Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

Chicken soup with vegetables and pasta - the fastest and most delicious soup, which, despite its simplicity, is prepared according to different recipes in almost every home. I often store cooked chicken broth with pieces of chicken in the refrigerator, on its basis in a few minutes you can cook a hot thick soup according to this recipe, which will replace both the first and second course.

Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

To add potatoes and pasta at the same time came up, in my opinion, the Italians, in combination with a variety of vegetables and chicken, it turns out incredibly tasty.

If you do not have ready chicken broth, then to speed up the process, cut the chicken into small pieces - a bird weighing 1.5 kg, cut into 8 servings. And if you need to cook the soup even faster, you can put boneless meat in the broth, in this case you can cook both meat and vegetables together.

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes
  • Servings: 4

Ingredients for cooking chicken soup with vegetables and pasta

  • 400 g chicken;
  • 15 g of olive oil;
  • 70 grams of celery;
  • 80 g onions;
  • 110 g carrots;
  • 140 potatoes;
  • 200 g young cabbage;
  • 50 g zucchini;
  • 50 g cherry tomatoes;
  • paprika pod;
  • 130 g of pasta;
  • bay leaf, salt, green onions.

A method of cooking chicken soup with vegetables and pasta

We cook classic roast vegetables for chicken soup - from carrots, onions and celery, this set is the basis of almost any broth, especially chicken. We pour olive or vegetable oil directly into the pan, heat it up, add finely chopped celery, carrots, diced and chopped onions. Cooking vegetables a few minutes until soft.

Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

Then add the chicken, cut into small portions - thighs, legs, wings. Fill everything with cold water, 1.2 l is enough for four servings.

Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

When water boils, add salt, remove scale, cook over low heat under a lid for 30 minutes. In the process of cooking we remove not only the scum, but also the fat (if you cooked the broth in advance, the fat will harden overnight and it can be removed with a spoon from the surface).

Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

Then increase the heat and add in turn - peeled potatoes, cut into cubes or small slices, chopped cabbage.

Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

Zucchini cut into slices, add the young zucchini along with the peel, but the mature squash will have to be peeled. Put sliced ​​finely cherry tomatoes and chilli pod, sliced ​​into rings, add bay leaf. After the broth begins to boil again, cook it for another 15 minutes.

Approximately 10 minutes before the readiness add pasta. The cooking time is usually indicated on the package, so just follow the instructions. For this dish suitable pasta of medium thickness, made from solid wheat varieties.

Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

Once the pasta is cooked, remove the pan from the heat, and you can immediately serve it to the table.

Chicken Soup with Vegetables and Pasta

Sprinkle the finished dish with green onions, add a spoonful of sour cream and eat with pleasure! Enjoy your meal!

I do not recommend storing soup with vegetables and macaroni for a long time, as the macaroni soaks up the broth, resulting in a thick stew of vegetables and chicken.

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