Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: like is poured like and becomes unmatched! Recipes of tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: like is poured like and becomes unmatched! Recipes of tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

If you have extra tomatoes, you can preserve them. If you have a lot of tomatoes, you can preserve them by experimenting with marinade recipes and pickles. If you have a lot of tomatoes, the only right decision is to close the tomatoes in their own juice!

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: general principles of cooking

For this type of harvesting, you need not only ripe, strong tomatoes, but also tomato juice. It can be made from rumpled, burst or overripe tomatoes.

Juice, of course, can be squeezed out manually, through gauze or a sieve, but it is better to use a special nozzle on the meat grinder, juicer and juice maker.

The technology is as follows: tomatoes are slightly heated, ground in mashed potatoes and squeezed. Here you have homemade juice for harvesting. It can be salted, sweetened, boiled and closed separately. But we recommend using it for cooking tomatoes in its own juice for the winter.

For work you will need:

1. One - two pans or deep bowls for boiling water and tomato juice,

2. Sterilized banks of a certain volume,

3. Spoons

4. Knives

5. Meat grinder or juicer,

6. Cutting board.

Ingredients Required:

1. Tomatoes of two types: medium-sized tomatoes and juicy fruits for tomato juice,

2. Spices,

3. Salt

4. Sugar,

5. Vinegar,

6. Minor components as desired, for example, it is possible to add onions, garlic, horseradish leaves, hot and sweet peppers and others.

Do not forget that the banks must be sterilized before canning. In the workpiece should not get bacteria that can cause the fermentation process. Otherwise, you may find swollen or even broken covers after a short time.

The most affordable way to sterilize cans:

• Wash the jar thoroughly.

• Put on the fire a large pot of water (about half is enough),

• Put clean jars in the pot and cover them with lids,

• After the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and boil them for about 15 minutes, • Then remove the jars, turn them upside down and let them cool.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with garlic


• small oval or round tomatoes - 1 kg,

• Garlic - 2 heads,

• Tomato juice - 1 liter,

• Salt - 1 tsp,

• Sugar - 1 tbsp. l

• Spices.

Method of preparation

Pre-fruits need to be cleaned of dirt and put them in clean jars. We also send garlic there. Tomato juice should be boiled for about 2 minutes, adding salt, sugar and spices.

Pour juice in tomatoes in jars, cover with lids and put in a pot of water installed on the fire. Sterilize for about 10-12 minutes, and at the end of the allotted time, roll up the covers with a special key.

After all manipulations, the glass containers must be turned over very carefully, placed on the covers and covered with a warm blanket.

Recipe for tomatoes in their own juice without the skin with bell peppers


• 2 kg of small tomatoes,

• 2 kg of ripe fruits,

• 4 tbsp. l sugar,

• 2 tbsp. l coarse salt

• 1 tsp. vinegar,

• 5-6 peppers,

• Two cloves of garlic.

Method of preparation

Prepare the tomatoes: wash them, remove the stalks, scald with boiling water, and then immediately dip into the cold. This method will help to quickly remove the skin from them.

Put small tomatoes in glass containers together with chopped garlic and pepper, and send large ones to a meat grinder for juice. Containers with tomatoes additionally fill with boiling water, cover with lids and let it brew for about 10 minutes.

Chop large tomatoes, add salt and sugar. Now it is necessary to boil the mass for 2-3 minutes, slightly cool. Remove the water from the cans, add vinegar to each and pour tomato juice.

Immediately after this, the banks must be twisted, turned over and sent to cool in a warm place.

Fragrant tomatoes in own juice with basil and olive oil

Tomatoes with basil and olive oil are very fond of Italians. They eat the famous “Caprese” salad year-round, and use grated pickled tomatoes seasoned with fragrant basil leaves as a sauce for various meat dishes. Ingredients:

• Kilogram of tomatoes,

• Basil leaves - 110 g,

• Olive oil - 110 ml,

• 3 garlic cloves

• A little red pepper,

• Salt.

Method of preparation

Scald the fruits of tomatoes, pour over ice water and remove the skin from them. Chop them, choose the size of the pieces at its discretion. Garlic skip through the press, and basil, you can just pick a small hand.

Pour olive oil into the frying pan, add garlic and pepper, slightly passace food. Spread sliced ​​tomatoes, salt and sprinkle with basil. It is necessary to put out the mixture for about 10 minutes, until the juice begins to separate well.

Put the tomato mass into prepared jars of glass, set it in a deep saucepan with water and maintain the sterilization process. It will take 10-15 minutes. Now blanks can be rolled up.

Recipe of tomatoes in their own juice with mustard

To pickle such tomatoes, you will need a special wooden tub, which in common people is called “barrel”. Additionally, the bottom of the barrel is recommended to line with oak, grape or currant leaves.


5 kg of tomatoes need:

• 250-300 g of salt,

• Mustard powder - 1 sachet,

• Spices to taste, for example, are allowed to take cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf or a mixture of peppers.

Method of preparation

Half of the fruit is used for making juice, and the rest should be carefully laid in a tub. When filling the tub around the perimeter, sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and mustard powder, and then continue to lay the next layer. To the aroma of the leaves completely soaked the brine, it is allowed to alternate layers of fruits and foliage.

At that moment, when the keg is filled with tomatoes, you need to pour juice into it, add bay leaf, cover with lid and do not disturb for a week. During this time, the fermentation process will come to an end and you can remove the tub with pickles in a cool dark place.

