Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

If you have not tried cooking melted cheese at home, I advise you to start. Homemade melted cheese is the most common, the taste can be changed at your discretion. You regulate the degree of salinity, spices and additives yourself, and you will need very little time to prepare this rather necessary product in the home menu. Be sure to try the mixed ingredients before sending them to the water bath, at this stage you can change the taste, for example, add a pinch of sugar or a drop of lemon juice.

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

There are several stages of homemade processed cheese readiness, choose the one you like best. At the first stage, the cheese is liquid and viscous, it is convenient to spread it on bread. If you cook another 5 minutes after melting, then when homemade melted cheese hardens, it will be similar to “Amber”. And if you thicken a lot of mass (8 minutes), then you can even cut it into slices, since the processed cheese will turn out like a melted shop cheese.

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes
  • Amount: 300 g

Ingredients for Homemade Processed Cheese with Chili and Spinach

  • 200 g of curd fat content of 2%;
  • 40 g butter;
  • egg;
  • 10 g of frozen spinach;
  • chili peppers;
  • 4 g of baking soda;
  • 5 g of salt;
  • turmeric, oregano, thyme.
Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

A way to make homemade melted cheese with chili and spinach

We rub through a small sieve of cottage cheese, the smaller the grains of cottage cheese are, the faster the process will go, that is, by wiping it, you reduce the cooking time of cheese. The fat content of the curd does not particularly affect the taste of the finished product, you can cook the cheese from the fatter curd.

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

In a skillet, melt the butter, add frozen spinach to it. Practice shows that even a teaspoon of spinach colors the cheese in a light green color, so add it within reasonable limits, no more than 10 g. Mix the grated curd, melted butter and spinach

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

Mix the ingredients, add the raw chicken egg. I advise you to break the egg in a separate bowl, and then add to the cottage cheese, so you protect the product from the pieces of the shell, and the eggs are of different quality.

Add chopped finely pods chili, thyme, oregano. Homemade processed cheese is good because you can add any seasoning to your taste.

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

Add soda, salt and a small pinch of turmeric to the bowl, it will give the melted cheese a light yellow, appetizing color that everyone likes in cheese. If the cottage cheese is sour, then add a small pinch of sugar.

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

Put the bowl in the water bath. The water under the bowl should boil slowly, cheese should not be ignored.

Almost immediately, the mass will begin to melt, it must be constantly mixed, and as soon as the last grains of cottage cheese melt, the home-made melted cheese is ready. If you want to get a thicker texture, then cook it for about 5-8 minutes.

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

Lubricate the culinary ring and plate with vegetable oil, fill it with ready-made homemade melted cheese, leave to cool at room temperature, and then put it in the fridge.

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

After a few hours, homemade melted cheese with chili and spinach can be removed from the ring and stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

Homemade Cream Cheese with Chili and Spinach

Homemade melted cheese with chili and spinach is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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