Magic turkey in sauce: dietary, tasty, juicy! The creamy, wine, mushroom flavor of the perfect turkey in a sauce

Magic turkey in sauce: dietary, tasty, juicy! The creamy, wine, mushroom flavor of the perfect turkey in a sauce

Dietary, tender, tasty turkey meat is richer in calcium, protein and important amino acids compared to the chicken we are used to.

By the amount of phosphorus, it is generally close to fish! Yes, turkey is quite expensive, but it is worth the money. The only condition for success is to master the basics of cooking this wonderful meat and not be afraid of experiments.

Turkey meat is a delicious and healthy product. It has little fat, fewer calories.

The most useful part of the turkey is the white breast. It is perfect for therapeutic nutrition, low-calorie or protein diets. The meat from the breast part of the turkey is rather dry.

A guaranteed way to serve it tasty is to make a sauce. The variety of sauces is so great that the question of the implementation of a fairly large, frankly speaking, carcass is solved by itself. An average turkey weighs as much as seven to ten kilograms. The sauces of cream, sour cream, mustard, cheese, greens, mushrooms, berries and fruits will allow each time to taste a new dish. The turkey in the sauce is simply superb and always perceived as a true gastronomic treat.

Turkey in Sauce - General Cooking Principles

You can make wonderful stews, juicy meatballs, steaks, dumplings, pies, pies, sausage, canned meat from turkey meat. The meat of this bird can be baked and fried, boiled and stewed, stuffed and pickled, smoked and steamed. It goes well with a variety of vegetable, cereal side dishes, mushrooms and liver. Turkey is good for everyday and holiday table.

To cook the turkey in the sauce you need to take part of the fillet from the breast or legs, wash, dry and cut into portions. Prepared meat should either be marinated for a few hours, or immediately fried in a hot frying pan. The third option is to first make the sauce, then pour the turkey and simmer everything over low heat. Sour cream, heavy cream, honey, mustard, soy sauce are most often used for the sauce. However, often the basis of gravy are vegetables and mushrooms. They need to be washed, cleaned from damaged parts and peels, and then crushed with a knife or a grater. Onions can be cut with rings or small cubes. Carrots are more interesting if you cut them into thin sticks or circles. Bulgarian pepper can be crushed into small squares or cut into long slices.

For roasting vegetables and meat, you can take almost any oil (butter, olive, sunflower, corn) and even natural fat. Diet turkey such a fat company will appeal to.

Turkey in a creamy sauce with bell pepper

For this dish you must use turkey breast fillets. Dry meat wonderfully behaves under cream sauce. Great taste will give the turkey in sauce the traditional combination of bell pepper, carrot and onion.


• 700 grams of turkey fillet;

• two medium bulbs;

• one large carrot;

• average Bulgarian pepper;

• half a liter of heavy cream;

• a clove of garlic (optional);

• freshly ground pepper;

• salt;

• oil for frying (butter or vegetable of your choice).

Cooking Method:

Cut the turkey fillet into small pieces.

Heat the oil and fry the meat, ensuring the appearance of a golden crust.

Onion cut into half rings, pepper - thin slices, and carrots grate on a coarse grater.

Put vegetables to roast turkey, salt and add pepper and spices to taste. Fry without a lid for about fifteen minutes, until the extra liquid disappears.

When the vegetable juice is evaporated, pour all heavy cream.

Simmer the pan over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Serve with potatoes, rice or boiled macaroni.

Turkey in “Traditional” cream sauce

Turkey in cream sauce is considered the traditional way of serving this tender, dietary, but rather dry meat. Delicate, fragrant, slightly sweet dish will be useful both at the dinner and evening table. A minimum of ingredients will allow the bird to cook very quickly and without much hassle. Ingredients:

• 600 grams of turkey fillet;

• medium bulb;

• one hundred milliliters of heavy cream;

• tablespoon flour;

• spices and herbs to taste;

• a quarter cup of dry white wine;

• sprigs of rosemary;

• salt;

• some vegetable oil for the pan.

Cooking Method:

Fillet to cut into small pieces, pour with wine and lay on top of two or three sprigs of rosemary. Salt is not worth it, otherwise the meat will be dryish.

Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until golden.

Introduce cream into flour, vigorously hindering the sauce and preventing the appearance of lumps. The mass should be absolutely homogeneous.

Salt the sauce, add black pepper, spices and dried herbs.

Put the meat in a dish to extinguish, add cream sauce and simmer with a very slow boil. The turkey should languish until the sauce begins to boil down, thicken.

As soon as the sauce has acquired the consistency of sour cream, the dish remains to be put out for another ten minutes.

When serving, discard rosemary. If desired, decorate with fresh greens.

Turkey in sour cream with spices and white wine

The meat for this recipe is prepared in whole rather large pieces in the oven. A sweetish tint gives white wine to cream sauce. The abundance of spices will appeal to lovers of oriental notes. Turkey in a sauce with wine and spices should be served with rice, potatoes or green beans.


• 600 grams of fillet;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• a quarter cup of white wine;

• spices: nutmeg, allspice, coriander (half a teaspoon);

• favorite greens (fresh or dried).

