Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

It’s impossible to break away, the Count’s ruins are eaten in 15 minutes. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what recipe it is made with meringue, in the classical way, with cream or custard.

He bribes his design in the form of careless heaps of "debris". At home, such cakes are especially popular. I always use a lot of variations with decorations, different glazes and, of course, cream.

How to cook a cake Count ruins at home

There are two cooking methods for this dessert:

  1. With shortcakes
  2. With meringue

Moreover, both of them are classic. In the first version, everything is simpler, sponge cake on eggs, or kefir bake is not difficult and fast. The second option for aces cooking. It is very important to bake the right meringue. Do not overdry, whip enough strong foam, and follow the technology to the smallest detail to get an airy product.

The creams in this cake are different. For lovers of too sweet oil cream is suitable, for those who love a more delicate taste, cream with sour cream. It turns out well dessert with traditional custard and even with the usual condensed milk.

For decoration, be sure to use glaze. It needs to be watered from above so that it does not spread, but flows from top to bottom, then the culinary product will look more interesting.

As additives, nuts, peanuts, wood, cashews, and walnuts are usually used. They can be mixed with cream or sprinkle the top. Prunes and dried apricots are often added, they diversify the taste, but, this is an amateur.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Cake Count ruins with sour cream, step by step recipe with photos

We will need:

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

For sponge cake:

  • Two chicken eggs
  • A glass of sour cream
  • Two glasses of flour
  • A glass of sugar
  • Big spoonful of cocoa
  • Baking powder bag (10 grams)


  • One and a half glasses of sour cream with 20% fat content
  • A glass of sugar
  • Vanillin


  • Chocolate bar


Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Beat eggs with sugar until foam appears until the mass doubles.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Add sour cream to them and beat again.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Mix the flour together with baking powder and sift into liquid, stir all the lumps.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Pour one half of the dough into cooked form. It can be greased with any fat or oil, but it is better to cover the bottom with baking paper.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

The second half is mixed with cocoa powder, it can also be sifted so that it does not come across lumps.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

We bake both cakes at once at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. When baking, look, To not burn down the bottom, adjust the temperature.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

While baking the cakes we are engaged in cream, whip sour cream with sugar and vanilla. The cream should also increase in volume.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Cut the cocoa cake into cubes.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Light cream cake grease cream.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

From above we lay out dark crust cubes rolled in cream.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

To make a glaze, melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath. Buy chocolate with a large percentage of fat, if it is bad to drown, add a piece of butter.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Pour icing on the cake. We give soak in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then we invite everyone to tea.

Cake Count ruins with meringue

This recipe has been living in our family for 20 years. It is more difficult to prepare it than the first one, but if you “put your hand on” in preparing an air meringue, you will be carried by your household.


For meringue:

  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • citric acid at the tip of the knife

For cream:

  • 100 grams of powdered sugar
  • 300 grams of oil

For decoration:

  • dark chocolate bar
  • roasted peanuts

How to cook:

Squirrels are separated from the yolks and put in a fridge for half an hour (cold ones are easier to beat). Gradually add sugar to the cooled proteins, while continuing to whip, add citric acid (with it, whipped proteins keep their shape better). Beat up to a strong foam, so that the mass does not spread.

We cover the baking sheets with oiled baking paper and a teaspoon and lay the balls out of the prepared mass. We put in a preheated oven, bake for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees. Our meringues should dry well and lightly brown.

Well, in the meantime, they blush, we are preparing a cream of softened butter and powdered sugar. Beat well with a mixer so that the cream turns white.

Meringue carefully remove from the paper and lay on a platter, it should cool. Then, using the cream of meringue balls, we build a “hill”. Sprinkle with peanuts and grated chocolate on top, you can also pour glaze.

Frosting: cocoa - 2 tablespoons, sugar - 3 tablespoons, sour cream - 2 tablespoons, butter - 30 grams.

Ready cake to keep in the fridge, so that the cream froze.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Cake Grafskie ruins with condensed milk

Prepares simply, very tasty. Suitable for Sunday tea, and to receive guests at the celebration. Biscuit can be baked any.

We take:

  • 140 grams of sifted flour
  • Four eggs
  • A glass of granulated sugar
  • A tablespoon of cocoa


  • Condensed milk bank
  • A glass of sour cream
  • Three hundred grams of oil
  • A big spoon of brandy


  • Chocolate bar
  • Three large spoons of butter

Cooking process:

All components for baking should be at room temperature, butter for the cake and cream should be removed from the refrigerator before it becomes soft.

Break eggs into a bowl and beat with a mixer. After the formation of foam, we begin to pour sugar, without ceasing to beat. The mass should become light and increase in volume. The longer you beat, the more spicy the cake will be.

We mix flour with cocoa and sift it into an egg-sugar mass, now we arm ourselves with a whisk. We break all lumps, we receive a uniform consistence.

Baking pan with baking paper and pour the dough on it. We bake twenty minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. Readiness can be checked with a toothpick. We pierce the cake in several places, if there is no dough on it, everything is ready.

We leave the sponge cake to cool and apply the cream, whip the softened butter until it turns white, only after that we start to inject a spoonful of condensed milk. Each time, stir the next portion completely.

As soon as the whole condensed milk leaves, add sour cream and stir well. At the end we add brandy, which is easy to replace with ordinary vanillin, it’s just for the flavor.

Cut out a circle from the cooled cake, which will become the basis of the cake. We grease it with a cream, we well paint its sides. Cut the remains, corners of the cake dice into cubes and fold into the remaining cream, mix and spread on the base.

Now do the glaze. Break the chocolate bar into pieces and put it in a bowl, add the butter and put it in a water bath. When the substance becomes liquid, pour it over the cake. We clean for two hours in the refrigerator.

