Home adzhika for the winter: it is necessary to make sure! Popular recipes for making real adzhika at home

Home adzhika for the winter: it is necessary to make sure! Popular recipes for making real adzhika at home

Home adjika - general cooking principles

In any adjika, there must be three essential ingredients: red pepper, garlic and salt.

If the harvesting is done, but it turned out to be sharp, it is even impossible to eat, apples will help with the taste of sharpness. It is necessary to add one crushed apple to the finished adjika.

All ingredients must be crushed.

Preparing dishes

The first step in any preparation is the preparation of dishes. For cooking adzhiki at home, it is best to take the enameled ware and a large iron basin. It will be more convenient to cook.

Enameled pans are needed so that during the fermentation process does not go chemical. Plastic should not be used at all. Take only wooden spoons. If you follow all these rules, then undoubtedly, the homemade adzhika will turn out tasty, juicy - you will lick your fingers.

Recipe 1: Adjika at home Caucasian

One of the simplest ways of burning adzhika at home. He won't take much from you.


• Hot pepper 300 gr .;

• 4 sweet peppers;

• 1 head of garlic;

• Cilantro bundle;

• Greens to taste;

• Basil, preferably purple;

• 2 tbsp. l salt.


First, take the sweet pepper, it must be well washed and cleaned from the seeds. Then hot pepper cut into large pieces about 3 * 3. Choose its proportion independently, depending on your taste. If you prefer homemade adjika spicy, then take 300 gr., If, on the contrary, then 200 gr will suffice.

The next step is to put all the pieces in a cup and chop them in any way you like, but it is better to use a blender, until smooth. You can do this with a meat grinder, but it will skip the pieces, and it is desirable to make porridge, then you can mix the liquid with a regular spoon.

The resulting mass should be salted, and then mix well so that the salt does not remain in one place, but dissolves throughout the mixture. Some add pepper at this stage, but this is not necessary, because adjika will be spicy and pepper will only kill the whole taste. And the last thing lay out all the banks. It is better to take small jars, they will not take up much space, and adzhika will be stored longer. Of course, it would be ideal to immediately lower it into the cellar, but if there is no such possibility, then it will also be well preserved in the refrigerator. Do not rush to open it, let it stand for 40 days, is fed, and only then can you add it to food.

Recipe 2: Homemade adjika with nuts

Another delicious billet is adjika with nuts.


• 3 bell peppers;

• Walnuts 250 gr .;

• Garlic head;

• 3 hot fresh peppers;

• 3 tsp. coriander;

• 1 tbsp. l hops suneli;

• Pinch of cinnamon;

• 5 tsp. salt.


Peppers need to be well cleaned and chopped. Mix the resulting mass and add fresh hot peppers and nuts to it, add the garlic here and grind again, the result should be a liquid mixture.

Next, ground coriander, hops-suneli and salt are added, and thoroughly mixed for 10 minutes so that all spices are dissolved. All home adzhika ready, it remains the case for small, pour in the banks.

Such an adjika should be bottled, it will even be better, because it can be stored in the refrigerator. The adjika made in this way at home with nuts is ideal for adding to different dishes.

Remember that nuts must be well ground.

Recipe 3: Adjika at home in Armenian

A simple way to cook home adjika is in Armenian. It will require a minimum amount of products. And adzhika get gentle, tasty and a little hot.


• 6kg ripe tomatoes;

• 500 gr. Bitter pepper;

• Garlic 1 kg .;

• 1 tbsp. l salt.


First of all, the tomato with pepper should be well washed. Then grind the contents with a meat grinder or blender, and leave the mixture closed in a dark place for two weeks, but just every day you need to remember to mix the mass. Do not be afraid that everything will turn sour, this stage of cooking is necessary so that the peppers give their juice and the tomato is fed on them. After that, on day 15, arrange the adjika in jars and store in a cold place.

The recipe, as you see is simple, but it has a secret: you need to salt the tomatoes before adding the pepper, if you do the opposite, the taste of salt will not be felt, and the tomatoes will turn out tasteless.

This recipe is considered the most simple, the only difficulty is that every day you need to interfere with the mixture. But many amateurs say that such a homemade adjika will appeal to everyone, as it turns out juicy, slightly burning, and looks appetizing. You can add it to any dish.

Recipe 4: Home adjika for men

Every girl knows that you can win a man's heart through the stomach. And all housewives need to take note of a good recipe for making adzhika at home for men. It will be difficult to do this, but you can try for a beloved man.


• 2 kg of tomatoes;

• 10 pieces. Bulgarian pepper;

• 20 pcs. bitter pepper;

• 100 gr. garlic;

• Horseradish roots 4 pcs .;

• Parsley dill;

• 4 tsp. Sahara;

• 2 tbsp. l salts;

• Vinegar 9%.


The first step is to wash all the products, so you do not waste your precious time. Then take all the vegetables and chop them, add salt to the mass, then sugar. The mixture is ready, now mix everything together, you can put on a slow fire so that the salt and the sugar will dissolve. The resulting mass must be poured into an enamel pan, and left to stand for 3 days in a dark place.

On day 4, take out the saucepan and pour 5 tablespoons of vinegar 9% into the mass. Then you need to mix everything up, and leave for 10 minutes to infuse, only then you can begin to lay out on sterilized banks. Be sure to spin them well.

