Creamy honey custard for any cake

Creamy honey custard is suitable for almost any cake. With it you can cook and puff napoleon, and a simple cake of biscuits, and sponge cake, and honey cake. This custard is prepared quite quickly, it is desirable to use it immediately. I tried to leave in the fridge for a few hours, then I need to heat it, cool it and beat it again, it's easier to cook another batch.

Creamy honey custard for any cake
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Quantity: per layer and decoration of 1 cake

Ingredients for creamy honey custard

  • 1 cup of 10% cream;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2, 5 tablespoons of cornstarch (under the knife);
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 230 g of 82% butter.

Method of making creamy honey custard for any cake

We break into a saucepan fresh egg, pour sugar. In principle, you can do without sugar, but if you put a lot of honey, then, for my taste, it will be very cloying.

Creamy honey custard for any cake

Stir the egg with sugar with a whisk, pour in cold cream. The fatter the cream, the more tender the custard. You can replace the cream with milk, but it tastes better with cream.

Mix cream and beaten egg, pour corn starch. Stir thoroughly to avoid lumps.

Put the saucepan on the stove, turn on the low fire. Constantly stirring with a whisk, heat the mass until thick. You cannot leave a stewpan without attention - an omelet will instantly turn out.

To avoid trouble, you can heat up in a water bath.

If you have a cooking thermometer, then heat the mixture to 85 degrees Celsius.

Creamy honey custard for any cake Creamy honey custard for any cake Creamy honey custard for any cake

Remove the saucepan from the stove, stir, cool slightly and add honey. You can add honey at any stage of cooking, but the healing qualities of this product are lost when it is very hot. Therefore, I advise you to add honey at this stage - in a hot medium, honey in any case will melt.

Creamy honey custard for any cake

Next, wipe the mass through a fine sieve. This is in case the starch is boiled and lumps are formed, moreover, the egg white can be heterogeneous.

Prepared semi-finished product removed in the refrigerator, quickly cooled to room temperature.

Creamy honey custard for any cake

Put the softened butter in a bowl, beat with a mixer until a fluffy white mass is formed. I advise you to remove the butter in advance from the refrigerator and hold it for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Creamy honey custard for any cake

Add cooled custard in small portions, continue to beat.

Possible troubles - the mass is stratified, especially if the oil is not warm enough, it is fixable.

Place the bowl in the water bath, heat it up a little and beat again until smooth.

Creamy honey custard for any cake

So, the fragrant creamy honey custard is ready, with which any, even the simplest cake, will turn out to be a confectionary masterpiece. Enjoy your meal!

Creamy honey custard for any cake

For those who are lazy baking biscuit or shortbread, I suggest a simple recipe for a cake made of crackers: mix small crackers with custard, put them on a plate, pour chocolate icing and leave for a few hours in the refrigerator. Simple and tasty!

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