Eggplant manjo - bright and appetizing! Recipes for appetizers (salad) mango eggplant for the winter: classic, with beans, zucchini

Eggplant manjo - bright and appetizing! Recipes for appetizers (salad) mango eggplant for the winter: classic, with beans, zucchini

Manjo - bright Bulgarian eggplant salad for the winter.

Preparation is done very simply, it turns out fragrant and full of vitamins. Need to urgently try!

Eggplant Manjo - General Cooking Principles

The basis of the salad - vegetables. But sometimes they add beans. In a traditional recipe, all the ingredients are put together, stewed until tender. To improve the taste and variety, you can partially fry vegetables.

What is put in the manjo:

• Eggplant. If the vegetables are small and young, you can not soak them. If you know for sure that eggplants are bitter, then it is better to sprinkle with salt and hold. In this case, the amount of salt according to the recipe should be reduced.

• Tomatoes. Salad is cooked in tomato sauce. The vegetables are twisted. You can use tomato paste, such a recipe is below.

• Carrots and onions. Cut large, improve the snack.

• Sweet pepper. In the classic recipe is added on a par with eggplants, that is, in the same amount. You can cut, throw less.

• Garlic, hot pepper, spices. Added to taste, at the end you can try the salad.

• Vinegar is a preservative, inhibits the development of microbes, makes the taste brighter.

Usually manzho roll for the winter. Salad does not require sterilization. Boiling billet need to be poured into banks, corked.

A simple recipe for eggplant manjo for the winter

A variant of the easiest and simplest snacks of manjo with eggplants for the winter. All products are stewed in the total mass, do not require pre-frying, boiling. In order to succeed, you only need to accurately observe the proportions indicated below.


• 300 g carrots;

• eggplant 2 kg;

• garlic one head;

• tomatoes 3 kg;

• kilogram of onions;

• 80 g of salt;

• oil one glass;

• 2 kg of pepper;

• 100 g of vinegar 9%;

• 0.3 paprika hot peppers;

• 100 g sugar.


1. Rinse all vegetables, lay them on the table, let them dry.

2. Peel the onions and carrots. Vegetables cut into strips. For carrots, you can use a large grater with a suitable nozzle. 3. Pepper pods cut in half, remove the seed boxes, chop the straw.

4. Eggplant crumble circles 0.5 cm.

5. Tomatoes and a half of a hot pod of a pepper twist through the meat grinder or crush the food processor. Garlic can be crushed with them.

6. Pour in the oil, vinegar and pour the salt and sugar into the pan, put it on the stove, add the twisted tomato, mix well.

7. Put all the remaining vegetables, let the salad boil.

8. Remove the heat, simmer for 40 minutes.

9. This time is enough to prepare the jars and lids.

10. Pour a hot snack, cork, send to cool up the bottom of a coat or a warm blanket.

Eggplant manjo not for winter

A variant of mango salad, which can be prepared for dinner. The vegetables are overcooked, the dish turns out very fragrant, tasty.


• 3 eggplants;

• 7 tomatoes;

• 2 carrots;

• onion head;

• 2 peppers;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tsp. salts;

• spoon of sugar.


1. Washed eggplants need to be cut into cups, sprinkle with salt. After 30 minutes they need to rinse and squeeze well.

2. Fry soaked and squeezed vegetable mugs in vegetable oil until lightly crusted.

3. Remove the eggplant, add more oil. Fry the onion sliced ​​in half rings, add the shredded carrot,

4. Grate the tomatoes, transfer to the frying pan, simmer for about five minutes.

5. Add salt and sugar to tomato paste and stir.

6. Fold the fried eggplants in a saucepan, pouring pepper into straws and transfer them to the vegetable mass from the pan.

7. Put on a small fire, simmer under the lid for about 20 minutes, start the countdown after boiling.

8. Add chopped garlic, greens and immediately turn off.

9. Let the dish stand for 20 minutes. It can be used in any form: hot, cold, served with side dishes or just with bread.

Eggplant manjo for the winter (with zucchini)

The recipe for mixed mango salad, in which, in addition to eggplants, zucchini are added. If they are large and with a thick skin, then you first need to clean the fruit, remove the seeds and only then weigh out according to the recipe. Ingredients

• tomatoes 2.5 kg;

• 1.5 kg zucchini;

• 220 ml of oil;

• 700 g onions;

• 600 g carrots;

• sugar 100 g;

• salt 100 g;

• 50 g of garlic;

• sweet pepper 1.5 kg;

• 1.5 kg of eggplants;

• 70 ml of vinegar 12%.


