Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic

Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic

Many people are accustomed to taking cottage cheese as the basis for all kinds of desserts: sweet curd mass, casseroles with raisins, cheesecakes, cottage cheese cakes, glazed cheese curds and other similar dishes. However, it also produces good unsweetened snacks. Cottage cheese with greens and garlic can be used as a spread for sandwiches, a base for savory cheesecakes and casseroles, a filler for pancakes and vegetables. With it you can make tartlets for the holiday table, sandwiches, stuffed tomatoes and peppers. It is tasty in itself, especially if it is supplemented with vegetables.

Cooking Features

Many include cottage cheese on the menu, not only for its pleasant taste, but also for its beneficial properties. If they are important to you too, when you buy this product, pay attention to its composition. Truly tasty and useful will be only natural curd, and not weight, cooked with the addition of vegetable fats.

The shelf life of the product also matters. If the package indicates that it is valid for several months, it should be alerted: antibiotics were added to it with a high probability for better preservation of the product. Cottage cheese with a short shelf life, which is about to expire, is also not worth taking - it will almost certainly be sour. The best choice would be cottage cheese made from whole milk, with a short shelf life, but produced only recently.

To get a tasty dish, it is important not only to choose a quality product, but also to cook it correctly.

  • The curd snack will have a smoother texture if the main product is rubbed through a sieve or whipped with a blender.
  • To make the appetizer not very steep, sour cream is often added to it. If the calorie content of the finished dish is important to you, sour cream can be replaced with unsweetened yogurt, yoghurt, or other fermented milk product. If you want to spice up the snack, you can add mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard.
  • The stalks of greens for preparing snacks should not be used - they are too rough. It is desirable to cut the leaves as small as possible.
  • Greens should be washed and dried before adding to the appetizer. It dries faster if you first shake off the water, and then put on a towel that absorbs moisture well.
  • The appetizer will have a fresher taste if it is supplemented with vegetables. Best of all with her combined cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, peppers.
  • Cottage cheese mix with garlic and greens is not necessarily raw, it can be baked. It will acquire completely different organoleptic qualities, but will retain almost all useful properties.

When choosing from which cottage cheese to cook a dish, be guided by the goals pursued. Bold cottage cheese (18 percent) will help gain weight and rejuvenate if you have such a goal. Low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese can be eaten by those who follow a diet for weight loss. Curd of normal fat content (9 percent) is a “middle center” and is used most often in cooking. Caloric content of cottage cheese has almost no effect on the organoleptic qualities of the finished dish.

Properties of cottage cheese with herbs for weight loss

Cottage cheese is one of many diets associated with the restriction of the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. In particular, its use is allowed diets Atkins, Ducane, Osama Hamdia, Claudia Schiffer and many others. It is also recommended to include in the menu for people suffering from diabetes, especially if the disease is accompanied by obesity. We are talking about fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese (with a percentage of fat content up to 6%), the caloric content of which usually does not exceed 90 kcal per 100 g of product.

Slimming is promoted by such properties of cottage cheese as:

  • high protein content, which is digested slowly, which eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time;
  • low calorie;
  • the content in the product of a large amount of vitamins, macro-and micronutrients, in which the body is particularly in need when forced to abandon a number of high-calorie foods;
  • ability to improve metabolism.

The greens that make up the snack contain fiber and many valuable elements. Thanks to this she:

  • improves digestion;
  • helps to cleanse the body;
  • improves metabolism;
  • prevents vitamin deficiency.

Garlic will improve the taste of the snack and enrich it with useful substances.

It is believed that the most useful snack of cottage cheese, garlic and herbs for weight loss, if you eat it for breakfast. The recommended portion - 200-250 g. In the evening, unsweetened curd mass can also be consumed, but not before bedtime, as even it contains sugar (namely, lactose).

Curd with greens and garlic for sandwiches


  • cottage cheese - 0, 4 kg;
  • fresh greens (parsley, basil, dill, cilantro) - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise - 20 ml;
  • salt, black pepper (optional) - to taste;
  • lemon and mint - for serving;
  • bread - how much will leave.

Method of preparation:

  • Curd skip through a sieve or mix with sour cream. For a more savory taste, you can replace it with mayonnaise, while realizing that this product is not among the dietary ones.
  • Wash, dry greens. Tear off the leaves and chop them as finely as possible with a knife.
  • Pass the garlic through the press.
  • Put crushed garlic and greens in a container with curd. Add a little salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly, you can even beat the curd mass with a mixer.
  • Spread the curd mass on the loaves, garnish with mint leaves and small slices of lemon.

The curd mass made according to this recipe can be served not on loafs, but in creamer beds, also decorated with lemon and mint. These additions have not only a decorative function - with them the snack becomes tastier.

Curd-garlic mass with greens and cucumber


  • cottage cheese - 0, 2 kg;
  • cucumber - 150 g;
  • fresh greens - 20-30 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • salt (optional) - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  • Garlic cloves cut into plates, put in a blender bowl.
  • Wash the leaves of parsley, cilantro and basil, blot with a kitchen towel and put in the blender container too.
  • Cucumbers wash, dry, peel, cut into cubes of medium size and send to other products.
  • Turn the device on for 3-4 minutes to turn the contents of its bowl into a smooth mash.
  • Put cottage cheese on ground products. Turn the unit back on for 2-3 minutes.

The result will be a gentle curd-cucumber mass, which is pleasant to eat with spoons. It can also be decomposed into halves of eggs, tomatoes, peppers and served directly to the table.

Appetizer of baked tomatoes with cottage cheese, herbs and garlic


  • cherry tomatoes - 0, 2 kg;
  • cottage cheese - 0, 4 kg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • fresh basil - 50 g.

Method of preparation:

  • Lubricate the baking form with a small amount of oil, using about 5 ml. Place the cherry tomatoes cut in half (cut up) into it. Drizzle them with oil, using about 10 ml.
  • Preheat the oven and send the tomato form into it. Bake them for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
  • Dropped garlic through a press, medium-cut basil leaves, salt, cottage cheese and a teaspoon of olive oil should be folded into a bowl for beating.
  • Beat the products with an immersion blender, turning it into a homogeneous mass.
  • Transfer the tomatoes to the curd, mix it.

Appetizer according to this recipe is so tasty and appetizing that it is not embarrassing to serve it even for a festive table. It can be safely even those who follow the figure.

Cottage cheese with garlic and herbs - a light and tasty snack that can be served separately or used to make sandwiches, tartlets. It will be even tastier if it is supplemented with vegetables. This dish not only has pleasant organoleptic qualities, but also is useful. If for its preparation to use low-fat cottage cheese, it will help get rid of excess weight.

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