Tomato juice for this recipe is prepared in a standard way: tomato fruits are ground with the addition of salt and sugar, after which the mass is filtered and boiled for about 2-3 minutes.

Unusual dessert: tomato jam in its own juice

Even if it never occurred to you to cook a sweet delicacy from tomatoes, then it is time to try such a dessert.


• Small fruits of tomatoes - 1 kg (“Lady fingers” or “Cherry” varieties are optimal),

• 250 g of granulated sugar

• Pinch of cinnamon, cloves or other spices,

• Some butter,

• One lemon.

Method of preparation

Cooking jam from tomatoes is quite simple: you need to wash them, put them in a deep bowl, add other ingredients and, not forgetting to stir, bring to a boil. Then turn down the heat and leave to boil for another 1 hour. Then you can put tomatoes in clean, sterilized jars and roll up.

To diversify the recipe, it is allowed to supplement it with walnuts or pine nuts, as well as dried fruits.

The original recipe of tomatoes in its own juice with apples

The sweet and sour apples used in this recipe will give the tomatoes a delicate, subtle taste.


3 kg of tomatoes will need:

• 5-6 apples

• 5-6 cloves of garlic,

• 4 tbsp. l salt,

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara,

• 9 Art. l table vinegar (can be replaced by apple),

• Allspice,

• Bay leaf,

• Cloves,

• Parsley.

Method of preparation

While preparing tomato juice according to the traditional recipe, you need to wash the apples, remove the center of the seeds and chop the slices. At the bottom of the cans, first place the greens, then the garlic, and only then the slices of apples and tomatoes. The more apples you decide to put, the more sweet the taste of tomatoes will become.

Juice pour jars with tomatoes, put them in a water bath, cover with lids, and sterilize again. After that, you can spin.

Savory tomatoes in their own juice for lovers of savory snacks

For the realization of this recipe useful chili pepper. Spicy tomatoes are suitable as a snack for alcoholic beverages, and you can also grind them and use them as a basis for creating hot sauces for meat.


• Fruits of small tomatoes, • Chili peppers,

• Tomato juice, pre-boiled,

• Sugar and salt,

• Garlic,

• Cinnamon sticks,

• Cloves,

• Black peppercorns,

• Bay leaf,

• Mint.

Method of preparation

Slightly knife each tomato in the place where the stem was, and do not forget to put a piece of garlic in it. Boil tomato juice with the addition of crushed chili pepper, sugar and salt. In a container with spices, fold the food and fill it with hot juice. If you want your tomatoes to be ready for consumption, as well as for preparing sauces, you should remove the skin from them before laying.

After a five-minute sterilization jars can be tightened.

Classic recipe: tomatoes for the winter in own juice with onions


• 2 kg of tomatoes,

• 2 large bulbs,

• Tomato juice - 2 l,

• 4 cloves of garlic

• Sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. lt

• Dill and parsley,

• 1 tbsp. l salt,

• 2-3 Art. l Sahara,

• Bay leaf,

• Allspice.

Method of preparation

Tomato juice will need to bring to a boil, adding fragrant pepper, bay leaf, salt and sugar. Tomatoes and onions are put into rings in a jar. Do not forget about garlic, herbs and sunflower oil.

Fill the banks with boiling tomato juice, after which you can immediately spin them. Gently turn the containers face down, cover them with a warm towel or blanket, and allow to cool completely.

Peppers stuffed with tomatoes in tomato juice

Try to prepare sweet peppers for the winter and stuff it with ripe tomatoes.


• On one and a half kilogram of sweet pepper and fruits of tomatoes,

• 2 cloves of garlic

• Juice of tomatoes,

• Sunflower oil,

• Allspice,

• Salt and sugar,

• Greens (such as parsley, dill, basil and cilantro),

• Bay leaf.

Method of preparation

While the tomato juice is boiling, you need to peel the intestines, chop the tomatoes and greens, and skip the garlic through the press. Stuff with pepper and sort by banks, not forgetting to add laurel leaves and allspice. Now you can safely fill the glass containers with boiling juice and roll them up.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - tricks and tips

  • One of the most common mistakes of beginning “conservatives” is incomplete processing and sterilization of cans. Many simply are lazy to bring this process to the end. But in the end, you can lose food, because fermented and "exploded" banks, as a rule, are recyclable. To avoid this, you can neutralize the bacteria by placing the jars in the oven on the grate upside down. Under it, put a glass container with water in order to treat the surface with steam.
  • Another simple way to disinfect: Pour about one-quarter water into each jar and put them in the microwave for 3-5 minutes. Boiling water and steam will do the trick. Just remember that banks suitable for microwaves up to 1 l.
  • To make pickle tomatoes ideal, we recommend incising them in the area of ​​the stem, and if they are stuffed with garlic or spices, they will become more fragrant and tasty.
  • If you decide to make the tomatoes right in the skin, pierce them several times with toothpicks before putting them into the cans. So the skin does not burst when you fill them with hot liquid.
  • It is impossible to oversalt the tomatoes with whole peel, so do not be afraid to add a little more salt.
  • Tomatoes are stored in their own juice, like other blanks, in a cellar or a dark storeroom. If you do not have either one or the other, it is allowed to store the preservation in the refrigerator on the uppermost shelf, away from the freezer.
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