Fish salads - the best recipes. How to cook fish salads and tasty.

Fish salads - the best recipes. How to cook fish salads and tasty.

Fish salads - general principles and methods of cooking

Fish salad is a great dish for a festive celebration, it can be light and fragrant, nourishing and nutritious, this factor depends not only on the fish itself (although it has a goal), but rather on refueling. Quite often for fish salads mayonnaise, vegetable or olive oil, lemon juice is used. Fish contains such useful components as easily digestible protein, vitamins A and D (dissolve fats), vitamin B, phosphorus and other substances.

Fish salads - food preparation

Preparing fish for traditional salad - the fish should be cleaned, bones and peels should be removed, only fillets are used to prepare this dish. Further processing of fish depends on the recipe for salad, in Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese cooking, the main ingredient of salads is seasoned with sauces or spices, in this case the fish is sent to the dish in raw form.

For Russian cuisine, the process of boiling, smoking or stewing is more traditional.

Often in Russia for the preparation of salads use canned fish, this product is easy to buy in the store, it does not require special treatment. Tinned fish should be removed from the tin and carefully knead with a fork until smooth.

The remaining products needed for the salad are finely chopped or rubbed on a grater, in some cases they should be cooked (for example, onions and carrots are often fried in vegetable oil).

As for the dishes, the fish salad looks great in a glass container, especially if it is lined with layers. Provided that you do not need to place products in a certain sequence, the main argument when choosing dishes is convenience: the size of the container should be such that the ingredients can be easily mixed.

Recipe 1: Tuna Salad

Canned tuna is often used by hostesses for making salads, it is nutritious and at the same time very healthy. Fresh vegetables included in the salad, make it even more fortified.


- 1 can of tuna;

- 1 piece of Peking cabbage;

- 1 onion;

- 1 fresh cucumber;

- 250 grams of mayonnaise or sour cream;

- salt.

Method of preparation

Onions finely chopped and mixed with small pieces of tuna (laid out from a jar, divided into small pieces). Finely chop the cucumber, chop the cabbage quite finely (you can coarsely, if you like it more), add salt and dressing. Tuna salad goes well with potatoes, especially if it is baked in the oven.

Recipe 2: Salad with salmon “Gentle”

Wonderful salad for the holiday table, usually guests like it very much and ends first.


- 100 grams of salmon (ideal salted);

- 1-2 potatoes;

- 1 boiled egg;

- 1 tomato;

- 50 milliliters of yogurt (you can take mayonnaise);

- sweet paprika;

- greenery;

- salt.

Method of preparation

Salad is laid out in layers:

1st layer - finely chopped boiled potatoes;

2nd layer - tomato;

3rd — an egg;

4th - salmon;

5th - yogurt.

Pour with yogurt, add paprika, a little salt (if desired).

Before the new year, this salad is laid out in the form of a Christmas tree and sprinkled with greens.

Recipe 3: Cod Salad

Nourishing and nutritious salad, to the taste of both adults and children.


- 250 grams of cod fillet;

- 4 potatoes;

- 2 pieces of fresh cucumber;

- 100 grams of horseradish;

- 100 grams of mayonnaise;

- 30 grams of vinegar;

- greenery;

- salt;

- Tomato and lettuce for decoration.

Method of preparation

Cod should be boiled, do the same with potatoes, then cool the main ingredients of the salad and cut into small pieces. We cut cucumbers, add horseradish, vinegar, mayonnaise and salt. Salad can be served on lettuce leaves or in a special container. After registration of the dish, the salad is sprinkled with finely chopped greens and tomato pieces.

Recipe 4: Cod liver salad

The traditional dish of Soviet cuisine. With today's abundance it is interesting to return to the past.


- 200 grams of canned cod liver;

- 4 boiled eggs;

- green onions.

Method of preparation

Finely chop the onion. Boil eggs, cool, separate the whites from the yolks. Cod liver wipe until smooth and mix with proteins (pre-finely chop).

Onions mixed with pureed yolks and butter, which is left of the fish.

Mix all the ingredients, put in tartlets or salad bowl and garnish with greens.

Recipe 5: Sprat Salad

Traditional salad for Russian feast.


- 2 cans of sprat;

- 4-5 potatoes;

- 2 onions;

- 3 eggs;

- 250 grams of sausage cheese;

- 250 grams of mayonnaise.

Method of preparation

1st layer - pound sprats and put on the bottom of lettuce;

2nd layer - grate potatoes;

3rd layer - scalded and finely chopped onions;

4th layer - eggs;

5th layer - mayonnaise;

6th layer - grated cheese.

7th layer - mayonnaise.

Fish salads - tips from experienced chefs

Be sure to keep the fish fresh.

If you use sprats for salad, choose those jars on which one or two fish are drawn, such sprats will be fleshy.

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