Xe from carrots - fire appetizer! Fragrant recipes heh carrots with meat, fish, mushrooms, eggplant, chicken

Xe from carrots - fire appetizer! Fragrant recipes heh carrots with meat, fish, mushrooms, eggplant, chicken

Xe - Korean dish with an incomparable aroma and spicy taste.

It can be prepared from different products, but one ingredient remains unchanged - it is carrots.

It makes the snack bright, juicy and harmonizes perfectly with the aromatic spices.

Carrot Xe is an economical dish with a rich taste that you definitely need to try.


Carrot Xe - General Cooking Principles

The basis of the snack - carrots. Choosing smooth, orange and large root vegetables. They must be juicy, and this is not just a matter of taste. Flabby and loose carrots are difficult to grate or cut gently. Usually, the vegetable is rubbed into straws on a special grater, less often cut. You can use special knives that resemble a peeler.

What is added in heh with carrots:

• Spices. The basis of taste and amazing flavor.

• Meat, fish, chicken. By tradition, these products are laid raw. But some housewives prefer them to boil or fry.

• Onion and garlic. They are added to almost all heh snacks: with vegetables, fish, meat.

• Vinegar. It gives taste and preserves raw fish or meat.

• Different vegetables: eggplants, peppers, tomatoes.

Hex filled with vegetable oil. Usually it is heated very hot, until the smoke and then pour a snack on top. Heh requires marinating and insisting. It is never consumed immediately after preparation, you need to wait at least 2 hours. But so that the taste of food and spices is revealed, the snack is drawn for 12 hours.

Recipe 1: Carrots with Meat Xe

Used beef. Since the meat does not undergo heat treatment, you need to take a responsible approach to the selection and purchase the product in the verified places.


• 600 grams of carrots;

• 400 grams of beef;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar (essence 70%);

• 1 spoon of salt;

• 25 grams of sugar; • 1 spoon of Korean spices;

• 90 grams of oil;

• 1 onion;

• 0.5 liters of paprika;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 0.5 tablespoons of hot pepper.


1. Cut the garlic finely and fry in half the vegetable oil. Add Korean spices, paprika, hot peppers and mix the mixture well, so that it dissolves the flavor. We follow, so as not to burn, constantly stir.

2. Rub or peel carrots with a long straw, mix with the contents of the pan and leave to marinate.

3. The meat must be frozen and thinned into thin pieces. Add sugar, vinegar essence, mix and let the beef thaw completely. Marina 2 hours.

4. Squeeze out moisture and vinegar from the meat, it has already absorbed all that is needed. Combine with carrots, salt.

5. Cut the onion into rings, fry in the second half of the oil until rosy color.

6. Pour the hot onions into the carrots, mix with a spatula, cover and after 2 hours you can take a sample!

Recipe 2: Carrot Xe with Fish

To prepare such heh carrots will need any raw fish. It is better to use the one with a few bones. It is tasty with pink salmon, pike perch, catfish, although some housewives manage to cook even from a bony crucian.


• 500 grams of carrots;

• 300 grams of fish fillets;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 3 bulbs;

• 3 spoons of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;

• 30 grams of soy sauce;

• 1 spoon of salt;

• 70 grams of oil;

• pepper black, red, coriander to taste.


1. Slightly frost-bitten pieces of fish cut into strips, sprinkle with salt, pour with vinegar and leave for 20 minutes.

2. Shred carrots, cut onion into thin half-rings, chop garlic and put it together.

3. Add spices, soy sauce and marinated fish, mix.

4. Chop garlic.

5. Heat the oil in the pan until the smoke, throw garlic, fry for 3 seconds.

6. Fill the carrot mass with hot mixture. Immediately cover, let stand 2 hours. Then you can mix and send in the refrigerator overnight.

Recipe 3: Carrot Xe with Herring

To prepare carrots heh with herring, fresh fish or frozen fish is used. Marinated or salted herring will not work. A special feature of this fish snack is the addition of tomato ketchup. You can use the sauce of any spice, if necessary, just add more pepper.


• 3 carrots;

• 1 herring;

• 2 bulb onions;

• 1/3 cup of oil;

• 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• salt pepper;

• spoon of vinegar;

• 1 bay leaf;

• 2 spoons of ketchup.


1. We release the herring from the head, ridge and large bones. We cut into thin pieces of oblong shape. If the fish is soft, you can freeze a little.

2. Mix vinegar with chopped onion rings and prepared herring. Leave to pickle while cooking the rest of the ingredients.

3. Shred carrots with straw, mix with onions and herring. Salt, pepper, add ketchup and torn bay leaf.

4. We mix everything thoroughly with our hands, trying not to damage the pieces of herring.

5. Heat oil and pour it out for a snack. Done! It remains to wait at least an hour and you can try. But it is better to endure heh day in the cold.

Recipe 4: Heh carrots with mushrooms

For this dish you will need fresh champignons, it is better not to use field mushrooms. We get greenhouses. Sometimes the same snack is made with pickled mushrooms, why not.


• 4 carrots;

• 150 grams of champignons;

• 2 bulbs;

• salt, red pepper;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar;

• 5 spoons of butter;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Straw three washed and peeled carrots, put in a cup.