Recipe 5: Adjika at home, sweet and sour-sweet

It can be added to the soup, and in main dishes.


• Overripe tomatoes 1 kg;

• Sweet red pepper 300 gr .;

• Onions 200 gr .;

• Antonov apples 200 gr .;

• Garlic to taste, but not more than 2 heads;

• Hot pepper 4 pcs .;

• Salt 3 tbsp. l .; • 6 Art. l vinegar 9%;

• 4 tbsp. l Sahara.


Take all the ingredients except the last three and grind everything with a meat grinder. Then pour the whole mixture into the prepared dishes and cook over medium heat, but do not forget to stir every hour.

While everything is boiled, chop the garlic with bitter pepper into a separate pan, but it must be removed from the seed. Pour the mixture slowly into boiling tomatoes, immediately add sugar, vinegar and salt, and simmer for 30 minutes, but also do not forget to stir.

After the house adjika has cooled, pour it into sterilized jars. Keep in the cold.

Recipe 6: Homemade adjika with apples

We will pay special attention to the popular and one of the best adzhika options with apples. It turns out tasty and spicy, maybe even as a separate dish, as well as becoming a side dish for meat and other dishes.


• Red ripe tomatoes 3 kg.;

• 1 kg of sweet pepper (preferably red, but not essential);

• 500 g sour apples;

• 2 pcs. carrots, but large;

• 200 g of garlic;

• Hot pepper (do not like strongly spicy adjika, put less) 100 g;

• 1 tbsp. sunflower oil;

• black pepper (at its discretion);

• Salt (to taste), but not more than 4 tbsp. l


The first step is to wash and peel all the vegetables. Then grind them in a meat grinder (can be crushed in a blender or a spoon, if there are no electrical appliances). Then add salt, black pepper, sunflower oil to the resulting mass, mix everything and put on the hob and cook for 2.5 hours from time to time, stirring occasionally. Then at the last stage, close in sterilized jars or cork with ordinary capron lids. In the end, should get 6 cans of 0, 5 liters.

Recipe 7: Adjika at home without cooking

One of the easiest ways to cook is the classic adjika without cooking.


• Tomatoes 500g;

• 200 g of sweet pepper;

• 30 g garlic;

• Horseradish (root) 30 g .;

• hot pepper, capsicum; • white wine vinegar 30g .;

• 2 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 1 tbsp. l salt.


The first thing you need to wash the tomatoes, cut them into 4 pieces, removing the rough part and middle, then put them in a colander to excess liquid glass. While the juice flows sweet pepper, separated from the seeds need to be cut into small squares.

Then clean the root of horseradish and grate on a small grater. Finely chop the garlic. Chop finely chop, but do not forget to clean the core.

When the tomatoes are drained, put them in a deep dish and grind with a blender, then add the sweet pepper and chop everything together. Mix well.

Add garlic, horseradish and hot peppers to the tomato-pepper mixture, chop once more with a blender, stir and let stand 30 minutes.

In the resulting mass, add salt, sugar, vinegar and mix well. Then in sterilized jars fill with adzhika and spin with metal or nylon covers, and store everything in the refrigerator.

Adjika harvested in this way can stand for 3 months. All this thanks to the good antimicrobial actions of horseradish.

Recipe 8: Home adzhika “for an amateur”


• 2 kg of tomatoes;

• 2 large carrots;

• 1 kg of onions;

• 250 g of garlic;

• 3 bell peppers;

• a glass of sugar;

• 1 tbsp. l vinegar 6%;

• 3 bitter red peppers;

• 1/4 cup salt;

• 250 ml of vegetable oil.


Bulgarian pepper clean, wash and chop large. Mince the pepper slices. Wash and chop the tomatoes, and grind them finely. Wash carrots, peel and chop them so that they can also be scrolled in a meat grinder.

This is followed by hot pepper, pre-peeled and chopped. Garlic is also chopped separately with a meat grinder. Onions can be grated. Mix all the chopped vegetables and put on a gas stove to a boil, and cook for 30 minutes, leaving on slow fire. Then add vegetable oil, and continue cooking for another half hour. The last step is to add salt and sugar, leave to go for 1 hour. Adjika will be ready in 3 hours. You can try ready adjika to convince how tasty it is.

Recipe 9: Adjika at home sweet


• Pepper 0.3 kg;

• apples 300 g .;

• sugar 5 tsp;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l .;

• chilli 1 pc .;

• ground coriander 1 tsp .;

• a handful of chopped greens;

• tomatoes 0.5 kg;

• hops suneli 1 tbsp. l


On the washed tomatoes make small cuts, then fill them with boiling water. After that, pour them with cold water and remove the peel.

Peel and chop the apples with a meat grinder together with tomatoes, chili pepper and bell pepper. Cover and boil all the resulting mass for 2 hours, alternately adding sugar, then vegetable oil and salt. You can add salt and sugar at your discretion, so to speak “by eye”.

10 minutes before completion, you must add herbs, hops-suneli, coriander and garlic. Adjika cooked at home is ready to eat. All cooked adjika can be laid out in jars!

Adjika at home: tricks and tips

  • To give a sophisticated flavor to adjika, before you start cooking it, you need to fry all the spices in a frying pan a little.
  • Peppers can be lightly dried so that during cooking they do not emit a lot of moisture.
  • Salt put to taste, you can more than the recipe. It will help adjika to survive the whole winter and not to sour.
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