How to make a hearty diet soup: the best recipes. Simple dietary vegetable soup and not only

How to make a hearty diet soup: the best recipes. Simple dietary vegetable soup and not only

Anyone who has firsthand knowledge of diet food is well aware that perhaps the most serious, common feature of all diets is a feeling of hunger, which is sometimes unbearable.

It is possible to defeat him, including using instead of clear soups, thick soups-mashed potatoes.

They are prepared according to specific diets, but most often they are vegetable soups on a light, “zero”, broth.

Dietary mashed soups - general principles of cooking

• Dietary vegetable soups are cooked in vegetable broths or water. If you wish to cook a more nutritious soup, they can be cooked in a lean broth cooked from lean meat, mainly from a fat-free sirloin. Chicken fillet - the most suitable option in the choice of meat for cooking diet broth.

• For the preparation of such soups, mashed potatoes, you can use any vegetables: of course, carrots, onions, potatoes, as well as ripe tomatoes, beets and others. If you add pumpkin pulp to them while cooking, you will get a no less tasty, and at the same time very useful dietary puree soup, the pumpkin flavor of which children like very much.

• Cooking pureed soup is not so difficult. Chopped vegetables are boiled until cooked in light meat broth, concentrated broth or water, cooled slightly, and then ground into mashed potatoes.

• Frying and spices for such soups are not needed. To give a delicate creamy taste low-fat cream is introduced, which can be replaced with low-fat milk or sour cream.

• If, in your opinion, the soup lacks taste, fill it with chopped greens when serving.

Dietary vegetable soup of sweet pepper and lentils


• one pod of red and yellow sweet pepper;

• small sweet onion;

• medium carrot;

• 200 grams of lentils, red;

• two ripe tomatoes; • one tablespoon of ground paprika;

• 50 grams of finely chopped parsley, greens.

Cooking Method:

1. Crumble the onion coarsely, chop the carrot finely with ringlets, spread the sweet pepper, removing the core from the seeds and coarse internal partitions, and cut the juicy flesh into small strips.

2. In boiling water (2 l), place the prepared vegetables and cook, lowering the heat for no more than 20 minutes.

3. In cold water, under the tap, wash the lentils, transfer them to the vegetables in the pot and continue cooking for half an hour.

4. In the boiling water for half a minute, lower the tomatoes, carefully remove the peel from them, cut into centimeter cubes and put into a saucepan. Add ground paprika and boil for five minutes.

5. Remove the soup from the heat and pour it into the blender container, salt and chop a little.

6. Pour the cream soup and add the chopped greens to each portion plate.

Dietary pumpkin soup, boiled sausage


• 700 grams of pumpkin, pulp;

• 600 grams of potato, razvaristy;

• one medium carrot;

• small white onion head;

• 250 grams of cooked sausage, without fat;

• one tablespoon chopped dill, fresh.

Cooking Method:

1. In pumpkin, cut off the peel, trying to grab the greenish coarse pulp under it. Peel the onions, carrots and potatoes and rinse them well.

2. Cut pumpkin pulp and potatoes into centimeter cubes, coarsely rub carrots and cover all chopped vegetables with a small amount of water so that it covers only a little of them, about one and a half centimeters.

3. Add the whole onion, a small pinch of fine salt and cook the vegetables on low heat, covering the lid, until noticeable softening.

4. Mash the contents of the pan with the broth into the mashed potatoes and rub it through a rare sieve, you can mash the soup with a blender.

5. Put the puree soup on the minimum heat, add the sausage rubbed into small chips and boil for five minutes. To make the sausage rub more easily, froze it a little beforehand. 6. Remove pumpkin soup from the heat, add dill and let stand under the lid for several minutes.

Vegetable dietary oatmeal cream soup - “White Night”


• 300 ml low-fat chicken broth from chicken fillet;

• 100 ml of milk;

• yolks of two chicken eggs;

• 60 grams of “fast” oatmeal;

• a small pinch of nutmeg, ground;

• one gram of ground white pepper;

• a mixture of “French herbs”, to taste.

Cooking Method:

1. Dissolve chicken broth with boiled milk and boil on medium heat. In a well-heated, but not boiling, liquid mixture, add oatmeal and cook without changing the heat for twelve minutes. So that the flakes do not stick to the bottom of the pan and do not burn, stir from time to time.