2. Onions should be cut into half rings and mix with carrots.

3. Add vinegar, salt, pinch of sugar and mix. Sprinkle with red pepper and minced garlic.

4. Cut the champignons into strips. Ideally, they are added raw, but we fry slightly to give the snack a more pronounced mushroom flavor. 5. Heat oil, set the maximum heat and fry the mushrooms for a minute.

6. Spread on vegetables, cover and give a snack soak in the flavors of spices.

7. After half an hour, open, mix, tamp, and send to infuse for at least 5 hours.

Recipe 5: Carrot Xe with Chicken Breast

For the preparation of this snack, in addition to carrots, you will need chicken fillet and bell pepper. It is advisable to use the pods of red color, with them heh carrot turns out more appetizing and bright.


• 500 grams of carrots;

• 200 grams of chicken;

• 2 bell peppers;

• 1 onion;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar;

• 100 grams of oil;

• 0.5 tsp. red pepper;

• salt, sugar;

• to taste garlic.


1. We wash the fillets, dry them and cut them into beautiful straws.

2. Mix vinegar with a pinch of salt, add a little sugar and send to the chicken. Mix, leave for an hour.

3. Rub the carrot, add salt, add chopped garlic, red pepper.

4. Pepper Bulgarian clean and cut into very thin rings. Mix with carrots.

5. Add marinated chicken to vegetables.

6. Onion cut into any pieces, can be cubes, half rings or rings.

7. Pour the oil into the pan, fry the onion.

8. Fill the salad with oil mixture, mix.

9. We shift in a sealed container and send insist. The longer marinated, the tastier the snack.

Recipe 6: Eg from carrots with eggplants

Summer version of spicy snack. For this heh need fresh eggplant. It is better to use young vegetables with small seeds and delicate skin. If eggplants with bitterness, then we soak them in salt water in advance.


• 4 carrots;

• 2 eggplants;

• 1 tsp. salts;

• 20 grams of vinegar;

• 2 spoons of sugar;

• 2 spoons of soy sauce;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 70 grams of oil;

• red pepper, coriander.


1. Shred carrots, combine with chopped onions, salt the vegetables and leave on the table. After half an hour, pour out the separated juice. 2. Cooking eggplants. Remove tails and tips, cut into large sticks. If necessary, soak in bitterness.

3. Now you need to prepare eggplants. For heh they can be fried. Sometimes the pieces are just boiled steamed or in water. Choose the appropriate option. But it is very important not to bring the vegetables to softness, the pieces should remain shaped and dense.

4. Cool eggplants, mix with other vegetables.

5. Add pepper, crushed coriander, pour in soy sauce and put the garlic. All these spices can not mix, just evenly distribute over vegetables.

6. Vinegar mixed with sugar, pour the snack.

7. We heat up the oil to a very hot state, pour the snack and get it ready! It only remains to mix it and remove marinate for the next few hours. It is better to make heh in the morning so that it will be ready in the evening. Or in the evening to savor a snack the next day.

Recipe 7: Pork carrot xe

Another spicy snack with meat. Pork is much softer and more tender than beef, goes well with carrots. The preparation of this option, heh requires a long marinating, but the final taste of the dish will surprise.


• a pound of carrots;

• 300 grams of pork;

• 2 tablespoons of vinegar;

• 200 grams of onions;

• 150 grams of oil;

• red, black pepper, salt, a little sugar.


1. Cooking pork. Remove from the piece all the films and fat, we do not need it. Wipe the meat dry and cut into thin and long straws. To keep her shape, you need to do it by fibers.

2. Pour vinegar into the meat, mix and remove into the container. It is necessary to withstand pork in vinegar for at least 4 hours, better 12. Remove the container with the meat in the cold.

3. After this time, add salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar to the meat and mix. Let stand for another hour.

4. We clean the onions, cut them in half rings and lay them on the meat.

5. Clean and grate carrots. Spread a layer on top of the onion. Lightly press down. 6. Put the pan on the fire. Pour the oil and bring to a boil.

7. Spoon water carrots with hot oil, try to do it evenly. It will pop and foam a little.

8. Knead the pork with vegetables, shift it into an airtight container and remove for another 4 hours.

Carrots Xe - Tips and Tricks

• Heh will be tasty if cooked from juicy carrots. But if there was no such in the house, we rub the one that is, we put in a big colander and pour boiling water over it. Few seconds. Then we shift to the cup, you can immediately add spices, vinegar. Hot carrots absorb them faster.

• The easiest way for heh to use ordinary spices for Korean carrots. But much tastier and more aromatic is obtained if you mix the spices yourself and grind them in a mortar. To do this, lay the coriander, different types of pepper, you can add a star of cloves, some dried herbs and a good grind pestle. By the way, garlic is also recommended to be rubbed so that essential oils stand out from it, the snack becomes fragrant and tasty.

• Doubt the quality of raw meat or fish? Marinate them in advance, add vinegar, salt and refrigerate for at least 24 hours.

• Although heh and is considered a spicy snack, you can not add a large amount of pepper. Get a light and fresh salad.

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