Cooking Method:

Fillet to cut into large pieces, wrap in foil and send to the oven.

Bake at 180 degrees for about an hour and a half.

Instead of foil, you can use a metal or glass dish with a lid.

Prepare the sauce, mix sour cream, wine, spices.

Remove the meat from the oven, pour the cream sauce over and put it back in the oven, turning it off. While the oven cools down, the meat will be soaked with sauce, it will become fragrant and juicy. Cut the turkey into portions, decorate with herbs when serving.

Turkey in cream sauce with cheese

A very simple, tasty and satisfying recipe can turn into a full meal. Delicate creamy flavor combined with the finest aroma of olive oil gives the turkey zest. Strengthens the aromatic bouquet light sour cream.


• 600 grams of turkey fillet;

• a glass of sour cream;

• medium bulb;

• two spoons of olive oil;

• 150 grams of semi-solid cheese;

• fresh greens.

Cooking Method:

Cut the fillet into small pieces.

Finely chopped onion quickly fry in hot olive oil.

Add the meat to the pan and fry until the turkey pieces are white.

Pour the meat with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped dill and simmer over low heat under the lid for ten minutes.

Grate the cheese, put it into the cream sauce and stew for fifteen minutes the turkey under the lid.

Turkey in Soy Sauce

Soy sauce and turkey fillets get along well with each other. Their union turns out strong and gentle. The dish will appeal to anyone who loves the piquancy of soy sauce. Tender meat cooked according to this recipe will be the perfect dinner.


• 400 grams of turkey fillet;

• large onion;

• spoon of olive oil;

• half a cup of soy sauce (you can slightly more - to taste);

• two spoons of Balsamic vinegar;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

Meat cut into long thin strips.

Finely chop the onion.

Marinate the meat in a large bowl, combining it with onion, olive oil, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. To taste, salt and leave for an hour in the refrigerator.

Heat the frying pan and fry the marinated meat pieces on it. Do not pour oil: the pan must be dry.

Roast the turkey until meat is soft for about twenty minutes.

Serve the turkey in boiled buckwheat sauce or mashed potatoes.

Turkey in Honey Soy Sauce

The combination of honey and soy sauce creates tremendous taste sensations. Carrots and bell peppers further deepen the original taste. Turkey in soy and honey sauce is especially good with boiled rice. Ingredients:

• a pound of turkey meat;

• two bell peppers;

• three carrots;

• three medium onions;

• a third cup of soy sauce;

• three tablespoons of honey;

• spoonful of corn oil;

• salt and pepper to taste;

• A handful of sesame seeds.

Cooking Method:

Turkey cut into fillets and cut into thin narrow strips.

Mix honey and soy sauce, pour meat over it. For half an hour, put them in the fridge so that the fillets are well marinated.

Prepare vegetables. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater or cut into thin cubes, cut the peppers into narrow strips.

Meat fry in hot corn oil for seven minutes. salt, sprinkle with freshly ground fragrant black pepper.

Add the onion to the pan, fry for five minutes.

Add carrots and peppers, pour in marinade, stew for ten minutes.

When serving, decorate with sesame.

Turkey with mushrooms in cream and mustard sauce

Very tasty turkey in a sauce with mushrooms, cream and mustard. Savory taste and tenderness will make this dish ideal for a relaxing family dinner. Serve it with pasta, rice, buckwheat.


• 800 grams of turkey meat;

• 400 grams of mushrooms or oyster mushrooms;

• two medium bulbs;

• one and a half glasses of cream;

• a tablespoon of mustard;

• three cloves of garlic;

• a little butter;

• three spoons of vegetable oil;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• salt;

• ground black and allspice;

Cooking Method:

Prepared meat cut into cubes.

Onions cut transparent thin rings.

Whole champignons, depending on the size, cut into two or four parts.

Fry the onion to remove the oils (cream and vegetable) with the mushrooms.

Fry the fillet pieces in a separate pan.

Prepare the sauce by mixing the cream and mustard. Salt sauce.

Combine fillet, mushrooms, spices and sauce, simmer for about half an hour in a thick-walled saucepan or fifteen minutes in a slow cooker.

Turkey in Egg Sour Cream

An interesting variant of this dish can be prepared on the basis of egg-sour cream sauce. Chicken broth turns this recipe into a wonderful meat duet, generously flavored with hints of mustard, olive oil and vinegar.


• 700 grams of meat;

• a glass of chicken broth;

• two chicken yolks;

• half a cup of sour cream;

• two spoons of olive oil;

• mustard spoon;

• spoon of sugar;

• a spoonful of vinegar;

a piece of butter;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

Cut the fillet into portions, rub with salt, pour over olive oil and put on a baking sheet.

Fry in an oven heated to 220 degrees, pouring with prominent meat juice.

Prepare the sauce. Dissolve the butter in a pan, fry the flour in it, drain the broth, vinegar, add mustard and sour cream. Mix thoroughly, breaking all the flour lumps and wait for boiling.

Separately, rub the yolks with a spoonful of sauce, pour into the main dish, salt and cook at the slowest boil until the sauce thickens.

