Puff pastry with apples ... I will not refuse! Recipes for puff pastries with apples in the oven from home and purchased dough

Puff pastry with apples ... I will not refuse! Recipes for puff pastries with apples in the oven from home and purchased dough

What is the main thing in sweet puff pastry? Crispy layered dough and juicy filling! Apple is one of the best options: fruits are available all year round, relatively inexpensive, and it is easy to pick a variety to taste. Well and still, if not to be lazy, then it is possible to prepare a stuffing from different grades, and let children wonder, whose puff is more tasty.

Puff pastry with apples - general principles of cooking

• When preparing patties with apple filling, take unleavened or yeast puff pastry. It can be purchased at the frozen store or cook yourself. As a rule, homemade pastry is tastier, but from the purchased pastry it is much faster to prepare

• Apples for the filling, you can take different varieties, it all depends on taste. Fruits are used by themselves, or mixed with other products: cottage cheese, raisins, nuts, pumpkin.

• Peeled fruits are cut into cubes or crushed with a large grater. Apple stuffing from sliced ​​fruit is pre-stewed with butter and sugar. Ground pulp does not need preliminary preparation, small chips and so stewed well.

• Patties are shaped as rectangles, squares and triangles. The dough is rolled out in one large layer, and then cut into squares. If the pies are to be baked in small tins, a circle of a slightly larger diameter than the shape is extruded from the dough layer.

• To ensure that the edges of the dry puff pastry stick together tightly and do not disintegrate in the future, it is desirable to moisten them with water or an egg before forming the pie. The surface of the pies must be pierced to release steam in several places and smeared with a loose egg.

• Bake puff pastries with apples, with an oven heating temperature of 180 degrees. The time spent on cooking depends on the size of the products. Usually pies are kept in the oven until golden shades appear on the dough, which takes no more than 20 minutes.

Yeast puff pastries with apples and raisins


• puff yeast semi-finished product - 450 gr .;

• two sweet and sour, large apples;

• a full handful of dark raisins;

• one egg;

• a small piece of ginger root (1 * 1 cm);

• 15 gr. “Peasant” oil;

• two spoons of sugar.


1. Rinse the raisins with warm water, then scald with boiling water and dry. For the filling is best to take the dark seedless raisins.

2. In centimeters, or a little smaller, cut the apples into cubes. It is desirable that their size was comparable to the size of the raisins.

3. In a thick-walled pan, combine apples with raisins. Add finely shredded ginger and a slice of butter.

4. Cover the pan with a lid and turn on the medium heat. Without stirring, put out the apple filling for five minutes. Then remove from heat and cool well by placing in a deep bowl.

5. Thawed puffy semi-finished product roll out square layers of half-centimeter thickness. In a 450-gram package there are usually two sheets of yeast dough. Consequently, you get two layers that need to be divided into four equal squares. The result will be eight pies.

6. Beat the egg and, using a cooking brush, spread the edges of the resulting squares. Place the stuffing on half of each, and make several parallel cuts on the free part.

7. Cover the filling with the decorated part of the dough, firmly press the edges. To prevent the pies from opening further, press the glued edges together with the teeth of the fork.

8. Cover the roasting pan with parchment, apply some vegetable oil on the paper and spread the cakes on top. Do not lay tight, be sure to leave a gap of half a centimeter between the products.

9. Cover the roaster with a towel and let the patties come up for a quarter of an hour. Then grease the surface with an egg and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

Recipe for simple puff pastries with unleavened apples in the oven - “Fragrant triangles”


• two small packs of puff pastry;

• 3 large apples;

• 150 gr. refined fine sugar;

• a spoon of starch;

• peeled walnuts - 150 gr .;

• juice, squeezed from half a large lemon;

• teaspoon of powdered cinnamon;

• one egg;

• vanillin - 0.2 tsp.


1. Clean apples with warm water and cut them into centimeter cubes or cubes. Moisten with lemon juice so as not to darken and mix well.

2. Grind the heart of nuts with a coffee grinder or blender, add them together with sugar in a bowl with apples. Pour in the vanilla and starch, add the cinnamon powder and mix well.

3. Roll the thawed dough in a crust, about half a centimeter thick. Cut the layer in small squares and place a little filling in the center. Then lightly smear the edges of the blanks with a beaten egg and form triangular cakes, folding the squares of dough diagonally. Pinch the edges.

4. On the surface of the pies, in the center, make a few punctures, walk around the edges with a fork.

5. Gently spread the pies over a greased baking sheet and place the bake in a preheated oven. Before baking, be sure to grease the top with a beaten egg.

Puff pastry with apples from homemade dough on beer


• a full, 250-gram glass of light beer;

• salt is small, evaporated - 0.5 tsp;

• sweet cream butter or margarine of high quality - 250 g pack;

• quicklime soda - 1/2 tsp;

• high-quality wheat flour - 3.5 cups.

In the filling:

• five small apples;

• 30 gr. “Farm” oil;

• two spoons of sugar;

• large lemon;

• A spoonful of crushed cinnamon.


1. Flour a couple of times with soda and salt.

2. In a wide bowl on a large grater, rub the slightly-frozen margarine (butter).

3. Take one glass of seeded flour and add to margarine. Pour cold beer and stir quickly. 4. Enter the remaining flour into the oily mass in parts, intensively stirring with your hands. After kneading the plastic, non-sticking dough, roll it into a ball, place it in a bag and store in the common chamber of the refrigerator for two hours.

5. Put the aged dough on a table flushed with flour and roll out with a square cake, about one and a half centimeters thick. Fold it in half several times, turn it on its side (90 degrees) and roll it again. Repeat the folding, but this time put in the freezer for half an hour. Do not forget to wrap the package.

