Lecho in the multicooker: technology to help us! Quick, easy, tasty: the best lecho recipes in a slow cooker for the winter: from tomatoes and peppers

Lecho in the multicooker: technology to help us! Quick, easy, tasty: the best lecho recipes in a slow cooker for the winter: from tomatoes and peppers

Lecho is an excellent snack for second courses.

It can be eaten as a sauce for a side dish or salad, as well as separately, spreading it on bread.

Lesho in a Multicooker - General Principles of Cooking

The main ingredients are fresh tomatoes and sweet Bulgarian pepper.

Vegetables are washed, peppers cut out the stem and seeds.

Cut lengthwise into slices or rings.

Tomatoes are doused with boiling water and freed from the skin.

On request, tomatoes are served with seeds, either with or without seeds.

For ostinki add garlic to the appetizer.

Depending on the recipe in the preparation of lecho use carrots, eggplant, zucchini.

Sugar is always used.

Since lecho is prepared in a slow cooker, usually all ingredients are put in the bowl at once.

Preparing a dish on the mode of "quenching" for about an hour.

Lecho in the "Classic" multicooker

For this recipe you get three half-liter jars of fragrant lecho.


• One and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

• Three bulb onions;

• One kilogram of bell pepper;

• Three garlic feathers;

• Tablespoon salt;

• Half a cup of sugar;

• Half a glass of vegetable oil;

• Half Chin. spoons of acetic acid.

Cooking Method:

Tomatoes are washed, remove the seeds and dipped in boiling water, remove the skin. Peeled tomatoes are cut into pieces and frayed on a food processor or in a blender. The bulbs and bell pepper are cut into squares, garlic is passed through the garlic masher. Vegetables are placed in a multicooker bowl, add chopped tomatoes, garlic, onions, salt, sugar and stir. Then pour the sunflower oil and extinguish in a slow cooker on the mode of "quenching". At the end of the preparation, add acetic acid and leave on the “Heated” mode for ten minutes. Warm lay out on prepared sterilized banks for storage for the winter. Cover with a warm blanket and allow to cool. Store in a cool place.

Lecho in the “From Mother-in-law” multicooker

This is a proven recipe for homemade lecho. Serve directly to the table or order for the winter.


• One kilogram of Bulgarian peppers;

• One kilogram of fresh tomatoes;

• A pound of onion;

• Two heads of garlic;

• Five tablespoons of sunflower oil;

• Two tablespoons of sugar;

• Chine. spoon of acetic acid;

• Lavrushka, pepper;

• Salt.

Cooking Method:

Peppers are washed and cut out the middle, again washed under running water. Cut into four parts and free from white partitions.

Fresh tomatoes pour boiling water, leave for two minutes, drain the water and pour cold water. When the tomatoes are cool, remove the skin, and the flesh is cut into large pieces. The bulbs are peeled and cut into half rings.

In the bowl of the multicooker, they pour in the sunflower oil and fold the vegetables. Add garlic, peppercorns, lavrushka, sugar and salt. Vegetable mass is well mixed, close the lid of the multicooker and put on the “quenching” mode for one hour. At the end of cooking, add acetic acid and mix.

Served cold. For storage, for the winter, hot lechos are laid out on sterilized jars, covered with tin lids with a zakatochny key, turned over to cool.

Lecho in a quick cooker “In haste”

If you have never cooked lecho in a slow cooker and doubt the result of the resulting dish, use this recipe for a sample.


• A pound of Bulgarian sweet pepper;

• Two hundred grams of tomatoes;

• Two onions;

• Two doors;

• One table. spoon of butter.

Cooking Method:

Carrots and onions are washed and cleaned, cut into half rings and placed in a multi-roll bowl, pre-filling with oil.

Put on the program "quenching" for five to seven minutes. At this time, tomatoes are cut in circles or passed through a grater. Then add to the slow cooker to the stewed onions and carrots. Leave to stew for another ten or twelve minutes.

Bulgarian peppers cut out the core and cut into rings of medium thickness. Mix in multichash with the rest already stewed vegetables. Pour sugar and salt, leave to stew. Total cooking time is 60 minutes.

If you like the recipe, use vegetables in the ratio for cooking lecho for the winter: two kilograms of pepper and three kilograms of tomatoes.

Lecho in the “Home-style” Multicooker

Homemade salad in the summer will delight you on long winter evenings. Serve as a separate salad or sauce for a hot side dish.


• One and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

• One and a half kilograms of bell peppers (red and yellow);

• Two hundred grams of onions;

• Half a cup of sunflower oil;

• Three tablespoons of granulated sugar;

• Garlic;

• Chine. spoon of acetic acid;

• Salt.

Cooking Method:

Tomatoes boiling water and peel. Then pass through a meat grinder or grind on a blender.

Peppers cut the core, remove the seeds and cut into several slices.

Onions cut into half rings. The prepared ingredients are placed in a multi-bowl, sunflower oil is poured, sugar and salt, garlic and acetic acid are added.

Everything is mixed, closed with a lid and put on the program "quenching". The dish is cooked for one hour. At this time, banks and lids are sterilized. Hot lecho is poured over cans and rolled up. Enjoy your meal!

A lecho in the “Lick Fingers” multicooker

Appetizing lecho with sweet taste and light sourness will be obtained according to this recipe.


• One kilogram of sweet pepper;

• 1200 grams of fresh tomatoes;

• 500 grams of carrots;

• Two large onions;

• One head of garlic;

• Lavrushka;

• One table. a spoonful of salt;

• Four table. spoons of sugar;

• Half a cup of sunflower oil;

• Three table. spoons of acetic acid.

