Basic and dessert pumpkin dishes for children. Cooking pumpkin dishes for children from six months

Basic and dessert pumpkin dishes for children. Cooking pumpkin dishes for children from six months

Orange pumpkin is an ideal vegetable for baby food. It has a lot of useful nutrients and vitamins that ensure the proper development of the child’s body.

Pumpkin is easily digested, and therefore recommended for the first complementary foods after six months of age.

Of all the vegetables with pumpkin, the easiest way to introduce the baby: the sweet taste and cheerful yellow color will surely make the first sample a success.

The main thing is to learn how to cook pumpkin slices and diversify the children's table.

Over time, simple pumpkin dishes for children in the form of the most delicate mashed potatoes and light soups can be replaced with cereals, casseroles, meatballs and fritters.

Pumpkin Dishes for Kids - General Cooking Principles

To prepare a pumpkin for the children's table, it must be thoroughly washed and chopped. Only pulp is eaten, so the skin is cut and the seeds are removed.

Pumpkin slices for soups and mashed potatoes are boiled in a small amount of water or swept away water and milk (depending on the age of the child). Then boiled vegetable mash up tolkushkoy or mashed with a blender. In some cases, the pumpkin will need to grind raw to cook the main course of vegetable stuffing.

Pumpkin dishes for children can be sweet or salted. Almost all other vegetables, many fruits, as well as cereals, meat, dairy products combine well with the orange vegetable.

For the children to like the consistency of the dishes, it is necessary for the first supplements to wipe the vegetable through a sieve. Blender in this case is not suitable, since the consistency is obtained coarse-fibrous.

Pumpkin Puree “Baby”

From the age of six months mom can cook tender pumpkin puree for her crumbs. For the first complementary foods monoblyud fit, so additional ingredients are not needed.


• 100 grams of fresh pumpkin;

• a quarter cup of clean drinking water.

Cooking Method: Peeled piece of pumpkin cut into small pieces and put in a saucepan.

Pour in water and turn on low fire.

Boil for about twenty minutes under a tightly covered lid.

The remaining water is drained and the boiled pumpkin is wiped through a sieve.

If the mashed potatoes turned out too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of milk formula or breast milk.

Vegetable Cream Soup

Eight-month-old baby can be offered a real vegetable soup, mashed to a state of mashed potatoes. The company will make pumpkin potatoes, carrots, zucchini, broccoli. If there is no vegetable, it doesn't matter, you can do without it.


• fifty grams of fresh pumpkin;

• thirty grams of potatoes, carrots, zucchini and broccoli;

• a quarter cup of water;

• half a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Cooking Method:

Wash vegetables thoroughly and peel them.

Cut vegetables into small cubes and put in a pan;

Pour in water and simmer on low heat until completely softened.

When all the vegetables are easily punctured with a fork, stop quenching.

Do not pour out the remaining water, it is necessary for a liquid consistency.

If the water is all boiled away, you will have to pour a few spoons of boiling water.

Put the vegetables in a blender, add a drop of vegetable oil and mix everything.

Wheat with Pumpkin

Delicious millet porridge with sweet pumpkin slices is suitable for both children's and adult table. This is a great nutritious pumpkin dish for children from two years old.


• two glasses of millet groats;

• four hundred grams of pumpkin;

• three glasses of milk;

• three glasses of water;

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• butter.

Cooking Method:

Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, put it in a saucepan (it should be big enough, since millet will cook in it).

Pour the pumpkin with a small amount of clean water. The surface of the water should cover only a little vegetable.

Put the pumpkin stew over low heat.

Wash millet groats in 3-4 waters.

Heat the milk in a skillet, do not bring to a boil. When the pumpkin slices are soft, you need to slightly knead them tolkushkoy. It should not turn out puree, but slightly deformed pumpkin pieces.

Pour into the pan the remaining water, the entire rate of hot milk, pour the washed cereal.

Cook porridge over medium heat until boiling. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, reduce the fire to a minimum, open the lid.

Boil porridge with pumpkin for about half an hour.

Five minutes before the end of cooking, salt and sugar the dish, mix everything.

Cover the lid tightly, wrap the pot with a warm towel and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

Arrange the millet porridge with beautiful pumpkin slices in plates, put each in a piece of butter.

Semolina Pumpkin Muffins

A wonderful variant of a pumpkin dish for children is a tasty sweet casserole decorated in the form of muffins. It will appeal to children of any age and from parents. The casserole can be prepared both for your family and for little sweet tooth guests. It will turn out both tasty and healthy.


