Glaze for the cake - recipes and design options. Technology of preparation of protein, sugar and chocolate glaze for cake

Glaze for the cake - recipes and design options. Technology of preparation of protein, sugar and chocolate glaze for cake

What is Easter without Easter cakes and Krashenok? And what are the Easter cakes without decorations? Although without a holiday it is difficult to imagine lush Easter cakes, not covered with icing.

Glaze products should be at least prepared in almost minutes, so why should you deny yourself and others the pleasure of collecting sweet snow-white crumbs from a plate?

However, why snow-white? There is for sweet and colorful icing and chocolate.

Glaze Cake Recipes - General Cooking Principles

• Making homemade icing for the cake is not so difficult. It is enough just to strictly observe the dosage of its components, not to violate the recommended temperature conditions and technology.

• Since the icing is applied to the already prepared pastries, which are then not subjected to heat treatment, the eggs used in cooking, milk and butter should be fresh.

• Most often, the glaze for the cake is prepared on powdered sugar, less often - with sand. To get a homogeneous mass, the powder is sifted beforehand through a sieve, and sugar is taken only finely ground.

• Butter must choose not only high quality, but also with the highest percentage of fat. When using low-quality, low-fat product, the fudge may harden for a long time or even remain sticky.

• Glaze is applied only on well-cooled products. In order for such a coating to come out smooth, without careless stains and smudges, it is recommended to apply thick glaze with a spatula, and level after this with a cooking brush.

Protein Kulich glaze - a classic recipe with lemon juice

The recipe for protein glaze can be attributed to the economy version, since most of the recipes of Easter cakes require the use of only yolks, and the proteins remain. They can be used to glaze, but first you need to cool well. Lemon juice makes the icing more dense and gives it a slightly sour taste.


• one egg (protein);

• small lemon;

• fine salt;

• 180 gr. powdered sugar.


1. We wash the egg in warm water, carefully wiping the shell with a foam sponge. You can take a little soda, it will help to better wash off all the dirt. 2. Then dry the washed egg with a towel and, holding it over a clean bowl, gently break the shell. Protein is poured into the dishes, and the yolk is removed, it is not needed. In the protein should not be an admixture of yolk, watch this carefully, otherwise it will not scramble.

3. Put a bowl of egg white in the fridge and wait 40 minutes, and best of all, an hour.

4. While the protein is cooling, let's do the preparation of lemon juice. To do this, dip the citrus for three minutes in boiling water. Then cut it in half and squeeze both parts well. The separated juice is filtered through a sieve so that there is no pulp left in it.

5. Remove the protein from the refrigerator and for several minutes, beat it with a small amount of salt to a stable foam.

6. When the resulting foam mass when tilting the dishes will not drain, we begin to introduce powdered sugar. We do this with continuous beating, pouring in small amounts, not more than a spoon at a time. In parallel, pour the filtered juice into the protein mass.

7. We stop beating when steady, non-spreading protein “spines” rise behind its ribs when lifting the mixer.

Protein white glaze for cake: recipe of fudge

Thick protein mass is brewed with hot sugar syrup. The glaze is dense, well applied and does not flow. When freezing does not crack and does not stick, and when cutting the cake is not sprinkled.


• five proteins;

• a glass of unrefined sugar;

• water.


1. Pre-cooled squirrels are poured into a clean bowl and slowly begin to beat. If using a mixer, turn it on at minimum speed.

2. After the appearance of white foam, we begin to add sugar. We enter it in parts: first 0.25 teaspoons, then half. The newly added portion of sugar is thoroughly whipped with proteins and we do not introduce a new one until all the grains of the former have completely dissolved. Mixer speed gradually increase. Having received magnificent weight, temporarily we set aside a bowl aside.

3. Pour the remaining sugar into the pan, add water. The liquid must completely cover the sugar and not rise above its level. We put the container on the fire and slowly melt it so that the sand is evenly distributed, we mix it regularly. 4. After waiting for the crystals to completely dissolve, boil the syrup for about a minute, bring to a boil, and remove from the stove.

5. Add a small pinch of citric acid to the fluffy protein mass and start beating again, slowly pouring in the hot syrup. Beat for a long time, until the mass thickens well.

A simple recipe for icing sugar cake

The easiest option glaze. It is made from two ingredients and does not require whipping. In cooking it is very important to use warm water so that the powder is not collected in lumps, but dissolves evenly and quickly.


• half a glass of water;

• 180 gr. sugar, freshly prepared, powder.


1. Twice the powdered sugar through a rare sieve. Pour water into the saucepan and slowly warm it to 40 degrees.

2. Pour the powder into the bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of warm water and mix the liquid in the most thorough way. Then add some more water and stir everything well too.

3. Continue to add water until it all goes away. The result should be not too rare and rather thin icing.

4. The glaze seizes well, so it is better to put it on baking immediately after cooking, and if you want to decorate the cake with powder, do it as quickly as possible.

Two-colored cake glaze: recipe with gelatin

Used in the preparation of gelatin makes the glaze elastic. It does not spread when applied to baked goods and does not crumble when cutting the product. Finished glaze should be given to suspend a little so that it does not flow through the cake. But you should not wait for complete cooling, it quickly thickens. Gelatin is better to choose instant.


• teaspoon of gelatin granules;

• six tablespoons of water;

• high-quality cocoa powder - 2 tsp;

• sugar refined sugar - 200 gr.


1. Pour gelatin in a small plate with two large spoons of water and set aside for a quarter of an hour so that its granules can swell well.

