Biscuit Cake Cream: The Best Recipes. Choose a recipe for biscuit cake and give your dessert a unique taste!

Biscuit Cake Cream: The Best Recipes. Choose a recipe for biscuit cake and give your dessert a unique taste!

Many people love baking and love to try biscuit cakes. But few people know the origin of this so popular dessert in our time.

Biscuit in French, literally means "baked twice."

In the Middle Ages, biscuit was the food of English sailors. Since there is no butter in the biscuit dough, it is well preserved and is not susceptible to mildew. Sailors took the biscuits with them on the voyage and for a long time they did not spoil.

Once the court of Queen Elizabeth traveled on a ship and tried the daily food of sailors. He won the unsurpassed taste of biscuit. So sponge cake hit the tables of high society and its recipe began to spread throughout the world.

Sponge cake cream - general principles of cooking

It is hard to imagine a biscuit cake without cream. That cream is able to emphasize the beauty of the taste of the cake. A cream is a bulk weight that is made from eggs, cream, milk, butter, sour cream. They can be interbedded, you can decorate cakes, creating real confectionery masterpieces.

The cream is a perishable product, so it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

In the entire history of sponge cake, its traditional recipe has not changed, although the recipes of creams have been subjected to experiments and improvements.

In the process of making cream for cakes, you will definitely need a mixer, a whisk, a heavy-bottomed saucepan, a spoon, a bowl, a measuring cup and kitchen scales.

You can consider the standard recipes for biscuit cake creams. These creams can be taken as a basis and have already been personally modified or amended.

Before smearing cakes cream, it is better to soak them with syrup. This procedure takes approximately 15 minutes. In the preparation of the syrup, the proportion of sugar and water is important. On the cake weighing 800g, you need about 500g of impregnation. The impregnation recipe is simple: you need to boil 250 ml of water and pour 250 gr. sugar, boil, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and vanilla. Alcoholic beverages, fruit syrups, cocoa can be added to the impregnation. When making a cream for sponge cake, it is important to ensure that all your equipment and hands are clean. For the preparation of any cream you need high-quality and fresh products.

Recipe 1: Custard for sponge cake

Custard - one of the best creams for sponge cakes, as it is very gentle and light. Because of its light texture, they will not be able to decorate the cake. This cream is spread between the cake layers.


• egg - 1 piece;

• milk - 1 cup;

• sugar - about, 5 glasses;

• flour - 2.5 tablespoons;

• butter - 50 grams;

• vanilla sugar to taste

Method of preparation

In a non-stick pan, pour the milk, pour out the sugar, flour, add vanillin and egg.

Mix everything with a mixer for about 30 seconds so that everything is well mixed and no lumps of flour remain.

After that, the pan must be put on the stove and cook the cream on low heat for about 5 minutes until thick, while occasionally beat with a mixer (so there will be no lumps).

Cream put cool.

When it is warm it is necessary to put soft butter in it and beat well with a mixer until smooth. With cooled cream you can smear cakes and decorate the cake if desired.

Recipe 2: Oil cream for sponge cake

Oil cream for biscuit cake can serve as an ornament and will emphasize its wonderful taste. This cream is considered one of the most popular in Europe. Since the basis of the cream is oil, then the butter should be without additional flavoring.


• oil - 350 grams;

• condensed milk - 1 can;

• vanilla sugar - 1 bag.

Cooking Method:

Beat soft butter at medium speed with a mixer until a fluffy and airy mass is formed.

Add vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.

In a thin stream pour condensed milk into the mass, whipping it with a mixer (at low speed). After that, increase the speed of the mixer and beat about 5 minutes until the cream is homogeneous.

The cream is ready.

Recipe 3: Chocolate cream for sponge cake

The taste of the cream is delicate, light, chocolate, with a vanilla aroma, as if created for a sponge cake. However, it has a high calorie content. Ingredients:

• cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;

• milk - 500 ml (it is better to use fatter);

• sugar - 3 tablespoons;

• butter - 1 tablespoon;

• starch - 3 tablespoons;

• vanilla sugar.

Cooking Method:

Pour 250 ml of milk into a saucepan, add butter, cocoa, sugar and mix everything thoroughly.

Put on a small fire, that would boil and cook for 3 minutes while continuously stirring (it is better to do this with a wooden spoon, so the cream does not burn).

Remove from heat. At this time, pour the starch into the remaining milk and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour the milk with the starch into the hot mixture, add the vanilla sugar and put on a small fire.

Boil for about 2 minutes, stirring well, as the cream will thicken as it boils. Remove from heat and cool.

Cold cream can grease cakes and decorate the cake.

Recipe 4: Cheesecake Cream for Biscuit Cake

Delicate cream cheese cake for biscuit cake will make it a perfect dessert and delight with unsurpassed taste. This cream is not only easy to prepare, but also low-calorie. The curd cream contains many B vitamins, organic acids, calcium, phosphorus and even iodine. This cream is tasty and healthy.


• cottage cheese - 500 g;

• cream of 30% - 250 ml;

• icing sugar - 200g.

Cooking Method:

Grind the curd with powdered sugar with a mixer or blender.

Beat cream with a mixer at high speed into a fluffy mass and then add to the curd.

All carefully and gently mix until smooth.

The curd cream is ready and can be used immediately to decorate and lubricate the cake.

Recipe 5: Protein Sponge Cake Cream

The ease of protein cream will give the sponge cake extraordinary tenderness and lightness. This cream perfectly decorates the cake and emphasizes the ease of dessert.


• egg whites - 4 pieces;

• water -100 ml;

• sugar -200 g;

• a pinch of salt;

• vanilla sugar.

Cooking Method:

Sugar should be poured into water and boil for about 20 minutes over medium heat. It is important to check the readiness of the syrup, for this it is necessary to drop it into a glass of cold water, if a ball is formed, then it is ready. Next - beat the whites with a mixer at high speed with a pinch of salt. It is necessary to pour syrup into the fluffy protein mass in a thin stream, while necessarily continuing to beat the mass with a mixer, but already at medium speed.

Protein cream is ready and you can immediately use it to decorate the cake.

Biscuit Cake Cream. Tips and tips

  • when preparing the butter cream, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the butter, as the taste of the cream depends on it;
  • in the preparation of custard, it is important to remember: the more flour is poured, the thicker it will be;
  • making protein cream you need to pay attention to the dishes. It should not be a drop of water, otherwise the cream will not beat up. This cream should be used immediately after preparation, as during storage it ceases to be fluffy;
  • the secret of making curd cream - products for it take only fresh and homogeneous
  • To give chocolate cream a more expressive taste, you should grate chocolate and sprinkle it on the cake layers, and then lubricate the cake layers with the cream
  • so that when cooling the custard does not take a crust, sprinkle it with sugar or stir it frequently.
  • Each of these creams can add different fruits or berries. The same cream, but with the addition of fruit will give its own touch of originality and uniqueness.
  • using food colors, creams can be given bright and extraordinary colors.
  • By adding a few drops of essence to creams, you can add an interesting taste to the cream.

Everyone has different tastes, so only experiments will help determine what they like best.

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