• four hundred grams of fresh pumpkin;

• eighty grams of semolina;

• one chicken egg;

• three teaspoons of powdered sugar;

• A tablespoon of finely chopped steamed dried apricots or seedless raisins.

Cooking Method:

Prepare pumpkin puree for the first recipe. You can not wipe the boiled vegetable through a sieve, and puree it with a blender.

Squeeze the icing sugar in the pumpkin puree, egg and mix thoroughly.

Pour semolina in small portions and mix immediately. It is very important that no lumps form.

Pour dried apricots or raisins into a homogeneous mass (or both ingredients, taking each half of the norm).

The oven is heated to 180-200 degrees.

Spread the mass in muffin tins, smeared with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Bake for about 30 minutes. Depending on the size of the pan, muffins can cook faster or longer.

Pumpkin patties in breadcrumbs

In addition to the sweet pumpkin dishes for children, there are recipes for an “adult”, but no less tasty and healthy food. For example, pumpkin patties. They are suitable for feeding one year old baby. Ingredients:

• a pound of fresh pumpkin;

• one chicken egg;

• three tablespoons of cream;

• a tablespoon of semolina;

• a pinch of salt;

• Two tablespoons of breadcrumbs.

Cooking Method:

Grate the peeled piece of pumpkin on a fine grater.

Pour the cream in puree and send on low heat.

Stew for five to seven minutes until soft.

Pour an egg into the pumpkin stew, add semolina, salt and knead thoroughly.

Form patties, roll in breadcrumbs.

Put the cutlets in a steamer bowl and cook for 20 minutes.

Lay out and serve.

For older children, you can offer sour cream, grated meat or steamed ground beef to this pumpkin dish for children.

Pumpkin Fritters

Delicious and healthy pumpkin pancakes can be a great substitute for traditional pancakes on kefir and flour.


• three hundred grams of raw pumpkin pulp;

• a glass of cream;

• three tablespoons of semolina;

• one tablespoon of sugar;

• one chicken egg;

• vegetable oil for the pan;

• sour cream for serving.

Cooking Method:

Grate a piece of pumpkin on a fine grater.

Put in pan.

Pour in the cream and simmer after boiling the liquid for ten minutes.

In the hot mass add sugar, eggs and semolina.

All thoroughly knead, breaking lumps.

Fry pumpkin pancakes in hot oil from both sides.

Serve with sour cream.

Pumpkin Cookies with Orange Peel

Pumpkin is a great base for making homemade cookies. Low-calorie pumpkin dish for children is tasty and beautiful.


• two hundred grams of pumpkin;

• one egg;

• four glasses of flour;

• five tablespoons of powdered sugar;

• three tablespoons of orange peel;

• five tablespoons of sugar;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• half a spoonful of salt;

• some vegetable oil.

Cooking Method:

Washed and peeled pumpkin scroll in a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater.

Remove from orange zest.

Beat the egg.

In pumpkin puree put the zest, egg, salt and sugar, mix. Sift flour, mix with baking powder and add to pumpkin mass.

Knead a nice dough.

Turn on the oven to heat 200 degrees.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of two centimeters, sprinkle with flour on top and with the help of molds or regular glasses cut into individual cookies.

Grease a baking sheet with butter, spread out pumpkin cookies.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake. It takes 15 minutes to bake.

Serve biscuits with milk, tea, cocoa.

Pumpkin Dishes for Children - Tricks and Tips

  • To diversify the taste of pumpkin complementary foods, you can add a grated apple or pear to an orange puree. The components are whipped with a blender until completely homogeneous.
  • The piece of raw vegetable remaining after cooking some pumpkin dish for children should be stored in the refrigerator for about 3-4 days. If you wrap the pumpkin slices in foil, the storage process increases to a week. In a pinch, you can just freeze the pumpkin.
  • Semolina casserole can be prepared in the usual form, keeping track of the cooking time (from 20 to 40 minutes). If the kitchen has a slow cooker, you can cook a casserole in it. The mass must be placed in the bowl, turn on the appropriate mode for 20-30 minutes (depending on the power of the device).
  • You can serve pumpkin casserole with a milkshake or creamy ice cream. Decorate pieces of mannica powdered sugar.
  • To make the pumpkin biscuit even more beautiful, it can be smeared with whipped yolk before baking.
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