Tomatoes in Korean for the winter: a sharp billet with an oriental flavor. A selection of Korean tomato recipes for the winter

Tomatoes in Korean for the winter: a sharp billet with an oriental flavor. A selection of Korean tomato recipes for the winter

Korean cuisine is not considered exotic for a long time. Fish, meat or prepared from heh by-products, spicy vegetable salads in combination with boiled potatoes or rice is quite a traditional dinner for a Slavic family. And how good Korean snacks for a feast!

Since Korean recipes traditionally use vinegar-based marinades, such dishes can be stored for a long time if the proper technology is used. And if the traditional preparations for the winter, like, assorted tomatoes and cucumbers or lecho, you are bored, make them according to Korean recipes and please your loved ones and guests, diversifying the winter meals with Korean-style tomatoes.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter - general cooking principles

Recipes harvesting tomatoes in Korean for the winter differ in different proportions of ingredients, a set of additional vegetables, the degree of ripeness of tomatoes, but all, as a rule, contain the following set of products:

  • tomatoes (ripe or green);
  • vinegar (sometimes it is replaced with citric acid);
  • vegetable oil;
  • vegetables (bell peppers, eggplants, carrots, onions - depending on the recipe);
  • sugar;
  • spices and spices (garlic, horseradish, red pepper, fresh chilli in the pod, black pepper (or peas, or ground) - depending on the recipe);
  • salt;
  • greens.

Cooking steps

Since we prepare the dish for winter storage, before proceeding to the processing of vegetables, banks should be sterilized, in which Korean-style tomatoes will be stored for the winter. There are many ways of preparing cans for preservation: the banks are sterilized in a microwave, in a double boiler or a slow cooker, in an oven, or by steam over a saucepan or bowl. Our grandmothers used the last one: we securely fasten an iron sieve to a saucepan or a bowl of boiling water, put the jar upside down on top of the jar. The can is prepared when the condensed steam begins to drip down the walls. Sterilization time - 7-10 minutes for one-liter cans and about 15 minutes for three-liter. We clean the vegetables, wash them, remove the seeds (unless otherwise indicated in the recipe), cut the stalks. Tomatoes are cut into pieces or cut into rings. The rest of the vegetables are ground in accordance with the recipe: grate, chop in a blender or puree.

Cooking marinade, which is based on vinegar, sugar, spices and salt, oil, as a rule, is used at the same stage. Sometimes well chopped vegetables and greens are added to the marinade. In some recipes, brine is used instead of marinade: salt is added to boiling water.

Pour oil into prepared cans according to general principles, put a layer of sliced ​​tomatoes, then add a layer of other vegetables from the recipe, sprinkle with greens, pour marinade. Repeat this sequence of actions to fill the banks. If brine is used in the recipe, then at this stage boiling brine is poured into jars filled with semi-finished product.

We fill the jar filled with vegetables with sterilization (boil it in a saucepan with water) for 15-60 minutes. Time depends on the recipe and the size of the jar. Then we cover the jar with the blank with a lid prepared for preservation and close tightly. If hot pickle is used in the recipe, skip this item.

Banks make up the bottom, wrapped tightly and do not touch until completely cooled.

Korean style tomatoes for the winter (classic recipe)


a pound of ripe red tomatoes;

50 gr. sunflower oil;

50 gr. undiluted vinegar 9%;

2 pcs. different colors of bell pepper;

20 gr. any greenery;

50 gr. brown sugar;

2 pcs. sweet carrots;

1 garlic head;

to taste pepper, it is better to take ground black.

Method of preparation

Wash and clean the vegetables, remove all unnecessary.

Tomatoes cut into 4 parts. Three carrots on a special grater for Korean recipes.

Greens, Bulgarian pepper and garlic are sent to a blender or scrolled a couple of times in a meat grinder.

In the chopped vegetable mixture add salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar and oil. Marinade is ready. Lay out a layer of tomatoes in a prepared jar, then carrots and pour marinade. Repeat this sequence until the can is filled.