1. Cut the eggplants and zucchini in large cubes, you can immediately combine them in the same pot.

2. Peppers, carrots and onions after cleaning and release from all that is superfluous, you need to cut the straw.

3. Twist or chop the tomatoes in any other way, you can immediately with peeled garlic cloves.

4. Pour vegetable oil into a large thick-bottomed pot. Add vegetables to it: onions and carrots. Fry until transparent.

5. Add shredded peppers, zucchini and eggplants, cover with tomato garlic and heat until boiling.

6. Mix vinegar with salt and sugar. Optionally add allspice, other spices as you like. Pour into a snack.

7. As soon as the mange boils, you can reduce the fire. Simmer the salad under the lid for about half an hour, do not let the zucchini and eggplants boil soft.

8. Pour the workpiece into a suitable container, seal the cork.

Eggplant Manjo with Tomato Paste

This version of the recipe manjo with eggplant for the winter is useful to those who do not have tomatoes. With tomato paste, the snack will also turn out delicious if done correctly.


• 2.5 kg eggplant;

• 0.5 liters of pasta;

• kilogram of onions;

• oil exactly 150 ml;

• one and a half kilograms of pepper;

• sugar 110 grams;

• salt 70 grams, adjust to taste;

• 90 ml of vinegar 9%;

• 500 grams of carrots;

• garlic, hot pepper if desired.


1. Dissolve tomato paste in water (1.5 liters). Add spices to the pot, pour in the vinegar. You can immediately pour chopped pod of hot pepper, garlic, if you add them.

2. Pour oil into a saucepan, add onion with shredded large half-rings, lightly browned.

3. Sprinkle a carrot to the onion, and after another couple of minutes a sweet pepper straw.

4. Lastly, eggplant slices are added to the pan. They need to cut into large circles or cubes of medium size. 5. Pour the snack with the diluted tomato paste with spices and vinegar, turn on the heat, let the manjo boil.

6. Now you need to reduce the fire, boil the salad for 35-40 minutes, spread out and you can roll.

Eggplant manjo for the winter with beans

A variant of nourishing mango salad, for which beans must be poured in advance, so that it is well swollen, cooked quickly.


• 2 kilograms of eggplant;

• 0.35 kg of white or red beans;

• 1.5 kg of pepper;

• 3 kilograms of tomatoes;

• 700 grams of onions;

• 0.3 kg carrot;

• 0.09 L of vinegar 9%;

• 0.3 Art. Sahara;

• a glass of oil;

• 3 tbsp. l with a mountain of salt;

• large head of garlic;

• chili 0.5 pod.


1. On the eve soak the beans in cold water. Before cooking, rinse well, fill with clean liquid. Put on the stove, boil until soft, but do not overdo it, the beans should remain whole.

2. As usual, chop peppers and onions with carrots.

3. Chop the tomatoes into a smooth mashed potatoes. The skin must not be removed.

4. Eggplant cut into pieces up to a centimeter wide.

5. Pour the oil into the pan, add all the vegetables and tomato puree at once.

6. Season with spices, boil for ten minutes.

7. Now you can add boiled, liquid-free beans, chopped garlic to the billet.

8. Cook under the lid for another half hour, try the taste, if necessary add more salt, hot pepper.

9. Spread boiling preparation in jars, hermetically cork.

Fried eggplant manjo

Option spicy, flavorful salad manjo, which uses fried eggplant. Indicated the amount of oil for the snack itself, you will need about a glass to fry the pieces.


• 2 kg of eggplants;

• 2.8 liters of twisted tomatoes;

• one and a half kilograms of pepper;

• onions kilogram;

• 0.7 cups unrefined oil;

• 0.5 kg carrot;

• 0.5 Art. vinegar 9%;

• 70 g of sugar;

• 70 g of salt;

• hot peppers;

• 0.5 tsp. black pepper;

• 40 g garlic.


1. Cut the eggplants crosswise into 0.54 cm circles. Fry them in a pan with butter. Make a big fire, brown on both sides, but do not bring it to softness. 2. In an incomplete glass of oil, fry the onions with carrots, add pepper, tomatoes, boil for ten minutes.

3. Now you can lay out fried eggplant mugs.

4. Chop the garlic, hot pepper and also add to the appetizer.

5. Season with salt, sugar, vinegar, mix well and simmer for another 25-30 minutes after boiling. Often stir manjo do not need to keep slices of eggplant intact.

6. Distribute hot lettuce in jars, cork.

Eggplant Manjo - Tips and Tricks

• Do not lay out an eggplant salad in large jars if you have a small family. Snack after opening it is desirable to use all at once. In the refrigerator you can store no more than a day and only in a closed container.

• Put a hot salad in the jar to the top, so that there is no air gap between the lid and the snack. Then the mold will not have any chance.

• If a mold suddenly appears in a jar of salad, the snack should be thrown away immediately. Remove the raid and eat manjo in food is no longer possible.

• For winter preparations it is not recommended to use refined oil. If you do not like the aroma of sunflower, you can always use olive, mustard, or any other vegetable product. You can take a mixture of different oils.

• Vinegar in the eggplant blank must be put strictly according to the recipe. If you want to dissolve the essence, the proportions can be viewed on the product label.

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