishes, for example, as a component of salad, will please the eye.


Tomatoes young (green) 1.8 kg.

Black currant leaf - 7 pcs.

Dill with inflorescences - 3 pcs.

5 cloves of garlic.

Hot pepper (on taste).

Allspice to taste.

Cold filtered water - liter.

Salt large - 4 tablespoons.


Wash the tomatoes and tear the tails. At the bottom of the jar you must put greens, then tomatoes, again greens, hot pepper and garlic. In this order, in layers, fill the entire jar. The last layer should be laid out greens.

Brine: Dissolve the salt in cold water, leave for a couple of minutes and fill the jar to the top. Water must completely cover the contents.

After that, close the glass jar with a dense sterilized lid (plastic) and take it to storage (in a dark cold room). After a month and a half, salted tomatoes should be fully prepared for consumption.

Salty tomatoes for the winter “Cold”

The name is derived from the type of salting. A three-liter jar will serve as a cooking vessel, as modern hostesses rarely use tubs.


Tomatoes ripe 1.6 kg.

Salt / sugar ratio 3/1.

Horseradish leaves 3 pcs.

2-3 cherry leaves.

1-2 currant leaves.

Chopped celery leaf (to taste).

Head of garlic.


Put horseradish leaves on the bottom of clean, dry cans, then fill them tightly with tomatoes, without crushing the fruit.

During the filling tomatoes evenly cover the leaves of currants, cherries, celery and garlic. Then pour salt and sugar into a jar, pour rather cold boiled water or from under the filter. Those interested can add a spoonful of vinegar, but this is optional. Close the jar with a tight plastic lid and put it on the farthest shelf of the refrigerator.

Salted tomatoes for the winter in own juice

An unusual recipe for salted tomatoes from the usual components. Tomatoes in this case should be brown or pink.


Small tomatoes of high density of 1 kg.

Very ripe tomatoes 1 kg.

Head of garlic

4 branches of dill

Hot pepper from 2 pcs.

Seasoning mixture for preservation.

Salt at the discretion (from two tablespoons).


Very ripe tomatoes need to be passed through (-Electro) meat grinder or juicer, pour the tomato juice into a saucepan, dilute a teaspoon of salt in it, bring to a full boil and cook for several minutes.

At the bottom of a clean jar, spread out half the hot pepper and spices. Then put tomatoes, herbs, garlic. On top should be the remaining pepper and spices. Pour it all with fresh hot tomato juice.

Jar to put in a pan, in which boiled tomato juice, after putting the bottom of a thick napkin. Pour the pan with water so that it reaches almost the neck of the jar. Cover the jar with a lid (loosely), bring to a boil and reduce the heat.

So, you need to sterilize the jar for 20-27 minutes. After you need to get the jar, close the same lid, wrap, put upside down before the final cooling.

Salted tomatoes for the winter in apple juice

Recipe for savory and fragrant salted tomatoes. For true connoisseurs of taste.


Strong ripe tomatoes 1 kg.

Apples red 2.5 kg or clarified apple juice 1l.

Ginger 1/2 tsp.

Salt 3 dessert spoons.

Sahara a tablespoon.


Carefully place the tomatoes in a clean jar.

Apples to pass through a juicer or meat grinder (then you have to squeeze the juice with your hands), the resulting juice is diluted 2/1 (sometimes use the store clarified juice). Ginger Grate, add to the resulting liquid. Heat the juice in a saucepan until boiling, pour the tomatoes in a jar with almost boiling liquid. Pasteurize jars for an hour, while the water should not boil. Banks roll up and wrap blanket until the final cooling.

Salty tomatoes for the winter in Ukrainian

For this recipe suitable tomatoes of different varieties. The main point - they must be solid, dense.


Tomatoes elastic1 kg.

Large raw carrots.

Raspberry leaves

3 small spoons of sugar.

Salt to taste.

Spices as desired.


Carrots skip through a grater. Layering raspberry leaves, carrots and tomatoes in a jar.

In parallel to make a cool brine: a liter of water equals to 100 grams of salt. To taste add spices. Boil the brine for 5-8 minutes, then cool and pour into the jar, completely covering the tomatoes. Put a raspberry leaf on top and close it very tight with a clean plastic cap. Bank to carry in a cold place for storage.

Salted tomatoes for the winter “With rowan”

Very simple recipe with an unusual taste!


Peeled tomatoes 2 kg.

Rowan bunches 1.5 kilograms.

For brine:

Artesian water (suitable and filtered) 1 l.

Sugar / salt in the ratio of 2/1 tbsp.


Put tomatoes together with rowan in a prepared jar. Boil filtered water, dissolve salt / sugar in it. Only boiling brine need to quickly fill the contents of the jar. Allow to cool, then drain, boil again and pour the jar. The procedure is repeated only three times. After that, tighten the jar, cool and put it in the cellar for a long time.

Salted tomatoes for the winter - tips and tricks

  • Salting tomatoes for the winter is a simple task at first glance. However, in this case there are some tricks and tricks with which the hostess can save not only time but also energy.
  • So that the banks do not explode, they must be thoroughly sterilized.
  • When tightening, apply the lids as tightly as possible to prevent air from entering. The covers themselves must be tight.
  • Before cooking, wash the tomatoes in warm water.
  • Before laying the tomatoes, it is advisable to pierce them in the area of ​​the foot - so as not to crack. The taste of this will also become richer.
  • July is the month of the first fruits. It is believed that at this time tomatoes are the most enriched with vitamins. Therefore, pickle tomatoes preferably in July.
  • Tomato peel will easily come off if you put it in boiling water for a few minutes or just hold it over hot steam.
  • If there is not enough sourness, and the taste of vinegar is not pleasant, add a few drops of natural citric acid. Acid additionally prevents the development of microbes that lead to the brine turbidity.
  • If for salting you need to cut small tomatoes, you can hold them with covers and hold them with a knife in the middle.
  • Salty tomatoes must be stored in a constantly cool place.
  • After the salted tomatoes are eaten, the pickle usually stays. On it, you can make dough for delicious pastries (buns, pies) or soup (pickle).
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