Cooking Method:

Fresh tomatoes are put in a deep dish, boiled over with boiling water, allowed to stand for a couple of minutes and peel off the skin. Carrots and onions are peeled, cut into rings. Tomatoes are cut, freed from seeds and cut into slices.

Peppers spread in a saucepan, pour water and wash well. After that, each vegetable is cut in half, free from stalks and seeds, and cut into several slices. Garlic is peeled and cut into thin pieces. Sunflower oil is poured at the bottom of the multi-bowl and lay the vegetables in layers. First put slices of tomatoes, secondarily - onions and carrots. Top peppered with Bulgarian pepper. Pour salt, sugar, add garlic and laurel. The slow cooker is closed and put on the “quenching” program for 50-60 minutes.

At the end of cooking lecho better to try. Pepper should be soft. Otherwise, the cooking time should be increased. You can also add more sugar or salt to taste. Then add laurel and pour acetic acid.

Close the lid of the multicooker and let it cook for a few more minutes.

The hot dish is laid out on sterilized jars, rolled, turned over and left to cool. Cover with a blanket.

Lecho in the Color Assorted Multicooker

The lecho prepared according to this recipe is fragrant and beautiful. Three colors of peppers give the dish brightness. It is served as a sauce for the side dishes, and can also be used for filling the soup, cabbage soup.


• Two kilograms of tomatoes;

• A pound of green Bulgarian pepper;

• A pound of red Bulgarian pepper;

• A pound of yellow Bulgarian pepper;

• One and a half table. spoons of salt;

• Two garlic feathers;

• One tea. spoon of acetic acid;

• Two tables. spoons of vegetable oil;

• Seven black peppercorns;

• Half a cup of granulated sugar;

• Four peas allspice.

Cooking Method:

Pepper is washed, remove the middle with seeds and the stem.

Cut into longitudinal slices, and then in half each slice. Onions are washed, cleaned and cut into large rings. Tomatoes free from the stem and peel, pre-doused with boiling water.

Prepared tomatoes are passed through a blender to form a liquid mass. Pour oil on the bottom of the multi bowl. Cut the vegetables into a slow cooker, add a tomato mixture, so that it completely covers the sliced ​​onions and peppers. Add sugar, seasoning, vinegar, then salt. The cover of the steam tank is closed, the “quenching” mode is set and the cooking time is 40-45 minutes. After cooking, hot lecho is laid out on prepared sterilized jars.

Lecho in the “Po-Russian” multicooker

For variety in cooking lecho, zucchini can be used, and fresh tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste.


• One and a half kilogram of zucchini;

• A pound of onion;

• Three hundred grams of sweet pepper;

• 150 grams of tomato paste;

• One head of garlic;

• One bunch of dill;

• Two tables. spoons of salt;

• A glass of sunflower oil.

Cooking Method:

Vegetables are thoroughly washed and allowed to dry. Zucchini peeled and freed from seeds. Carrots and onions are peeled and cut into rings.

Zucchini cut into small cubes, and pepper - straws. Garlic finely chopped. First, all vegetables are fried with an open lid of the multicooker on the “pressure cooker” function. Then salt, mix everything thoroughly and put on the “quenching” mode for an hour and a half.

Every 40 minutes, the multicooker lid is opened and all the vegetables are well mixed. At the end of the quenching add garlic, chopped fresh herbs.

Include the program "pressure cooker" and bring to a boil.

Lecho is done! For storage for the winter - poured into sterilized banks.

Lecho in the “Eggplant” multicooker

You can add some eggplant to the lecho to diversify the snack for the winter. They will give the dish spice and calorie. A lot of spices will make a snack fragrant and fragrant.


• One kilogram of bell peppers of different colors;

• A pound of carrots;

• Two eggplant;

• A pound of onion;

• One kilogram of small tomatoes;

• Half a cup of sunflower oil;

• One table. a spoonful of salt;

• Two tables. spoons of sugar;

• Lavrushka;

• 10 allspice peas;

• 5 pieces of cloves;

• 15 pcs. coriander;

• Garlic.

Cooking Method:

Pepper washed, remove the stem and grains, coarsely cut into slices. Eggplants are chopped into cubes (if the vegetables are large, the seeds are better to remove). Carrots are cleaned and passed through a grater. Onions are peeled and cut into half rings. Tomatoes cut into slices. Pour oil on the bottom of multi bowl and lay out vegetables in layers. Add salt, sugar, spices and bay leaf. Put on the program "baking" for twenty minutes.

Then, without opening the multicooker lid, turn on the “quenching” function for 60 minutes. After turning off the multicooker, add table acetic acid, add allspice, peppercorns, garlic, cloves, coriander.

Hot lecho poured into sterilized jars, rolled, turned over, allowed to cool.

Lesho in a Multicooker - Tricks and Tips & Tricks

• Depending on the brand and the capacity of the multicooker, the period of time for cooking lecho in it can be different: vary both in the smaller and in the larger direction.

• When you first prepare lecho in a slow cooker, you should observe the process of extinguishing yourself.

• Pepper can be cut into strips or rings. Coarsely chopped pepper of different colors - looks more interesting in the dish.

• Tomatoes can be ground on a grater, in a blender, food processor or in a meat grinder.

• Spicy food lovers can add fresh or dried red hot peppers to the lecho.

• Garlic will add lefto spice and light toy.

• It is better to wash peppers for lecho not with your hands under running water, but with a soft sponge for washing dishes.

• When cooking lecho in a multipovar, vegetables should be weighed after peeling them.

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