2. Grind the resulting oat mass with a blender, enter, with continuous stirring, the yolks that are separated from the proteins, add fine evaporated salt, and, if not prohibited by the rules of the diet, white pepper and nutmeg.

3. Well stir everything and heat the soup, not boiling, constantly stirring for two minutes.

4. Serve oat dietary puree soup, a little sprinkled with a mixture of "French herbs".

Dietary vegetable soup with baked vegetables


• three large peppercorns;

• two small young zucchini;

• small ripe tomato;

• 600 ml of vegetable broth or non-concentrated chicken broth;

• one big carrot, boiled;

• a large handful of chopped fresh basil;

• fresh oregano.

Cooking Method:

1. Slice zucchini longitudinally on fairly thick strips. In the absence of young, take a more mature vegetable, but be sure to cut off the rough skin before cooking and, if possible, remove the seeds.

2. At the peppers, cut the stem, select all the seeds, wash them with water and cut the peppercorn by longitudinal cutting into two parts.

3. On all sides, grease the vegetables cut into pieces with purified olive oil and put in a bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees. 4. After half an hour, remove the vegetables from the oven, cool a little and gently remove the skin from the pepper.

5. Put the baked zucchini and pepper together with boiled carrots and tomatoes in the blender bowl. Remove the skin from the tomato in advance. Add the greens and perebite everything until a smooth mashed potatoes.

6. Dilute the vegetable puree with broth or water, add to your taste and, bringing the puree soup to a boil, remove from heat.

Dietary pumpkin puree soup - “Orange miracle”, with pumpkin seeds


• 400 grams of pumpkin pulp;

• four medium potato tuber;

• small carrot;

• one fresh ripe tomato;

• onion head, white;

• 200 ml of fresh cream, defatted;

• 500 ml low-fat chicken broth;

• peeled pumpkin seeds for decoration.

Cooking Method:

1. For two minutes, put the tomato in boiling water, quickly move it under running water, cool it, remove the skin and, cutting into pieces, remove the seeds.

2. Pumpkin pulp, tomato slices, carrots and potatoes cut into small cubes, finely chop the onion. Pour the prepared vegetables with hot chicken broth and cook until tender.

3. Grind the softened vegetables along with the broth in which they are boiled through a sieve with sparse cells, enter the cream and, stirring well, put on a small heat to warm up. Make sure that the cream soup does not boil.

4. After spilling the soup into plates, sprinkle the peeled pumpkin seeds on top.

Dietary beetroot vegetable soup with celery


• beets - 3 pcs .;

• one small onion;

• potato - 1 tuber;

• a small piece of celery root;

• Thyme - one branch.

Cooking Method:

1. Foam sponge, thoroughly under the tap, rinse the beets, dry them and, wrapping each separately tightly in foil, bake in the oven until cooked. Can root not bake, and boil until cooked. In chilled beets, remove the peel. 2. In a skillet, place the potatoes, cut into about 1.5 cm cubes, small onion slices and chopped celery root. Pour the vegetables with broth or water in such a volume that the liquid only covers them, and put them to boil.

3. Lower the sprig of thyme and reduce the heat when it boils. Cover and boil for twenty-five minutes.

4. Remove thyme from the soup, add it to your own discretion, add baked beetroot, cut into small pieces. Furry the soup in any convenient way (by sifting through a sieve or blender).

5. Dilute too thick soup with hot broth and warm slightly.

6. Serve this diet vegetable soup should be lightly sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice, or seasoned with low-fat sour cream or cream.

Dietary mashed soups - tips and helpful tips

• In the diet pumpkin soup “Pumpkin”, boiled sausage can be added without rubbing, but cut into small strips or cubes. But then do it when serving.

• A raw egg added to a vegetable cream soup not only improves its taste, but also improves its nutritional quality. To add an egg to a dietary vegetable soup, you need to take a raw yolk and beat well in a warm liquid (broth or broth), and then add it to the dish. Boil after this soup can not be.

• Add lentils to the diet soup, it is better to take it in crushed form, this will greatly speed up the cooking process.

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