2. Pour the sugar into a small saucepan or saucepan. We add to it four spoons of water and, having carefully stirred, we put on weak fire. While stirring, slowly warming until the crystals completely dissolve. 3. Remove from the heat and enter into the clear syrup, which has swelled by this time, gelatin. First, carefully stir the syrup, then beat with a mixer for about two minutes (until white) and allow to cool slightly.

4. We will separate the warm syrup in two unequal parts and in a smaller portion, mix cocoa. Add the powder gradually and mix well, so that the cocoa dissolves better and does not catch in lumps.

5. Applying a culinary brush, richly lubricate the surface of the cake with white icing. Then on it we drip in different places a little dark and with the edge of a wooden skewer or toothpicks we make stars in the form of stars or apply an arbitrary pattern.

Kulich glaze: recipe without the use of proteins

In the preparation of used yolks, which are whipped with powdered sugar, then combined with sugar syrup. Glaze is applied to the Easter cakes warm, it cools very quickly when cooled.


• icing sugar - half a cup (90 gr.);

• 100 gr. fine sugar;

• yolks of two eggs;

• two spoons of water.


1. In a small saucepan mix sugar with water, place the container on a small fire. When all the grains of sugar are melted, and the syrup becomes transparent and uniform, remove it from the stove and let it cool slightly.

2. At this time, sow the icing sugar, add it to the yolks. Thoroughly whisk with a whisk, and best of all with a low frequency of rotation of the mixer, to a dense fluffy foam.

3. Beating the warm syrup, gradually introduce a yolk foam mass into it. If you combine hot syrup with yolks, they will immediately roll up.

4. Without letting the glaze grab, we immediately coat it with the tops of the Easter cakes. When cooled, it quickly freezes.

Dark chocolate icing for the cake: a recipe with cocoa and starch

The technology of preparation is simple - all components are mixed, carefully grinding between each other, and then slowly boil. Cocoa is used for coloring and chocolate flavor. Starch thickens the mass and contributes to rapid hardening.


• a glass of fresh powdered sugar (180 gr.);

• a teaspoon of dry fresh starch;

• two teaspoons of cocoa powder;

• 20 gr. sweet cream butter; • two spoons of milk.


1. We get the oil out of the cold beforehand and leave it on the table so that it becomes soft. You can soften in the microwave, carefully making sure that it does not leak.

2. Grind thoroughly, mix the softened butter first with powdered sugar, then with starch and cocoa. Each ingredient is added gradually, adding in small portions.

3. In the resulting mass, pouring in small portions, add warm milk.

4. The resulting homogeneous mass is placed on the stove and boil over low heat for no more than five minutes. Do not boil!

Cream Cake Frosting: Recipe with White Chocolate

An interesting recipe for glaze cake. White chocolate is used as a binder, instead of eggs. It gives sweet a delicate cream shade and a pleasant taste. The required density of the finished product provides potato starch. Replacing it with flour or corn product is not worth it, they can give the glaze an unpleasant specific taste.


• sweet cream, 72% butter - 50 grams;

• potato starch - four large spoons;

• six spoons of milk;

• 200 gr. powdered sugar;

• 100 grams of white non-porous chocolate.


1. Disperse the powdered powder into a suitable saucepan, pour in the milk, stir well and set on a small fire. Stirring, wait for the mixture to boil.

2. Break open the white chocolate bar into pieces, transfer it to the boiling mixture and heat it up, slightly lowering the heat until the chocolate pieces are completely dissolved. Be sure to stir, it will speed up the process.

3. Then, without removing from the plate, we interfere with starch. When the chocolate mass reaches homogeneity, turn off the heat, stir in the softened butter in the heat and let it cool down a little.

4. Using a special silicone brush, evenly coat with warm glaze the top of a well-cooled cake. If applied to a hot product, after hardening, the glaze will crack.

Protein white glaze for the cake: a recipe with sugar

In cooking it is very important to use only fresh eggs. Since the glaze is not thermally processed, before breaking the egg, it must be rinsed well. Otherwise, dirt and germs from the shell can get into proteins, and this is fraught with health problems. Ingredients:

• two squirrels;

• a glass of sugar, preferably finely ground;

• 0.3 teaspoon salt.


1. Pour the proteins in a refrigerator for at least two hours into a deep bowl, add salt and proceed to beating. For this it is better to use a mixer.

2. First, for a minute, beat the whites, setting the minimum turnovers. Then, gradually increasing the speed, we bring the speed to the maximum. It should make a dense, well-shaped foam.

3. Without stopping to beat and lowering the speed to medium, we begin to introduce sugar. Add sand to a teaspoon. We do not introduce a new batch until the grains of previously added sugar are completely dissolved.

4. Stop beating only after we get a dense, non-flowing protein mass with a glossy shine. If the sugar does not dissolve, after hardening, the icing may peel off the cake.

5. Finished protein fudge coated with well-cooled cakes, and only immediately after cooking.

Glaze Kulich recipes - cooking tricks and helpful tips

• The dishes chosen to whip proteins must be perfectly dry and clean. Impurities of fat, dirt and moisture will prevent the beating, the mass will not work lush.

• Add a little “lemon” to the proteins along with icing sugar, just a few crystals, the products will beat up faster, and the icing will be more dense.

• Chocolate glaze is recommended to be applied in portions, and in order to lay it evenly, a thin layer of jam can be applied to the surface of the cake.

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