6. Put the dough out of the freezer and let it lie unpacked until it is soft.

7. Dip lemon for 5 minutes in hot water. Dry thoroughly and peel off a brightly stained layer of zest with a fine grater. Do not capture the white layer!

8. Cut the peeled fruit and carefully squeeze the juice.

9. Peel the apples and cut into centimeter cubes, moisten with lemon juice.

10. Melt the butter in a thick-walled pan with butter and dip the chopped apples into it. Add a teaspoon of crushed zest, granulated sugar and cinnamon. Mixing, put out the fruit filling on the intense fire for three minutes, cool.

11. Homemade puff pastry roll into a rectangular crust. To make it well stratified, the thickness must be at least 0.7 cm.

12. Cut the layer into squares of approximately the same size (15 * 15 cm) and place them in the middle of each spoonful of apple filling.

13. Tightly fasten the edges, forming blanks in the form of envelopes, and lay them on the chafing-pan laid by the parchment, with seams pointing upwards.

14. Lubricate the top of the blanks with whipped yolks and send for 20 minutes to bake until a light golden crust appears.

Puff pastries with apples from homemade yeast dough


• 85 ml of heated water;

• 7 gr. “Fast” dry yeast;

• three glasses of flour;

• three teaspoons of sugar;

• 120 ml low-fat cow's milk; • one egg;

• 82% butter;

• teaspoon evaporated salt.

For the filling:

• four medium apples;

• tablespoon of vanilla extract;

• 60 gr. unsalted butter;

• spoon of starch;

• A couple of tablespoons of sugar.


1. Dissolve dry yeast in warm water. Add a spoonful of sugar, stir and set aside, closer to the heat.

2. As soon as a thin foam cap forms on the surface, mix and set aside again. After about 25 minutes, when the yeast mixture fits well, pour warm milk into it, break the egg and mix.

3. Add the remaining sugar and salt to the flour, stir. Here, on a large grater, chop the frozen margarine and cut the mass with a knife until you get a large crumb. Pour in the yeast mixture, knead quickly.

4. Transfer the yeast-shaped dough into the bag and remove for two hours in the cold.

5. From the apples, remove the peel and cut the flesh into centimeter cubes.

6. Dissolve starch with two tablespoons of cold water, add vanilla extract, mix.

7. In a thick-walled pan over medium heat, melt the butter and place the apple slices in it. Stirring, fry the apples for seven minutes, then slightly reduce the heat and add sugar to them. Stir and immediately pour in the starch mixture, mix again and continue cooking.

8. When the juice in the filling begins to thicken, and it visually acquires the consistency of jam, turn off the heat and transfer the apples to the bowl, cool.

9. Divide the cold dough into three parts and roll each into a rectangular cake, up to half a centimeter thick. Cut the rectangles into square pieces and place some caramelized apples on their middle.

10. With a spoon, slightly slide the stuffing to the side and form triangles. Cover your edges tightly with your fingers and place them on a parchment lined pan. 11. Brush the surface of the pies with yolk or cream with a brush and bake at 180 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Puff pastries with apples and cottage cheese


• any layered dough - 450-500 gr .;

• 300 gr. low-fat, preferably elastic curd;

• sugar and vanilla - to taste;

• yolk.


1. Thaw in advance the purchased, and better prepare your own puff pastry.

2. Grind the peeled apples with a large grater, strain excess juice and combine the fruit chips with the curd. Add vanilla flavor, add a little sugar, mix. Excess sugar can damage - the filling will flow, two spoons are enough.

3. To make the patties, prepare small silicone cupcakes.

4. Roll out the dough and squeeze out small circles from it, 1.5 centimeters in diameter more than the prepared molds. Place the blanks in the molds, put a little stuffing in the middle and close the edges so that there is a small hole on top.

5. Move the molds with dough to a large roaster. Cover the top of the patties with loose yolks and put them in a heated oven. If using yeast dough, first let the pies stand in a warm half an hour.

6. After 25 minutes, apple puff pastry will be ready. Remove items from the oven, free from forms and place on a wide dish.

A simple recipe for puff pastries with apples and pumpkin


• a pound of puff pastry;

• one large apple;

• 200 gr. pumpkin pulp;

• spoon of liquid flower honey;

• half a spoonful of lemon zest.


1. Cut the peel off the pumpkin, remove all seeds and fiber. Crush dense flesh with a large grater.

2. Rub the peeled apple on a medium grater and send to the pumpkin.

3. Add honey, chopped zest and mix all ingredients. You can slightly season with cinnamon. 4. Roll out the prepared dough with a rectangular layer, cut it into squares.

5. At the center of each place a little apple-pumpkin filling. Bend diagonally to make triangles. Press the stitches tightly with your fingers and then follow them with a fork.

6. Moisten the baking sheet with vegetable oil, spread on it a piece of pastry and put it in the oven.

7. In the process, after about 10 minutes, grease the patties with an egg mash and wait until the top is well browned.

Puff pastry with apples - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Puff pastry requires special temperature conditions - the kitchen should not be hot, otherwise the butter will melt earlier and the dough will not split.

• Frozen yeast puff pastry after thawing can not be left in the package, the dough can fit right in it.

• When frying apples for the filling, add brown sugar instead of white. The filling will have a more saturated amber shade.

• Do not add a lot of sugar in the apple stuffing, it will throw a lot of juice and cakes can fall apart.

• Do not cut the dough too small squares, the filling can break through it and fall out of the pies.

• To make the surface browned, they can be lubricated not only with eggs, but also with strong brewing.

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