Now we complete the preparation of 5 and 6 points of the general principles.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter (with onions)


1 1/2 kg of ripe tomatoes;

1 1/2 kg of multicolored Bulgarian pepper;

1/2 kg of sweet carrots;

100 ml of sunflower oil;

1/2 kg white onion;

250 ml of 9% undiluted vinegar;

80 gr. brown sugar;

20 pcs. peppercorns;

40 gr. salt.

Method of preparation.

We wash well and clean the vegetables, cut the stalks, remove seeds from the peppers.

We cut tomatoes into half rings, onion rings, stripes Bulgarian pepper, carrots, shred in Korean.

Put vegetables in a large bowl, then add oil, brown sugar, sea salt, and lastly vinegar.

Carefully, without damaging the integrity of the pieces, mix.

In each prepared liter jar put 4 peppercorns and lay out the salad.

The authors of this recipe advise to sterilize the jars filled with salad for an hour.

We complete the preparation of the general principles.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter (with chili)


2 kg of red tomatoes;

2-3 pieces different colors of Bulgarian pepper;

1-2 chilli peppers;

1 small bunch of greenery for your comfort;

2 garlic heads;

100 gr. brown sugar;

2 tbsp. sea ​​salt;

100 gr. any vegetable oil;

100 ml of vinegar.

Method of preparation.

We wash in running water greens and vegetables.

We start with cooking the sauce. Peppers rid of the centers and seeds, coarsely chop them in order to then grind blender. If you like spicy, feel free to take 2 chili pods, otherwise take less. If you have not found fresh chilli, replace it with tobasco sauce. We send peppers and some greens to the blender.

Pre-peeled garlic is also placed in the blender bowl.

First add sugar to the already minced garlic-garlic mixture, mix it, now salt. Once again turn on the blender. After completing the re-grinding, add vinegar to the mixture, then vegetable oil. Vinegar take 6%. If you have only 9% vinegar, then take it no more than 60 ml. Grind the greens that are left with the knife and add it to the sauce separately. The sauce is ready!

Cut tomatoes. Small fruits in half, large - into four parts. Do not forget to cut inedible green centers. We put a layer of tomatoes on the bottom of a prepared jar. Then, if there is one, and if you wish, we can send currant odorous sheets and fresh tarragon to the bank.

Fill the layer with the prepared sauce. Repeat the procedure before filling the jar.

The important point: the tomatoes are laid tight, but so as not to crush them. In this case, the bank during seaming will be better. If the sauce is left, just add it on top.

Sterilize the jar with the blank for half an hour. The final stages are based on general principles.

Korean Green Tomatoes for Winter


5 kg of green strong tomatoes;

3 horseradish roots;

2 root carrots sweet;

4 things. Bulgarian pepper;

black peppercorns;

3 garlic cloves;


bay leaf.

Method of preparation.

We clean the Bulgarian pepper, horseradish and carrots. Consistently chop vegetables in a meat grinder.

Carefully wash the tomatoes. Carefully cut each tomato crosswise, without cutting to the end.

Inside the tomatoes put the prepared stuffing of pepper, horseradish and carrots.

At the bottom of each prepared jar put a little dill, bay leaf and a couple of peas of pepper.

Now carefully stuff the stuffed green tomatoes.

Next, you need to prepare brine-marinade. Boil water (5 liters), add 150 grams of sea salt, then gradually sugar - 2 cups. In the final, add 150 ml of vinegar.

Fill the tomatoes in banks with ready brine.

Sterilize each jar for 5 minutes, start the countdown after the water boils. Roll up the workpiece.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter (from green tomatoes with sesame)


1 bucket cut into 4 pieces of green tomatoes;

2-3-4 pods of sharp bitter peppers cut across (we do not remove the seeds);

1/2 liter sunflower oil;

2 tbsp. sesame seed oils;

10 tbsp. cane sugar;

50 garlic cloves;

1 1/2 cups vinegar (apple or rice);

5 bunches of chopped cilantro;

3 cups Korean Korean varieties of strong soy sauce;

3-4 bundles of fresh green onions (ideally chives);

1 tbsp. sesame seeds, lightly roasted in a pan.

Method of preparation.