Put the finished meat slices in a la carte plates and pour over the egg-sour cream sauce.

Turkey in Cranberry-Orange Sauce

Bitter-sour cranberries and fresh juicy orange - the basis of a surprisingly tasty sauce for turkey meat. Tart sweet note gives this dish fragrant honey. The turkey sauce in this recipe is something incredibly tasty. This almost restaurant dish will decorate any holiday table.


• about a kilo of turkey fillet;

• a glass of fresh cranberries;

• one orange;

• a tablespoon of honey;

• vegetable oil for the pan;

• freshly ground pepper;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

Meat cut into small slices.

Heat the oil and fry the turkey on it until golden brown.

Salt the meat and sprinkle with allspice.

Prepare the sauce. To do this, remove the zest from the orange, finely chop the flesh.

Mix citrus pulp, cranberries, honey in a saucepan, and boil the mixture for about fifteen minutes.

Introduce orange zest and add sauce in five minutes. Fruit and berry mass is wiped through a sieve, diluted with boiling water.

Turkey in cranberry and orange sauce can be served with rice.

Turkey in spicy sauce

Spicy sauce for apple mashed turkey has a particularly bright flavor. The meat prepared according to this recipe is perfect with slices of roasted potatoes and vegetables.


• six hundred grams of turkey meat with bones;

• a quarter cup of lemon juice;

• two carrots;

• one leek stem;

• three tablespoons of flour;

• parsley root;

• vegetable oil for the pan;

• a tablespoon of tomato paste;

• a teaspoon of soy sauce;

• two glasses of broth;

• large sweet and sour apple;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

Cut meat into fillets and bones.

Fillet cut into portions, boil broth from bones.

Meat pour lemon juice and salt, breaded in flour and fry in oil until golden brown.

The roots, onions, carrots cut and add to the meat. Fry until vegetables and parsley are lightly browned.

Pour the broth over the meat and vegetables and simmer on the stove or in the oven until the meat is completely cooked.

Apple grate on a fine grater.

Mix the tomato paste, applesauce and soy sauce, add to the meat sauce and heat until boiling.

When serving, decorate with chopped greens.

Turkey in wine sauce

Wine sauce gives the original spicy taste to turkey meat prepared according to this recipe. From the specified amount of meat you get a dish that you can feed a large company. Serve turkey in wine sauce to sauerkraut stew cooked with mushrooms.


• two kilograms of turkey;

• half a cup of vegetable oil;

• a tablespoon of tomato puree;

• a glass of dry white wine;

• fresh parsley (can be replaced with dried grass);

• ground black pepper;

• salt.

Cooking Method:

Cut into fillets in portions, rub with salt and pepper and fry in vegetable oil.

Wine mixed with tomato paste. Portions of pouring wine and tomato dressing into the frying pan with meat, simmering the meat under the lid closed.

Salt sauce, garnish with fresh herbs when serving.

Turkey in Sauce - Tips and Tips

  • To make the cream sauce more nourishing, you can add any mushrooms to it. If there is no fresh, frozen. This version of turkey in sauce will be especially good in the company of pasta from durum wheat.
  • To make the turkey fillet not dry, one should strictly adhere to the temperature regime. Roast or bake turkey meat need at a temperature of 180 degrees and above. This will allow the bird to maintain the required amount of fat and juice.
  • If you cook a turkey with a whole carcass and then dress and dress with sauce, you must observe not only the temperature, but also the time mode. An average carcass weighing up to six kilograms should be cooked in an oven for at least two and a half hours. After baking, the meat should rest for another forty minutes, so that the meat juices evenly soak the whole carcass.
  • The meat pickled in spices and herbs must be washed before baking. This is done so that herbs and sugar do not burn on the skin. The smell of burnt food particles can ruin the whole result.
  • A magnificent sauce can be made from winter vegetables and roots: horseradish, carrots, turnips, pumpkins. Vegetables should be prepared “pillow”, lay a turkey on it and bake. Meat juice in the cooking process will soak the vegetables. Once the meat is ready, the “pillow” can be mashed in a blender, flavored with olive or truffle oil if desired.
  • Be sure to try the sauce before serving. The components included in its composition, can “extinguish” the taste. Fresh sauce must be salted.
  • To make a thick creamy sauce, you need to take very heavy cream. The lower the fat content, the thinner the sauce will be. To give it the desired thick consistency, you need to further boil the creamy sauce, evaporate unnecessary moisture from it.
  • Best stew fillet, cut from the thigh. Such meat is softer than the breast, cooks faster and becomes softer.
  • Turkey has an amazing property of gastronomic mimicry: it easily absorbs the taste and aroma of other meats if it is cooked with it. So, slices of turkey, fried together with pork slices, difficult to distinguish from pork. This can be used in order to reduce the calorie content of the meat dish and increase its usefulness without detriment to the usual taste.
  • Turkey rarely causes allergic reactions, is considered completely hypoallergenic, and therefore recommended for babies for the first complementary foods. For adults, this meat will make you feel fresh and happy. The fact is that the turkey stimulates the production of endorphins, or the hormones of happiness, and therefore, fights with blues and depression.
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