Cake Count ruins with prunes and nuts

I most often use peanuts, just the children like it better. In the classic version, walnuts are provided.

We'll take:

  • Ten egg proteins
  • Three hundred grams of butter
  • Two glasses of sugar
  • Condensed milk bank
  • 150 grams of prunes
  • Two Lemons
  • Three hundred grams of kernels of nuts
  • Big chocolate bar

Cooking process:

We first need to rinse the lemons in hot water with a brush and remove the zest from them with a float. After cutting one lemon in half and squeezing the juice from half.

Squirrels we need chilled to better beat. We break them into a large, wide dish and begin to beat. Gradually add sugar, pour lemon juice at the end. Mass must hold. It is checked for readiness, they take a little foam with two fingers, thumb and forefinger, fingers unclench, foam should form strong peaks.

Using a conventional bag or a pastry syringe, squeeze the protein mass into a baking sheet lined with parchment. We set to dry in an oven heated to 80 degrees. Bezheski will be prepared for about one and a half hours, from time to time you need to open the door to release moist air.

While the meringues are cooling down, we are doing the cream. Oil soften in advance. First you need to beat him up to turn white. We condense the condensed milk in advance and let it cool. To drive it into the oil you need portions.

Rinse prunes with hot water, then cold and lay out to dry. We cut it into pieces. Wash the nuts and dry in the oven. Then we fall asleep in a plastic bag, level it and roll it out with a rolling pin, so we get chopped nuts. A few pieces left intact to decorate the top of the cake. We start to collect the cake, spread the first layer of meringue on a large platter, cream on top, sprinkle with nuts and lay out the prunes. Then in turn lay out all the components, until you get a slide.

Chocolate break into pieces and melt in a water bath. Instead, it is suitable glaze, cooked from sour cream, sugar and cocoa. Pour the cake over the top and decorate with whole kernels of nuts.

Cake Count ruins, recipe with protein cream

This recipe is an incredible combination of biscuit and air meringue. All this is saturated with the most delicate protein cream. Calorie rolls over, but it is impossible to break away.

We will need:

For sponge cake:

  • A glass of sifted flour
  • A glass of granulated sugar
  • Four eggs
  • A teaspoon of baking soda extinguished with vinegar

For meringue:

  • Two glasses of powdered sugar
  • Six proteins
  • Citric acid at the tip of the knife


  • Two hundred grams of softened butter
  • Two hundred grams of regular condensed milk
  • Bank of boiled condensed milk

Protein cream:

  • Half cup of powdered sugar
  • Two egg whites
  • One hundred grams of walnut kernels

Cooking process:

Cook the condensed milk in advance, pour the water over the closed jar and cook for three hours, then let it cool completely. In no way hot.

The first will bake the cake. Beat with a mixer into the foam of the egg, gradually pour the sugar, beat until the volume doubles. Add Slaked Soda.

In the liquid begin to mix the flour. Making a homogeneous, lump-free dough. Prepare a baking dish of medium size. The bottom is lined with parchment and baked biscuit at a temperature of 180 degrees for about forty minutes. Readiness check toothpick. Next, the cake along the diameter is cut into two parts and leave to cool. It's all meringue. We take out the cooled proteins and start to beat them first at the average speed of the mixer. When foam appears, we add powdered sugar, beat with it faster, there are no such large grains as in sugar.

To make the protein foam stronger, add some citric acid at the end. Baking pan with baking paper and lay out the meringue. You can do this with a pastry syringe or a regular spoon. The oven should already be heated to 90 degrees, set to dry without a stove for an hour and a half.

The next step is the preparation of butter cream. Mix the softened butter with a mixer until it is pompy, then spread a spoonful of boiled condensed milk into it. When the mass is homogeneous, add the usual condensed milk and continue to mix until cooked.

The final step will be the preparation of protein cream. First you need to prepare the nuts, rinse them and dry them in a heated oven. Putting a couple of spoons on the decoration, grind the rest in a mortar or blender.

Beat the whites with powdered sugar in the foam and at the end fall asleep crushed nuts crumb. Stir and put in the fridge.

Now we proceed to the assembly of the cake. Put a layer of butter cream on a flat, large dish and place the first cake on it. Dab it with another layer of cream and spread the second cake. We should have about a third of the oil cream, top of the cake grease them, leaving two or three spoons for decoration.

On top of the greased cakes lay out layers of meringue, smearing them with protein cream. Should eventually form a slide. Top smear with the remnants of protein cream, pour the remaining butter cream and decorate with nuts. We give the cake soak a couple of hours.

Cake Count ruins, recipes with sour cream, meringue, condensed milk, custard

Cake Count ruins with custard

The recipe can also be called a classic. Shop Count ruins often do it with custard. But homemade is much tastier. We'll take:

For meringue

  • Three egg whites
  • A glass of icing sugar

For cream

  • Three egg yolks
  • Two hundred grams of butter
  • A glass of milk
  • Two tablespoons of flour
  • Half cup of sugar
  • One third teaspoon of vanilla
  • A big spoon of brandy


  • Chocolate bar
  • Three tablespoons of butter
  • Nuts

Cooking process:

Beat chilled proteins into foam and sprinkle icing sugar. Using a mixer, make a strong protein mass. Spoon spread on a baking sheet, covered with parchment and send to the oven to dry at a temperature of 80-90 degrees for one and a half hours.

Before the foam, rub the yolks with sugar, dissolve the flour in cold milk and add to the yolks, whisk with a whisk and place on the stove. Cook the cream to the consistency of condensed milk.

Cool the thickened cream and in small portions enter the oil, add vanilla and brandy.

We spread the meringue on the dish, each greasing cream, build a hill. Top with glaze of melted chocolate and butter, and decorate with nuts.

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