We take a big basin and put tomatoes in it, pour it with sugar and salt. Add chopped garlic, onion and cilantro. Interspersed with pepper and sesame seeds.

Fill all with oil and vinegar and mix.

We put the mixture in jars prepared for preservation. We sterilize half-liter jars, 15 minutes will be enough. If you use larger cans, increase the sterilization time.

Spicy Korean-style tomatoes for the winter (with pickle)


kilogram of red tomatoes;

st.l. pepper (red, ground);

tsp sunflower oil;

st.l. undiluted 9% vinegar;

2 garlic cloves;

2 tbsp. sea ​​salt;

litere of water.

Method of preparation.

Strong ripe tomatoes cut in half, but not until the end. Sprinkle one half with ground red pepper and the second with minced garlic. Combine the halves together.

Prepare the brine: bring the water to a boil, add salt and stir until dissolved.

At the bottom of a liter sterilized cans, pour the oil, and then tightly put the tomatoes.

Fill the jar filled with brine. Roll up.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter (with horseradish)


600 gr. red tomatoes;

1/2 horseradish root;

5-10 gr. any greenery;

1-2 garlic cloves;

1 pack condiments for Korean carrots;

1 liter of water;

15 gr. coarse salt;

2-2.5 grams. citric acid.

Method of preparation.

Peel the garlic and horseradish root, cut into not very small pieces. My greens and cut. Put garlic, horseradish and greens on the bottom of the prepared half-liter jars.

My tomatoes, put in jars. In each jar we pour seasoning, 1 tsp. will be sufficient

Prepare the brine: bring the water to a boil, add salt (make sure that the salt is completely dissolved), remove from the fire and pour in citric acid.

Fill the banks with boiling brine. Roll up.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter (with pumpkin seeds)


400 gr. red tomatoes;

1 lemon;

100 gr. pumpkin seeds;

1/2 cup olive oil, cold pressed;

100 gr. olives;

Ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Method of preparation.

Lemon and my tomatoes, we get rid of the middles, we press juice from lemon.

Pumpkin seeds lightly fried in a pan.

Cooking marinade: in a deep bowl it combines butter, lemon juice, sliced ​​olives and pumpkin seeds. Stir. Add pepper and salt to taste.

Sliced ​​tomatoes lay layers in sterilized jars and pour marinade over each layer.

Sterilize the jars for 30 minutes. Roll up.

Spicy Korean-style tomatoes for the winter (with eggplants)


2 kg of red tomatoes;

2 kg of young eggplants (medium-sized);

a pound of garlic;

1/2 l of sunflower oil;

vinegar undiluted 9%;

to taste ground pepper red.

Method of preparation.

We rinse the eggplants in running water, add them to the pan, add some salt and boil for about 15 minutes. At the end of the cooking time we get eggplants and cool.

My tomatoes, cut into rings.

The cooled eggplant, without removing the peel, with a sharp knife, carefully cut into rings. Fry in a pan, sprinkle with ground red pepper.

Garlic clean and cut into strips is not very small.

In sterilized liter cans lay layers of tomatoes, eggplant and garlic. In the process, you can add some more pepper. In each jar pour vinegar - half a teaspoon.

Sterilize the jars with the workpiece for 40 minutes, roll it up.

Korean tomatoes for the winter - tricks and tips

  • Tomatoes for this dish is better to choose the same size, then all the pieces marinated the same way.
  • Ripe tomatoes must be dense and strong, for this dish over-ripe vegetables will not work.
  • Since vegetable oil perfectly conveys the tastes and smells of other ingredients, it is more appropriate to add it at the stage of preparing the marinade.
  • To prevent the banks with the tomatoes laid in them from bursting, when sterilizing, put a towel in the bottom of the pan with boiling water. This will evenly distribute the heat across the bottom of the can.
  • A cool dark place would be ideal for storing harvested cans. Keep an open can in the refrigerator.
  • You can serve a dish as an independent snack or as a side dish to a hot one.
  • When serving, sprinkle with chopped greens to your taste.
  • If the dish is not spicy enough, crumble chili peppers, add a few drops of tobasco or sprinkle with ground red pepper.
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