Black Cumin Oil: Benefit and Harm

Black Cumin Oil: Benefit and Harm

In nature, there are many natural remedies to which our ancestors owed much, since not only health and beauty, but also life itself depended on them. Over time, pharmacology has supplanted natural products. Fortunately, the interest in natural returns. One of the products that were actively used by previous generations are black cumin seeds. Black cumin, also referred to as chernushka, kalindzhi or Roman coriander, is a plant with Asian roots. Now, in addition to Asia, it can be found on the lands of the Caucasus, the Mediterranean and the Balkans. The seeds of this wonderful plant have been revered since the days of Ancient Egypt: Queen Cleopatra herself used them for cosmetic procedures. Chernushka seeds were also in high demand in traditional Chinese medicine and ayurveda. Hippocrates and Ibn Sina treated this product well. The first argued that cumin seeds improve digestion, and the second - that they increase the rate of metabolic processes and restore strength. Modern people mostly use black cumin oil. It is as useful as the seeds from which it is extracted, and therefore has a beneficial effect on the body's activity - it relieves many ailments. And, of course, oil helps to maintain youth and beauty.

Preparation, composition and benefits of black cumin oil

Black cumin is an annual herbaceous plant. As already mentioned, the oil is extracted from cumin seeds. To do this, they are dried and subjected to cold pressing. In this way an oily substance is formed. High-quality black cumin oil has a pronounced spicy aroma, astringent taste and a yellow tinge. When buying this product should also pay attention to the country of manufacture. The highest quality oil on the Russian market is oil produced in Egypt. Another nuance that is worth paying attention to when purchasing vegetable oil is packaging. It should be in a darkened glass container. Such dishes preserve oil better, as it is not affected by the negative effect caused by temperature changes. In the course of the research, experts found that black cumin oil contains more than a hundred biologically active nutrients. It contains a number of organic and polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytosterols, flavonoids, amino acids, saponins, essential oils, carotenoids, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, alkaloids, nigelon, beta-systerol, timoquinone and other valuable bio-components. In other words, Chernushka oil has a unique chemical composition, and therefore it can have a diverse effect on the human body.

  • In the best way, black cumin seed oil affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With its regular consumption can cope with flatulence - excessive gas formation. It also helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach and intestinal microflora, prevents the formation and development of inflammatory processes. In addition, the oil Kalindzhi has anti-ulcer and antihelminthic properties.
  • For the liver, chernushka oil is useful due to the fact that it clears from toxic compounds, relieves inflammation and takes part in its restoration. He also has a choleretic effect, due to which bile congestion is eliminated and bile ducts are cleansed.
  • The intake of cumin oil is indicated for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. It can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the level of “harmful” cholesterol and triglycerides in blood, lower blood pressure and make arterial walls less dense. In addition, black cumin oil effectively prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots.
  • Blacks seed oil helps in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system. It is used for cystitis, urethritis, nephritis and pyelonephritis. In this case, the use of the product is due to the fact that it reduces inflammation and eliminates harmful bacteria. Cumin oil is also famous for its diuretic effect, that is, it speeds up the process of removing substances from the body that pollute and poison it.
  • Black cumin oil has a unique ability - it has antitumor activity, that is, it destroys mutated cells and prevents the formation of new ones.
  • Caraway seed oil can have a stimulating effect on the thymus gland, which is responsible for the protective functions of the body. For this reason, it can be used both for prevention and for the treatment of ailments. It is believed that by improving the immunity, black cumin oil copes with asthma and allergies. The product restores the protective mechanism, as a result of which the body ceases to fight with harmless foreign substances entering it.
  • The oil is characterized by expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and antipyretic effects. Thus, it is an excellent assistant in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and other ailments.
  • Cumin oil manifests itself positively in suppressing muscle spasms, as well as in combating joint pain. They are recommended to use people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. It not only relieves pain, but also reduces swelling of the affected joints and relieves morning stiffness.
  • Cumin seed oil is also one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, therefore it increases cell viability and their regeneration abilities, blocks the activity of reactive oxygen species, that is, free radicals. Due to the listed properties of the oil, the body preserves youth.
  • Owing to the content of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, cumin oil is recognized as a natural antidepressant. By acting on the central nervous system, it relieves anxiety, stabilizes mood, plus fights fatigue.
  • Experts have shown that black cumin oil is one of the few products that prevent diabetes mellitus of the first and second type. Caraway oil, like metformin, helps the body to assimilate glucose, and it is worth noting that it has no side effects and is less toxic. In addition, this product restores the beta cells of the pancreas and regulates the amount of insulin in the blood.
  • The efficacy of caraway seed oil has been revealed in weight loss. It directly affects the causes of the formation of fat. Oil makes a moderate appetite, normalizes liver gluconeogenesis and the process of glucose absorption in the intestine, lowers cholesterol and blood glucose levels.
  • Black cumin oil helps a lot when memory deteriorates. It improves mental abilities and makes the body much more stable both physically and mentally. In other words, you can more easily carry increased loads.
  • When taking cumin oil in the body increases the amount of gamma-aminobutyric acid. This allows the oil to have an anticonvulsant effect. Due to this property, black cumin oil is used in pediatric epilepsy.
  • Roman coriander oil is very useful for women's health. This is due to the presence of phytoestrogens in the composition of natural remedies. As a result of its reception, the full activity of the female organs is restored - the reproductive function improves and the menstrual cycle is normalized. Nursing mothers, it will also be useful, as it takes part in the stimulation of milk production.
  • Cumin oil also has a strengthening effect on men's health. It perfectly affects the potency and sexual activity, improves reproductive function, and is also an excellent preventive measure for the development of inflammatory processes. This oil is recommended for those who suffer from infertility, prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
  • Since caraway seed oil is rich in biologically active elements, it can significantly transform the skin. Through the use of this product can nourish, moisturize, soften, tone and rejuvenate the skin. Also, cumin seed oil controls sebum production; takes part in the production of melanin, which protects the epidermis from damage; enhances cellular regeneration. Oil, in addition to all of the above, solves the problem of rashes on the face, inhibits bacteria and fungi.
  • The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of vegetable cumin oil help to cope with such a problem as hair loss. Oil not only helps to strengthen them, but also encourages the growth of hair shafts. In addition, it can be used as a cleansing, toning, softening, nourishing and moisturizing curls means.

What is harmful about cumin oil

Black cumin seed oil, despite its natural origin, can still be harmful. It can only harm health if it is used improperly (taking large doses of the drug) or used when there are contraindications. Contraindications for this product include:

  • Individual intolerance, which is easy to identify the allergotestom. Put some oil on your elbow. If after an hour on the skin where the oil will be applied, symptoms such as itching, redness and irritation do not appear, you do not have allergies.
  • Carrying a child. Cumin oil can cause a contraction of the uterus muscles, which, in turn, will cause a miscarriage.
  • Low blood pressure. You can not combine cumin oil with diuretic intake. Against this background, fatigue, dizziness, and even loss of consciousness may appear.
  • A recent organ transplant. Since caraway seed oil is a powerful immunostimulant, it can cause rejection of transplanted organs.
  • Post-infarction period, thrombophlebitis, ischemia, thrombosis.
  • The presence of large stones in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder.
  • Acute gastritis.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Children's age up to 3 years.

In all other cases, black cumin oil will only bring benefits to the body, but taking into account that it will be used regularly, with strict observance of the indicated dosages.

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