Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

Unusually delicious pickled peppers in olive oil. The highlight of this recipe is that, after all the peppers are eaten, olive oil can be used as a salad dressing. If you have a sprig of rosemary, then put it in the oil before heating, then it will become even more fragrant.

Piri-piri has sharpness and a bright aroma, it is often used to cook grilled poultry. I advise you to try both chili peppers and piri-piri peppers before adding them to the blanks. Sometimes one pod of pepper can cause a lot of trouble, if by its properties it is at the top of the Scoville scale. To capsaicin, which is in hot pepper, does not harm you during the preparation of supplies for the winter, it is better to wear medical gloves when it is processed.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

Assorted pickled peppers are stored in a cool place, without losing their taste, for 3 months. I hope you understand this snack, what I mean, men will appreciate.

  • Time: 40 minutes
  • Quantity: 1 liter

Ingredients for Assorted Pickled Peppers:

  • 500 g sweet green pepper;
  • 100 g leeks;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 150 g tomatoes;
  • 50 g celery greens;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-4 red chilli pods;
  • 20 pi-pi-peppers;
  • 30 g of wine vinegar 6%;
  • 15 g sugar;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 70 g of olive oil;
Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

A method for preparing the assorted pickled peppers for the winter.

Rub a sweet carrot on a large grater, add a leek, cut into thin rings, fry vegetables in olive oil until soft.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

We clean the green sweet pepper from seeds, cut off the stalks, boil it in salted boiling water for 8 minutes. Then let the water drain, dry the peppers. It is necessary that the pods become soft, salted, but not digested so that it is convenient to put them in jars.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

Pods of pi-piri pepper and spicy red chili are punctured with a knife, blanched in salted boiling water for 3 minutes, removed from the heat, added a tablespoon of wine vinegar and left for 1 hour to cool completely. Then we get peppers, we dry.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

To the fried carrots with leeks add finely chopped celery leaves, chopped garlic, and tomatoes. Stew vegetables for another 15 minutes, put the sugar, salt, at the end pour in 15 g of wine vinegar. Fill green pepper pods with minced meat. Tomatoes in this recipe can be replaced by a thick tomato sauce.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

Fill clean sterilized jars with a mixture of peppers. In each jar we put a few sweet stuffed peppers, 1-2 pods of spicy chili and 5-6 pi-piri pieces.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

Slowly heat the olive oil over a low heat until boiling, igniting it for 5 minutes. Then remove the dishes from the heat and let the oil cool to a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. Pour the jars of pepper with cooled oil, shake the jars to fill the voids.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

Banks close tightly, set on a thick cloth in a deep pan, pour hot water (45 degrees Celsius) to the hangers. Sterilize dishes with a capacity of 0.5-0.7 liters for about 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter

Assorted pickled peppers for the winter is ready. Keep the blanks in a cool place.

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