Apricot Jam Instant

Apricot jam of fast preparation - dense, bright, as a ray of the sun, very tasty and useful. Mature and over-ripe fruits without signs of spoilage (fermentation, molding) are suitable for preparation. Jam, which is also confiture, is prepared in the same way as jam, with the difference that berries and fruit are usually whole in jam, and in jam they are boiled soft. Jam is always boiled in one meal, it is convenient, you do not have to wait until the fruit gives out juice under the influence of sugar or bring it to a boil several times to keep the berry in its original form.

Apricot Jam Instant

In order to shorten the cooking time and get a quality product, the fruits are ground up and then boiled down with fruit puree and sugar. The result is a very thick apricot jam, which can then be used to layer and coat the cake or serve for breakfast with toast and butter.

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes
  • Quantity: 900 g

Ingredients for apricot instant jam

  • 650 g of ripe apricots;
  • 500 grams of sugar.

Method of making apricot jam

Apricots soaked in cold water, then carefully wash. Fruit cut in half, remove the bones.

Apricot Jam Instant

Next, put the peeled fruits in a blender and turn them into mashed potatoes by means of several impulses.

Apricot Jam Instant

Apricot puree is weighed to determine exactly how much sugar will be needed to make confiture. For thick confiture, you need to take as much sugar as the mashed potatoes for making apricot jam. I got about half a kilo.

Apricot Jam Instant

Pour sugar in a bowl, mix. If the fruit is sweet, and you want to make a less-calorie dessert for the diet menu, then boldly reduce the sugar rate by half. Apricot jam jam will not be so thick, but still very tasty.

Apricot Jam Instant

Leave the fruit puree for 10 minutes to dissolve the sugar grains.

Apricot Jam Instant

Put the mashed potatoes in a saucepan or stewpan with a thick bottom, put on the stove. Gradually heat over medium heat until boiling.

Apricot Jam Instant

We boil for 15-20 minutes. At first the mass will foam violently, then gradually the foam will settle, the jam will begin to boil evenly. At this stage, remove the light foam with a spoon so that it does not get into the finished dish.

Apricot Jam Instant

My jars in warm water with soda, rinsed with boiling water. Put the jars in the oven on the grid, heat up to 120 degrees Celsius.

Put boiling apricot jam in hot jars. If you immediately close the hot jam with a lid, then it will sweat, condensation will appear, and, as a result, mold during storage. To prevent this from happening, I cover the jars with hot jam with a clean cloth and seal them only when they are completely cooled.

Apricot Jam Instant

We close the finished apricot jam tightly, it can and should be stored at room temperature. Jam does not like the cold, if you did everything correctly and kept clean during cooking and packaging, the blanks would stand in the kitchen cupboard until spring, unless of course the jam was eaten by the sweet-tooth household.

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