Mulberry jam: how to cook properly

Mulberry jam: how to cook properly

Mulberry Jam - General Description

Many of us associate memories of childhood with soiled hands and face with the help of an unusual berry - mulberry. Who among us does not remember the blue-violet consequences of this small piece of summer, which is difficult to wash, but which is no less difficult to refuse, because the sweet taste of mulberry berries is so unusual and attractive.

Not in vain, even in ancient times, scientists and philosophers noted the beneficial and nutritional properties of a mulberry tree, called in Central Asia simply Tutom. It is a pity, of course, that one can only feast on this berry for a limited amount of time, it matures quickly and crumbles.

You can save it for a longer period by preparing sweet and aromatic mulberry jam or syrup. You not only get a filling for the mass of delicious dishes with preserved beneficial properties of the berries, but also a prophylactic agent for various cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases and hypochromic anemia. In total there are 12 types of mulberries, the structure they are similar to raspberries and are white, pink, red, purple or almost black. Mulberry contains a large amount of resveratrol - a strong plant antioxidant.

In order to collect the fruits of the mulberry, you can apply the tried and tested grandfather's method - we spread a large oilcloth under the tree and shake the tree. On the oilcloth gets the most ripe and pure berry.

Mulberry jam - cooking utensils

Mulberry jam is cooked in ordinary utensils designed for boiling any jam. This may be an enamel pan or basin, as well as other dishes made of copper or stainless steel. For jam packing, small sterilized jars should be dried and lids should be boiled.

Mulberry jam - preparation of fruits

The most suitable for cooking are just a few types of berries. First of all, it is sweet-sour cherry-red (Hartrut variety), it ripens in August, it is difficult to separate from the stem, therefore large-fruited berries will have to be cut with scissors. Perfect for jam and white mulberry, which also has tender and juicy flesh, and fruits of medium size. Other varieties: semi-wild pink, white and red mulberries are not so tasty, but they can also be used for jam.

We pick berries and cut the stalk.

Mulberry Jam - Recipe 1

Rinse the berries in a strainer and let them drain well. Then place it in an enamel bowl or pot, while pouring sugar over the layers. To sustain 4-8 hours, during this time berry juice should appear. Keep on low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, carefully stirring, remove the foam during the whole cooking process, then remove from the stove for 30 minutes. Add citric acid and repeat again on a stronger fire. For this recipe, you will need 1 kg of peeled mulberries, one and a half kilograms of sugar and some citric acid (2-3 grams).

Mulberry Jam - Recipe 2

White mulberries are sweeter, so the sugar consumption for this variety is slightly less. According to our recipe, you first need to prepare a syrup and pour berries on them, stand for 3-4 hours, so that the berries remain more intact and do not spread out after this again with the help of a sieve to separate the berries and boil the syrup to a boil. Spread the berries in syrup again, add citric acid and cook until ready. Ingredients: berries 1 kg, sugar (for white varieties 1.2 kg, for black 1.5 kg), citric acid.

Mulberry Jam - Recipe 3 Jelly

Prepare the juice from the berries, for this, the crushed, washed berries should be heated over low heat, as soon as the juice begins to stand out, simmer under the lid for 10 minutes. Cool a little so that you can squeeze the juice, then add the gelatin, boil over high heat and boil for a minute. With hot jelly quickly remove the foam and roll the jam into prepared jars, then another 5-6 minutes to keep in boiling water.

Mulberry sugar syrup recipe 4

This type of canned food will work well from any variety of mulberry. Washed berries laid out on the oilcloth in a single layer. After drying the entire surface, pass them through a meat grinder and pour pre-boiled sugar syrup (for 1 kg of mulberries 1.2 kg of sugar and 300 g of water). The hot mixture is packaged in jars to the top and covered with parchment paper soaked in alcohol. The diameter of the circles should coincide with the outer diameter of the cans. Hermetically sealed with lids and allowed to cool.

Mulberry jam - useful tips from experienced chefs

- Silk jam can not be cooked, and pasteurized. Filled jars are kept at a temperature of 90 - 95 degrees, half a liter for 9-10 minutes, and liter 15 minutes.

- To keep the berries intact, do not mix the jam in the container too intensively. To increase shelf life, wrap hot cans with a warm towel and let them cool in a warm place.

- Jam may turn out to be too sweet and luscious, especially in white varieties, therefore sugar can be significantly reduced. Practice prompts, in some cases it is enough to add 700 grams per 1 kilogram.

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